Biden announces that US will move to revoke trade status for Russia

War has to eventually demand that all the rules that limit the war will have to be discarded. Except of course Rule #1 that forbids the use of nuclear weapons. (maybe)

And so Russia can't expect that concessions will be made by the enemy (America) on trade status.

The question then becomes, what countries will obey America's demands? We know there are already some but we've never really examined the question.

And the other question that needs to be answered, is on which countries will cede to China's or Russia's demands?

In the final analysis, the question relates directly to the possibility of nuclear war by the side that is hurt beyond the limits it finds acceptable.

I've said, time after time that Russia/Putin is firmly resolved to not losing a war for mother Russia's ongoing security.

I'm firmly convinced that Russia will go nuclear before the Russian people are defeated.
President Joe Biden on Friday called for suspending normal trade relations with Russia and said the US would ban imports of seafood, vodka and diamonds.
Ban imports of vodka? Lets not lose our heads here.
Russia does not favor us other free countries at the moment. No reason we should favor them.
UNTIL it suits their personal agendas to start it up again.

I mean, REALLY............WHERE is Nazi Porklosi supposed to get her Vodka????
I like Absolut Vodka, myself. Sometime I feel then need. Then need for sweed. :D
President Joe Biden on Friday called for suspending normal trade relations with Russia and said the US would ban imports of seafood, vodka and diamonds.
Ban imports of vodka? Lets not lose our heads here.
Other countries make great vodka. What most Americans think is Russian vodka is not. Even some is made in America.


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