US Evangelicals are learning Trump’s weakness on Ukraine will allow Putin to destroy the BIBLE BELT of Europe,

Fuck Ukraine.... not our problem Bidens just sending US $ to them to get it funneled back to Hunter.

They are VERY much YOUR problem.

Hunter Biden quit all of his foreign jobs and businesses, before his father ran for office, fool.

The Bidens get NOTHING from the Ukraine, or China, or any other foreign government, and haven't received any money from overseas, since before the 2020 election.

Trump, on the other hand, received hundreds of millions of dollars to his PERSONAL ACCOUNTS in 2021 and 2022, from over 200 foreign governments and entities, leading him to refile personal income taxes and pay $40 million in personal income taxes.
not our problem,,

its past time to let europe and the rest of the world live or die by their own choices,,
You would rather fight Russia, China, and Iran on U.S. soil?
Because that is the next step once we abandon Europe and allow our allies to fall.
Of course that's just fine with convicted felon Trump.
He's just Vlad's little bitch anyway.
You do realize that the far right evangelicals are nowhere near as many in number as you believe.

70% of all Democrats are Christians as well.
No such thing as a christian democrat as democrat beliefs are contrary to Christian beliefs
You would rather fight Russia, China, and Iran on U.S. soil?
Because that is the next step once we abandon Europe and allow our allies to fall.
Of course that's just fine with convicted felon Trump.
He's just Vlad's little bitch anyway.
we are already fighting china on our own soil and losing..

and when russia gets closer than the 100 or so miles theyve come you let me know,,
Matters not....You're a bigot against Christians.
Christians vary. Is a liberal Christian a bigot for being disgusted with conservative Christians when they desecrate and pervert the teachings of Jesus Christ in the act of supporting and voting for Donald Trump.
Christians vary. Is a liberal Christian a bigot for being disgusted with conservative Christians when they desecrate and pervert the teachings of Jesus Christ in the act of supporting and voting for Donald Trump.
No more perverted than you fucking abortionist ghouls.

Get the plank out of your own damn eye.
Christians vary. Is a liberal Christian a bigot for being disgusted with conservative Christians when they desecrate and pervert the teachings of Jesus Christ in the act of supporting and voting for Donald Trump.

Liberal Christians aren't actually Christian
It's make believe.
No more perverted than you fucking abortionist ghouls.
Didn't you hear the news that Trump took saving baby fetus and protecting the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman out of the GOP Platform last weekend when nobody was looking.

And The Trump Biblicist MAGA Base is pissed off about it.

This will erode white Christian conservative votes from Trump’s campaign because it’s just starting to sink in.

The reason I say this is because yesterday on “American Family Radio“ I heard this:

This just came out of nowhere but US Evangelicals will be learning Trump’s weakness on Ukraine will allow Putin to destroy the BIBLE BELT of Europe,

Not good for Trump if white evangelicals need to agree with Biden on Ukraine

Here is the only transcript I can find thus far on the AFR show.

Christian Right Rises to Save Ukraine as “Bible Belt” for Europe​

APR 18, 2024​

April 18: Ukraine arms …​

Former Ukrainian Member of Parliament Pavlo Unguryan, right, appearing on yesterday’s Washington Watch with Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, far right. (Screengrab / Washington Watch video.)

