"Under Joe Biden's administration, mortgages have doubled to the highest level in history & double the cost to rent,"

Not true when buying a home.

Initially your wages lag the price of your mortgage.
But over 30 years, your mortgage stays constant while your wages increase significantly
Once true....not anymore.
The economy has had a massive shift in jobs and careers. Jobs only last a maximum of 6 years...and then you will have to move. (National average)
Where the "work from home" movement has changed this somewhat....it's being fought by huge corporations.
I’m asking folks

for the middle class will we have a status quo that we currently have for years to come, will things get worse soon or will they get better sooner than later? What folks think about that?

I’m a traditional Democrat. I would support a sensible foreign policy, and I want something like we had during the post World War II years known as the post World War II economic, boom in the USA, which created millions of middle-class jobs. Capitalism as it was in the middle of the 20th century worked out tremendously for America. So I’m not against a free market, I’m not against capitalism.

I don’t have all of the answers and maybe there are folks here who are more informed about these issues. We are currently going through an economic depression in the USA. Certainly for the working class that is completely undeniable. That’s what happens when interest rates on home loans triple under Joe Biden compared to what they were under Trump. But forget about for a moment who gets elected or re elected in 2024. Answer the questions posed.

It is interesting that left-wing fanaticism, which is going on in the USA today(the rise of BLM, wokeness, cancel culture and men going into women’s bathrooms and other fanatical things) and neo conservative foreign policy toward countries like Ukraine and Israel is simultaneously occurring with record high home prices and tripling of interest rates on home loans.

All of the above is the result of the Republican policies since the 1980s.

They created a society where the working people are powerless. All wealth is funneled up to the wealthiest .01%, who have become a de facto royalty.

Monarchists have never disappeared; they have been waiting for generations to destroy the American middle class. They are succeeding.

They kept us all focused on anti-communism while they twisted our economy to their benefit.
All of the above is the result of the Republican policies since the 1980s.

They created a society where the working people are powerless. All wealth is funneled up to the wealthiest .01%, who have become a de facto royalty.

Monarchists have never disappeared; they have been waiting for generations to destroy the American middle class. They are succeeding.

They kept us all focused on anti-communism while they twisted our economy to their benefit.
You’re talking about Neo conservatives. Although in today’s political climate many left-wing Democrats support funding for endless foreign wars like the one in Ukraine or in Palestine.

I don’t agree with them. But we cannot deny that the Republican party has fielded pro American, pro middle-class candidates like Dwight Eisenhower who brought us the interstate throughway system….which created many jobs and connected Americans with each other more than ever perhaps.

i’m fully aware that by the late 20th century we lost millions of middle-class jobs. That’s when the rust belts started to develop across the country …. We still see Rust belts to this very day.

Inner city communities which are in many cases black majority are dumps today. They weren’t like 75 years ago 50 years ago. I understand what the crack cocaine epidemic of the 1980s did to the country. I understand what radical left-wing feminism and usage of drugs has done to the American population. I understand the attacks on masculinity, traditional values along with the rise of BLM and radical feminism have made things all for the worse.

But what we all know is that under Donald Trump, a Republican president the cost of living was astronomically less compared to what it is today. And it was the so called coronavirus along with the lockdowns and the printing of trillions of dollars in “stimulus payments” that wrecked things.

And that’s where I might criticize Donald Trump. For perhaps not doing enough to prevent lockdowns and to publicly disagree with or prevent the trillions of dollars in stimulus payments. Obviously, the economic lockdowns, and the printing of trillions of dollars during this so-called coronavirus played a major role in devastating the economy for the middle class.
All of the above is the result of the Republican policies since the 1980s.

They created a society where the working people are powerless. All wealth is funneled up to the wealthiest .01%, who have become a de facto royalty.

Monarchists have never disappeared; they have been waiting for generations to destroy the American middle class. They are succeeding.

