Bette Midler forgets her place in the victim hierarchy


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
Bette Midler tweeted:

“‘Women, are the n-word of the world,'” Midler tweeted. “Raped, beaten, ensalved, married off, worked like dumb animals; denied education and inheritance; enduring the pain and danger of childbirth and life IN SILENCE for THOUSANDS of years. They are the most disrespected creatures on earth.”

The SJWs became enraged and she later had to apologize with the following tweet:

"The too brief investigation of allegations against Kavanaugh infuriated me. Angrily I tweeted w/o thinking my choice of words would be enraging to black women who doubly suffer, both by being women and by being black. I am an ally and stand with you; always have. And I apologize."

She forgot black, non-cis gendered women in wheelchairs from impoverished backgrounds.
I love it when stupid liberals are bitch slapped with their own PC bullshit.

Idiot asked for it.

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