Biden approval at minuscule 26%.

The good news is, that there is no effective Dimm narrative that can turn Sippy Cup's fail numbers around by the mid-terms!!

True story.
You guys have to remember, leftists are the wealthy's weakest prey and flip on a dime.
Morons gonna moron.

Yes we know the communist leftist poll takers didn't like trump of course his poll numbers will be low. If those same people would treat Brandon with the same standards as Trump Brandon's numbers would be much lower.
I’m sure. :rolleyes:
Anyone using this information to predict a Republican landslide in November is a fool. Six months is an eternity in politics, and congressional elections have nothing to do with the Presidency. If the Republican candidate sucks and the Democrat is mediocre but manages to dissociate himself from Biden, the D will win.
Yea. It’s all magic. :rolleyes:
Like Joe's Fraudulent Election. Trailer Truck Loads of ballots appeared in the dead of night after the polls were closed and observers were sent home, and 6 Battleground states vote counting stopped simultaneously after America went to bed only to be started up again with a massive amount of votes transferred to Faux Biden.

Magic. We just imagined that, and we are all crazy conspiracy theorists.

Some guy Al Gore Rhythm voted 20 million times....

It was just magic.

Like Joe shitting his just disappears after a diaper change....MAGIC I tell you!

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