They kept us all focused on anti-communism while they twisted our economy to their benefit.
Actually it was Clinton in the 90s that did us in....
This realization of a Global Economy became a reality.
A LOT of the things that kept the wealthy from being wealthy elitists in control of everything were removed. (A lot of Banking and wealth manipulation curbs were removed in deregulation efforts)

Things got worse under Obama and Bush Jr. Got absolutely sloppy. Republicans seeking to get rich did us in as well.

S&L crisis, "too big to fail", and etc were many obvious signs things weren't working properly. All was smoke and mirrors for the real trouble and our politicians made things ultimately worse.

Imagine what it’s like to be a working class person in this country and to hear a democrat brag about the equity of their house going up in value. Which by the way means nothing when that person wants to sell their home and buy a new home at a jacked up price With a higher interest rate. It reminds us of the neo conservatives bragging about how American soldiers don’t have to die in the Russian war in Ukraine, as if the Ukrainian lives mean nothing. It really has to be a form of evil. What else is there to say what other words are there to use?

The cost of living is the most important thing in a country. That’s what separates for example countries with extreme levels of poverty to what people generally believe is the case in the western countries. It’s what separates the so-called third world from the first world. And there are by the way countries in the east they have extraordinary wealth and prosperity like Singapore, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates etc

"Under Joe Biden's administration, mortgages have doubled to the highest level in history & double the cost to rent," Cardone posted. "April 2020: $1,480. April 2024: $2,890 (record high). Will you buy a house this year?"

Biden supporters, the multi millionaire celebrities, and the Hollywood left will continue to support Joe Biden, and they will continue to make whatever excuse they want for the high price of inflation. But the fact is the bottom line is the work class Americans don’t want to hear what they have to say. they want a better economy. They want to be able to afford the American dream. For many Americans across the country they are in a state of being furious wondering if they will ever have a chance at the American dream. God willing whether it’s a Democrat or a Republican, who is elected in 2024 or 2028 that we do have a better future. Because currently the economy is horrible for working class people.
But everything's going just fine.
I got news for you people. There are too many people, and too much foreign money. Blame Biden if you want to, it's no different then blaming Trump for an insurrection that never occurred and covid.

Most certainly it addressed your post and has shown that there are so many mitigating factors involved and it is not just one administration that has not addressed the problem.
It has been going on for decades.
Your attempt to falsely attack and make the problem a 4 yrs situation is factually WRONG!
That’s an issue in fact, corruption among corporations, has always been an issue(probably not too much during the post World War II economic boom when we had a wealthy class but also a strong middle class that we don’t have today)

...but your posts itt do not negate the fax reported on in the original post.

Working class Americans across the country are specifically citing things like a lack of income to afford the costs of living. So you should address this. Forget for a moment who becomes president in 2024.

Despite these financial challenges, homeownership remains a central component of the American Dream, with 78% of Americans viewing it as such, according to Bankrate's Home Affordability Report. Affordability remains a major hurdle, with a significant proportion of nonhomeowners citing lack of income, high home prices and the inability to afford a down payment and closing costs as their main barriers to purchasing a home.

Address this Biden supporters …. will things get better for the working class American sooner than later. Will things get worse or will we continue with the current status quo for years to come?

You can call people propagandist doesn’t make a difference. Forget about who will become president in 2024 or 2028 and answer these concerns, my friend.
Most certainly it addressed your post and has shown that there are so many mitigating factors involved and it is not just one administration that has not addressed the problem.
It has been going on for decades.
Your attempt to falsely attack and make the problem a 4 yrs situation is factually WRONG!
Facts are facts …. Home prices were astonishingly less under the Donald Trump administration.

It’s already been brought up that Republicans even Trump could’ve done better to prevent the printing of trillions of dollars during the unnecessary lockdowns. Before the controversial coronavirus, nobody can deny that the economy was much much better for the American middle-class. Gas prices were low, grocery prices were low, the American dream was much more accessible for the working man

American people and speak their mind. You’ve been served with plenty of articles showing working class American people citing a lack of income as one of the biggest problems they face in our current time…. That is something that could be in some capacity put on the president.