Pres. Joe Biden yesterday threw his supportbehind House Speaker Mike Johnson’s (R-LA) bill to re-arm Ukraine, signaling to House Democrats to pass it, and probably causing a few House Republicans to oppose it now that they know Satan loves it.​
Johnson (R-LA) yesterday said he’s going to allow a vote on re-arming and re-supplying Ukraine because it’s the right thing to do, even if it costs him the speakership.​
The Ukraine vote is expected Saturday. Trump had insisted that the Ukraine aid not be a “gift,” and in Johnson’s plan nearly $10 billion, most of it to help Kyiv keep functioning, is structured as a loan. Hilariously — and possibly without Trump’s knowledge, since he may have slept through this part — in Johnson’s legislation, Ukraine’s debt can be canceled by the U.S. president. Who is Biden.​
House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries(D-NY) said yesterday that he’s convening House Democrats this morning to discuss all the new bills. Johnson will likely need Democratic votes to approve a set of rules under which the House will handle these bills, before they can be approved.​
Like the Ukraine bill that already passed the Senate, the House version allocates about $61 billion to give to U.S. weapons makers in return for them sending ammo and other materiel to Ukraine.​
As I reported last week, Johnson met with evangelical Ukrainian leaders in January, and conservative Christian Americans and Ukrainians have been working to push the same narrative they told Johnson — a true narrative,​
I should note: that Russia is engaged in religious persecution. And that if Christians help Ukraine today, they’ll get to shape a right-wing, evangelical Ukraine tomorrow.​
Here’s former Member of Parliament Pavlo Unguryan being interviewed yesterday by Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, one of America’s most influential right-wing Christians. (h/t)​
Perkins starts off by shooting down claims by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) that Russia is defending Christianity.​
Russia, Perkins says, is “creating this propaganda that Ukrainians are persecuting Christians when in fact reports show that they [the Russians] are.”​
In fact, they both are. Ukraine has gone after orthodox church leaders affiliated with Russia — for working to help Russia. But Russia has done far, far worse. And Perkins explains, with Unguryan’s confirmation, why Russia targets evangelicals, both at home and in captured Ukrainian territory.​
“They tend to see evangelicals as agents for the west?” Perkins asks. “Yes,” Unguryan says. “They call evangelicals American CIA agents.” Which is my cue to remind people that Unguryan is a covert agent — for years he’s been working with the leaders of the U.S. National Prayer Breakfast to decide who from Ukraine gets to go to the event, and get access to U.S. politicians.​
The breakfast folks, known popularly as The Family, have a history of working with the State Department, and it’s by no means a stretch to question whether there have been CIA ties there, as well. (Doug Burleigh, The Family’s Russian point man, has spoken publicly about the CIA’s attempt to recruit him when he was a young man.)​
But it’s not just defending Ukraine’s evangelicals they’re arguing for. In yesterday’s discussion, Unguryan and Perkins floated a new rationale for American Christians to support arming Ukraine.​
It’s to be the Bible Belt for the European continent, such a liberal continent,” Unguryan explains, touting “pro-family, pro-life issues,” euphemisms for anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-reproductive rights policies.​
(In fact, Ukraine is only 2% evangelical, and Unguryan’s efforts at anti-LGBTQ+ legislation largely failed.)​
Nevertheless, Unguryan said, preserving Ukraine’s status as a counterweight to “liberal” Europe, is “one more spiritual reason” to support Ukraine. Please note that these are not the arguments evangelicals use when discussing these issues before a general audience.​
Perkins asked Unguryan how his viewers — all of them but me right-wing Christians — can help. “Ask your congressmen to help us,” Unguryan said.​
“Let’s create strategic partnership between Christians, evangelicals, conservatives in U.S. and Christians and conservatives in Ukraine to do our missionary ministry, global missionary ministry, and to protect our values.” Of course, neither Unguryan nor Perkins mentioned that they already have that partnership. (Perkins has his own ties to The Family and said he’s known Unguryan for “years.”)​
Nevertheless, Perkins assured Unguryan, “We will stand with you.”​
And Unguryan’s not the only player out there pushing the message.​
One past prayer breakfast guest, Ruslan Kukharchuk, wrote in the Christian Post this week that Ukraine is a bastion of “religious freedom.” But he also signaled to his readers — all of them but me right-wing Christians — that defending Ukraine means defending far-right Christian “values.”​
Kukharchuk notes, approvingly, that “Ukraine is one of the few countries in Europe where same-sex partnerships or ‘marriages’ are not legal.”​
Touting his conservative bona fides, Kukharchuk says, “I lead a large movement ‘United Together for Family’ in Ukraine. For more than 20 years, our team has systematically worked to maintain and promote the natural order of things, to protect faith, family, and freedom.”​
What Kukharchuk doesn’t mention, but I did in my report, is that Kukharchuk also led “Love Against Homosexuality.” His past remarks include “Homosexuality is a parasite of the society” and calls to “defeat the virus of homo-dictatorship.”​
Unguryan has used similar language, calling homosexuality “a treatable disease,” and gay people pedophiles. He’s also one of the Ukrainians who met with Johnson in January.​
And just yesterday, more than a dozen Christian leaders wrote to Johnson urging him to support religious freedom in Ukraine. Which he will, and there’s no evidence as of yet that Democrats are aware that Russia isn’t alone in wanting to shape Ukraine’s future.​

Tl;Dr fake new

Ukraine is CLOSING churches and arresting and killing reporters
Liberal Christians aren't actually Christian
It's make believe.

So you are saying the black Bible believing Christian 90% of home vote for Democrats are not really Christian.

