Biden Admin Quietly Admits Cancelling Keystone Pipeline Costs Thousands Of Jobs, Millions Of Dollars - Oh Well, Agenda Demanded It


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Democrats WRECKED the Keystone pipeline for purely political reasons costing us thousands of good paying blue-collar jobs. Sadly it wasn't the only pipeline work Dems and the Biden admin have killed off to appease their stupid shit climate moron base.
If there is one act which defines the Decrepit Puppet , this is it.

Who sensibility can deny that this was the act of a traitor -- a paid piece of shite under control of the WEF ?

The deliberate dismantling of America .
So what? It was part of his / Democrats' imposed, forced 'transition'.

Admitting this is not a sign of regret - just stating facts.

Thousands of temporary jobs. And here is the kicker,

his decision moved the U.S. further away from energy independence and lower gas prices at a time when inflation and gas prices are drastically impacting Americans’ pocketbooks

How in the sam hell does building a pipeline to directly import nasty ass oil from Canada improve America's energy independence? I mean riddle me that shit. And if the pipeline would have been approved gas prices would have WENT UP. Every study indicates as much. Especially in the Midwest, like say, Montana.

The whole purpose of Keystone was to deliver nasty ass oil to refineries in the Gulf to be processed into diesel fuel and exported. In other words, bend over American people and take it up the ass, and no, you get no vaseline. Nope, the American people take on the environmental cost, risk to the aquifer, toxic waste, and they don't get jackshit in return Canada gets a couple dollars extra for every barrel of oil they import, and they are our largest supplier. Brazil and Mexico get cheaper diesel while Americans pay more for gasoline. What part of "America first" do you not understand?
Thousands of temporary jobs. I remember reading it was only going to lead to around 50 permanent jobs..
I cant for the life of me wonder why so many people supported Americans losing their legacy and land for a FOREIGN company. Most of it the shit was getting exported any way. To go to CHINA and shit.
Thousands of temporary jobs. And here is the kicker,

his decision moved the U.S. further away from energy independence and lower gas prices at a time when inflation and gas prices are drastically impacting Americans’ pocketbooks

How in the sam hell does building a pipeline to directly import nasty ass oil from Canada improve America's energy independence? I mean riddle me that shit. And if the pipeline would have been approved gas prices would have WENT UP. Every study indicates as much. Especially in the Midwest, like say, Montana.

The whole purpose of Keystone was to deliver nasty ass oil to refineries in the Gulf to be processed into diesel fuel and exported. In other words, bend over American people and take it up the ass, and no, you get no vaseline. Nope, the American people take on the environmental cost, risk to the aquifer, toxic waste, and they don't get jackshit in return Canada gets a couple dollars extra for every barrel of oil they import, and they are our largest supplier. Brazil and Mexico get cheaper diesel while Americans pay more for gasoline. What part of "America first" do you not understand?


What part of 'cost thousands of jobs and BILLIONS of dollars' do you not understand?

Try telling someone trying to provide for their family their jobs cut meant / mean nothing.
Democrats WRECKED the Keystone pipeline for purely political reasons costing us thousands of good paying blue-collar jobs. Sadly it wasn't the only pipeline work Dems and the Biden admin have killed off to appease their stupid shit climate moron base.
I notice gas prices rose again.

thought to myself "Hmm... must have been another US pipeline shut down or maybe an oil refinery.."

That portion of the pipeline was killed under Obama after Congress passed legislation and it was Vetoed. By reviving it's construction with and Executive Order instead of a legislation, Trump opened up it's cancellation simply by another Executive Order. The Neo-GOP had control of both chambers of Congress and couldn't get that done or make any kind of a deal on most anything....

What part of 'cost thousands of jobs and BILLIONS of dollars' do you not understand?

Try telling someone trying to provide for their family their jobs cut meant / mean nothing.
OK, let me get this right. I should worry about a pipeline worker that gets a temporary job, to build a pipeline that will result in higher gas prices, and higher crude prices from our number one supplier. That will result in even more diesel being exported, and subject this nation to environmental hazards. Seriously? Again, what part of America first do you not understand? Is Canada first the same thing?
So what? It was part of his / Democrats' imposed, forced 'transition'.

Admitting this is not a sign of regret - just stating facts.

This article is misleading and the link to the report is leads to another Fox article.
OK, let me get this right. I should worry about a pipeline worker that gets a temporary job, to build a pipeline that will result in higher gas prices, and higher crude prices from our number one supplier. That will result in even more diesel being exported, and subject this nation to environmental hazards. Seriously? Again, what part of America first do you not understand? Is Canada first the same thing?

So you think the pipeline cancellation, not Biden's failed policies, his war on THE resource on which our economy is based, and this forced transition to an energy source that is supposed to replace fossil fuels but one that has not been discovered / invented yet, is the reason for higher gas prices, higher diesel prices, food shortages,supply chIn crisises, etc...?!

So you think the pipeline cancellation, not Biden's failed policies, his war on THE resource on which our economy is based, and this forced transition to an energy source that is supposed to replace fossil fuels but one that has not been discovered / invented yet, is the reason for higher gas prices, higher diesel prices, food shortages,supply chIn crisises, etc...?!


After oil prices went negative, it was the market forces shutting down production in 2020 that reversed the price of oil and gas long before Biden was elected or took office.
Thousands huh?

I'm sure most, if not all, those people are happily employed somewhere else by now.

The economy is booming, thanks Sleepy Joe!
They're setting us up for a colossal energy crisis. We have neither the supply or grid to support their EV wet dreams.
It is not too early to think regional, statewide and local on energy now. Just for self-preservation.
Remember how all these stupid Moon Bats that post on this forum justified Potatohead doing it?

Will they now also admit they were confused and stupid?

The Potatohead administration was (and is) wrong on every policy and there is a whole lot more admissions of wrong doing to do.

Think we will ever get an admission that it was wrong to let millions of goddamn Illegals flood into this country or it was wrong to raise taxes or that they were wrong on spending so much money for useless shit or that they fucked up the withdrawal from Afghanistan?
So what? It was part of his / Democrats' imposed, forced 'transition'.

Admitting this is not a sign of regret - just stating facts.

I can't believe people are so ignorant after 11 years. Guess it's a testament to the influence of Fox News.
I can't believe people are so ignorant after 11 years. Guess it's a testament to the influence of Fox News.
Biden doesn't watch Fox News. His stupidity is natural, his brain damage is from dementia.

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