The question that has been put to everyone is do they think regardless of who is elected in 2024 will the economy get better for the working class or not.
And the facts have been posted which refute the "opinion" you are trying to perpetuate.

Facts are facts …. Home prices were astonishingly less under the Donald Trump administration.

It’s already been brought up that Republicans even Trump could’ve done better to prevent the printing of trillions of dollars during the unnecessary lockdowns. Before the controversial coronavirus, nobody can deny that the economy was much much better for the American middle-class. Gas prices were low, grocery prices were low, the American dream was much more accessible for the working man

American people and speak their mind. You’ve been served with plenty of articles showing working class American people citing a lack of income as one of the biggest problems they face in our current time…. That is something that could be in some capacity put on the president.

The question that has been put to everyone is do they think regardless of who is elected in 2024 will the economy get better for the working class or not.
Facts are facts …. Home prices were astonishingly less under the Donald Trump administration.

It’s already been brought up that Republicans even Trump could’ve done better to prevent the printing of trillions of dollars during the unnecessary lockdowns. Before the controversial coronavirus, nobody can deny that the economy was much much better for the American middle-class. Gas prices were low, grocery prices were low, the American dream was much more accessible for the working man

American people and speak their mind. You’ve been served with plenty of articles showing working class American people citing a lack of income as one of the biggest problems they face in our current time…. That is something that could be in some capacity put on the president.

The question that has been put to everyone is do they think regardless of who is elected in 2024 will the economy get better for the working class or not.
The market drove prices not any President.
Facts are facts …. Home prices were astonishingly less under the Donald Trump administration.

It’s already been brought up that Republicans even Trump could’ve done better to prevent the printing of trillions of dollars during the unnecessary lockdowns. Before the controversial coronavirus, nobody can deny that the economy was much much better for the American middle-class. Gas prices were low, grocery prices were low, the American dream was much more accessible for the working man

American people and speak their mind. You’ve been served with plenty of articles showing working class American people citing a lack of income as one of the biggest problems they face in our current time…. That is something that could be in some capacity put on the president.

The question that has been put to everyone is do they think regardless of who is elected in 2024 will the economy get better for the working class or not.
Nope the economy and inflation just might get worse if Trump wins and he imposes all the tariffs he wants too. We all pay for higher tariffs the companies that pay them will just pass them along to consumer's.
Nope the economy and inflation just might get worse if Trump wins and he imposes all the tariffs he wants too. We all pay for higher tariffs the companies that pay them will just pass them along to consumer's.
I'm not expecting miracles when Trump gets elected....
Even though polls currently make it look like a Red Wave taking over Congress as well.

Because the problems are widespread and at epidemic levels for corruption. From Farm Credit to DOJ, FBI, CIA, DoAG, USDA, FEMA, NIH, FDA, Energy, Commerce, and of course the IRS. Treasury, SEC, and Fed Reserve....more crapola too. Haven't seen ONE department doing as it's supposed to.
I'm not expecting miracles when Trump gets elected....
Even though polls currently make it look like a Red Wave taking over Congress as well.

Because the problems are widespread and at epidemic levels for corruption. From Farm Credit to DOJ, FBI, CIA, DoAG, USDA, FEMA, NIH, FDA, Energy, Commerce, and of course the IRS. Treasury, SEC, and Fed Reserve....more crapola too. Haven't seen ONE department doing as it's supposed to.
Nope their won't be much change if trump is elected and if he wants to impose all the tariffs and raising the ones currently inforce he talks about then you can kiss this dream of lowering inflation goodbye. The consumer's will pay every dime.
Nope their won't be much change if trump is elected and if he wants to impose all the tariffs and raising the ones currently inforce he talks about then you can kiss this dream of lowering inflation goodbye. The consumer's will pay every dime.
First off, inflation will seem higher as the dollar gets weaker because imported goods get more expensive.
We will begin exporting more goods again...which creates jobs...which stimulates the economy. The imports will shrink.