Are you a racist Christian or just a racist?
Ukraine is CLOSING churches and arresting and killing reporters
Apparently, you can’t read

Russia, Perkins says, is “creating this propaganda that Ukrainians are persecuting Christians when in fact reports show that they [the Russians] are.”
In fact, they both are. Ukraine has gone after orthodox church leaders affiliated with Russia — for working to help Russia. But Russia has done far, far worse. And Perkins explains, with Unguryan’s confirmation, why Russia targets evangelicals, both at home and in captured Ukrainian territory.
“They tend to see evangelicals as agents for the west?” Perkins asks. “Yes,” Unguryan says. “They call evangelicals American CIA agents.” Which is my cue to remind people that Unguryan is a covert agent — for years he’s been working with the leaders of the U.S. National Prayer Breakfast to decide who from Ukraine gets to go to the event, and get access to U.S. politicians.
Didn't you hear the news that Trump took saving baby fetus and protecting the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman out of the GOP Platform last weekend when nobody was looking.

And The Trump Biblicist MAGA Base is pissed off about it.

Can't defend your own position, so it's all ORANGE MAN BAD!....Fucking ghoul.
Can't defend your own position, so it's all ORANGE MAN BAD!.
Whst’s to defend?

Pence, anti-abortion Republicans denounce Trump-backed RNC platform​

Tue, July 9, 2024 at 3:47 PM EDT4 min read

Former Vice President Mike Pence has joined a faction of conservatives decrying the updated Republican National Committee platform rubber-stamped by former President Donald Trump for its inclusion of softened language on abortion, a marked change from past cycles.
The 2024 platform committee voted 84-14 on Monday to adopt a platform that says Republicans "will oppose Late Term Abortion, while supporting mothers and policies that advance Prenatal Care, access to Birth Control, and IVF (fertility treatments)" while affirming support for the 14th Amendment's implication that the issue of abortion should be determined at the state level -- positions reflective of Trump's views.
The language, however, means that it is the first time in decades that the RNC has not explicitly endorsed a national ban on abortion in the platform -- a shift that a number of anti-abortion advocates and more socially conservative RNC members had been lobbying against ahead of the 2024 platform's drafting.
Whst’s to defend?

Pence, anti-abortion Republicans denounce Trump-backed RNC platform​

Tue, July 9, 2024 at 3:47 PM EDT4 min read

Former Vice President Mike Pence has joined a faction of conservatives decrying the updated Republican National Committee platform rubber-stamped by former President Donald Trump for its inclusion of softened language on abortion, a marked change from past cycles.
The 2024 platform committee voted 84-14 on Monday to adopt a platform that says Republicans "will oppose Late Term Abortion, while supporting mothers and policies that advance Prenatal Care, access to Birth Control, and IVF (fertility treatments)" while affirming support for the 14th Amendment's implication that the issue of abortion should be determined at the state level -- positions reflective of Trump's views.
The language, however, means that it is the first time in decades that the RNC has not explicitly endorsed a national ban on abortion in the platform -- a shift that a number of anti-abortion advocates and more socially conservative RNC members had been lobbying against ahead of the 2024 platform's drafting.

So President Trump is mainstream
I'd say Biden has survived a lot of heartbreak and loss....and his faith is very important to him.
He is on the side of sexual lewdness, coveting, and baby killing, that alone disqualifies him form being anything like a christian
So President Trump is mainstream
No. The issue of abortion being
determined at the state level is not a mainstream solution to anything.

The conflict of rights between a fetus and a gestating born person is not a conflict to be settled by voters. It is settled by Constitutionally protecting the right of a woman to terminate her pregnancy in private and safely in her self and family best interest.

Trump and his Supreme Court lying picks are fucked up when it cones to protecting the privacy and heath of pregnant women and the autonomy if their bodies.
No. The issue of abortion being
determined at the state level is not a mainstream solution to anything.

The conflict of rights between a fetus and a gestating born person is not a conflict to be settled by voters. It is settled by Constitutionally protecting the right of a woman to terminate her pregnancy in private and safely in her self and family best interest.

Trump and his Supreme Court lying picks are fucked up when it cones to protecting the privacy and heath of pregnant women and the autonomy if their bodies.
Yet not allowing the man a choice? Screw you, the woman and man have a right not to get pregnant, or get someone pregnant. We completely understand your stance, kill babies
He is on the side of sexual lewdness, coveting, and baby killing, that alone disqualifies him form being anything like a christian
Republicans just took prevention of Baby Killing and same sex marriage out of the GOP Platform Both Trump and Biden have never killed a baby or paid for it like Herschel Walker did.

Are you going to drop the baby killer bullshit when voting political party or is your phony “Saving Baby Fetus” brainless moral superiority your only reason to live?

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