Biden Administration Lead The IMF To Better Address Pandemic!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The Biden Administration is missing an opportunity to really protect the world from the ravages of the Covid 19 virus and help heal the world economy from this pandemics. Specifically what the Biden Administration is planning to do is to agree to an International Monetary Fund (IMF) plan to release 650 billion dollars worth of Special Drawing Rights it is like the IMF's generic currency that recipients can exchange for major currencies throughout the world like the dollar or euro. Pursuant to the IMF charter it has to distribute the 650 billion SDR allotment amongst its 190 country membership based on each country's IMF quota share and as one would expect wealthy countries largely finance the IMF so this charter provision will result in the G20 countries getting approximately seventy (70) percent of these SDRs -455 SDR [pursuant to the Wall Street Journal]. It is still a good plan because these poor countries are really hurting bad from the pandemic so even the modest amount they will be getting under the plan will greatly help them. I know the Biden Administration has a political challenge with this plan because there is members of Congress of both parties that are at least leery if not outright opposed to helping countries who are repressive totalitarian governments and countries who are sponsors of unjust military aggression and terrorism throughout the world which this IMF plan will result in helping some such countries. The Biden Administration is right to still support the plan because the greater good is that this plan will stop and alleviate a lot of humanitarian harm throughout the world.

The Biden administration to their credit is planning to steer at least a sizable portion of their allotment to a program the IMF is putting together which will allow countries like the US steer a portion of their allotment to a program that makes loans available to really needy poor countries. Why doesn't the Biden Administration do one level better why doesn't it push the Executives of the IMF to set up a five to ten year Healthcare grant program for needy poor countries funded by wealthy countries that are prepared to disclaim a portion of their allotment of this SDR distribution. Poor countries need more loans like they need a plague many of them are already struggling with their current debt load. To insure the grants were only used for healthcare needs the IMF could distribute the grants in three or four month block distributions where recipient countries will have to submit to an audit that the grant monies are going only to healthcare expenses for the probable at most few uncooperative countries the IMF could set up an office to fund directly the respective country's hospitals and these hospitals vendors if the respective country is willing to cooperate at least that much. Restricting the money only for healthcare expenditures should placate those worried about the IMF with this program just fueling more violence and deprivation of human rights throughout the world.

Setting up a healthcare grant program in the IMF could be really super beneficial to the world because medical experts are rendering opinions where the world could be subject to health safety issues for years to come from this Covid 19 disease as the virus is kept alive in poor countries that do not have widespread vaccination programs that not only provide the initial vaccine but also provide what may be needed in so far as yearly booster shots. This concern should be an extremely worrying concern for authorities in the developed world because viruses mutate and it spreading through populations in these poor countries could result in the virus mutating to the extent where it puts the world back to March of 2020 with the current vaccine being essentially ineffective. Having this grant program will go a long way to facilitating these poor countries in establishing good vaccination programs that produce herd immunity in their country and largely stop the spread of the virus and its chance to mutate to a deadly new strain. Further looking at media coverage of the Covid pandemic over the past year it is shocking how inadequate and deplorable hospitals are in some of these poorer countries with shortages of the most basic things like oxygen and water! Helping the healthcare system in some of these poor countries over the next five to ten years is not only action which is called for by wealthy countries meeting their moral obligation to mankind but it also may bring some stability and functioning capabilities to these countries where the population of these countries gets a good taste of a relatively decent healthcare system it may move these populations to get their governments to work and be effective as a government so as to sustain the healthcare system in their country!
..we already help the world a lot in many ways....we can't afford to give our $$$$ away anymore
The Biden Administration is missing an opportunity to really protect the world from the ravages of the Covid 19 virus and help heal the world economy from this pandemics. Specifically what the Biden Administration is planning to do is to agree to an International Monetary Fund (IMF) plan to release 650 billion dollars worth of Special Drawing Rights it is like the IMF's generic currency that recipients can exchange for major currencies throughout the world like the dollar or euro. Pursuant to the IMF charter it has to distribute the 650 billion SDR allotment amongst its 190 country membership based on each country's IMF quota share and as one would expect wealthy countries largely finance the IMF so this charter provision will result in the G20 countries getting approximately seventy (70) percent of these SDRs -455 SDR [pursuant to the Wall Street Journal]. It is still a good plan because these poor countries are really hurting bad from the pandemic so even the modest amount they will be getting under the plan will greatly help them. I know the Biden Administration has a political challenge with this plan because there is members of Congress of both parties that are at least leery if not outright opposed to helping countries who are repressive totalitarian governments and countries who are sponsors of unjust military aggression and terrorism throughout the world which this IMF plan will result in helping some such countries. The Biden Administration is right to still support the plan because the greater good is that this plan will stop and alleviate a lot of humanitarian harm throughout the world.

The Biden administration to their credit is planning to steer at least a sizable portion of their allotment to a program the IMF is putting together which will allow countries like the US steer a portion of their allotment to a program that makes loans available to really needy poor countries. Why doesn't the Biden Administration do one level better why doesn't it push the Executives of the IMF to set up a five to ten year Healthcare grant program for needy poor countries funded by wealthy countries that are prepared to disclaim a portion of their allotment of this SDR distribution. Poor countries need more loans like they need a plague many of them are already struggling with their current debt load. To insure the grants were only used for healthcare needs the IMF could distribute the grants in three or four month block distributions where recipient countries will have to submit to an audit that the grant monies are going only to healthcare expenses for the probable at most few uncooperative countries the IMF could set up an office to fund directly the respective country's hospitals and these hospitals vendors if the respective country is willing to cooperate at least that much. Restricting the money only for healthcare expenditures should placate those worried about the IMF with this program just fueling more violence and deprivation of human rights throughout the world.

Setting up a healthcare grant program in the IMF could be really super beneficial to the world because medical experts are rendering opinions where the world could be subject to health safety issues for years to come from this Covid 19 disease as the virus is kept alive in poor countries that do not have widespread vaccination programs that not only provide the initial vaccine but also provide what may be needed in so far as yearly booster shots. This concern should be an extremely worrying concern for authorities in the developed world because viruses mutate and it spreading through populations in these poor countries could result in the virus mutating to the extent where it puts the world back to March of 2020 with the current vaccine being essentially ineffective. Having this grant program will go a long way to facilitating these poor countries in establishing good vaccination programs that produce herd immunity in their country and largely stop the spread of the virus and its chance to mutate to a deadly new strain. Further looking at media coverage of the Covid pandemic over the past year it is shocking how inadequate and deplorable hospitals are in some of these poorer countries with shortages of the most basic things like oxygen and water! Helping the healthcare system in some of these poor countries over the next five to ten years is not only action which is called for by wealthy countries meeting their moral obligation to mankind but it also may bring some stability and functioning capabilities to these countries where the population of these countries gets a good taste of a relatively decent healthcare system it may move these populations to get their governments to work and be effective as a government so as to sustain the healthcare system in their country!
Sucks. A Global Economy would put the USA equal with shithole countries like El Salvador and Somolia. Why do ya think the Brits are leaving the "European Union" with Brexit.

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