The national debt shrinks because the high inflation and high interest rates evaporate and because of inflation the debt is more manageable. (So long as we keep spending in check)

This is what R. Reagan did to the economy....except as the tax revenue skyrocketed Tip O'Neal increased taxes and congress spent every penny (and then some) like only a drunken sailor can.

That's my prediction anyway.
First off, inflation will seem higher as the dollar gets weaker because imported goods get more expensive.
We will begin exporting more goods again...which creates jobs...which stimulates the economy. The imports will shrink.

The national debt shrinks because the high inflation and high interest rates evaporate and because of inflation the debt is more manageable. (So long as we keep spending in check)

This is what R. Reagan did to the economy....except as the tax revenue skyrocketed Tip O'Neal increased taxes and congress spent every penny (and then some) like only a drunken sailor can.

That's my prediction anyway.
I see your point, but when we start creating jobs and our worker's demand $30 + an hour I hope you're not saying the cost of products will go down, they won't the more you pay people.
I see your point, but when we start creating jobs and our worker's demand $30 + an hour I hope you're not saying the cost of products will go down, they won't the more you pay people.
Well....that's just it. Wages will increase too...prices never drop. The biggest losers are those on fixed incomes because those incomes will NOT keep pace. So we are going to have the Baby Boomers having "the dog days of retirement" where they can only afford to eat dog food instead of real food.

That's what is coming...it has happened before...we HOPE it happens again. But the massive fly in the ointment is this guy and what he says:


mortgages have doubled to the highest level in history & double the cost to rent,"​

It’s truly astonishing and shocking. Right now in this country, there is a working class family living in a tiny apartment or even in their parents basement trying to figure things out wondering if they will ever accomplish the American dream. There are millions of examples of this occurring all throughout the country.

Will America ever have another age of prosperity like we did for decades after World War II? or will it continue to get worse..or are the current high prices the status quo for years to come ? That’s really the big question here….. for the middle class will we have a status quo that we currently have for years to come, will things get worse soon or will they get better sooner than later? What folks think about that?
So as a socialist, what do you propose?

Imagine what it’s like to be a working class person in this country and to hear a democrat brag about the equity of their house going up in value. Which by the way means nothing when that person wants to sell their home and buy a new home at a jacked up price With a higher interest rate. It reminds us of the neo conservatives bragging about how American soldiers don’t have to die in the Russian war in Ukraine, as if the Ukrainian lives mean nothing. It really has to be a form of evil. What else is there to say what other words are there to use?

The cost of living is the most important thing in a country. That’s what separates for example countries with extreme levels of poverty to what people generally believe is the case in the western countries. It’s what separates the so-called third world from the first world. And there are by the way countries in the east they have extraordinary wealth and prosperity like Singapore, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates etc

"Under Joe Biden's administration, mortgages have doubled to the highest level in history & double the cost to rent," Cardone posted. "April 2020: $1,480. April 2024: $2,890 (record high). Will you buy a house this year?"

Biden supporters, the multi millionaire celebrities, and the Hollywood left will continue to support Joe Biden, and they will continue to make whatever excuse they want for the high price of inflation. But the fact is the bottom line is the work class Americans don’t want to hear what they have to say. they want a better economy. They want to be able to afford the American dream. For many Americans across the country they are in a state of being furious wondering if they will ever have a chance at the American dream. God willing whether it’s a Democrat or a Republican, who is elected in 2024 or 2028 that we do have a better future. Because currently the economy is horrible for working class people.

This was happening long before Biden took office. I sold my house and property about a year before housing boom hit. If I'd known, I would've waited a year and gotten an extra $100K out of it.

A lot of this is due to the states upping the appraisals on homes, businesses and property.

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