Biden Blames Republicans in Congress for Soaring Inflation

Despite repeated promises that he would build prosperity from the bottom up, President Obama has presided over three years of income losses for the middle class, according to the latest household income data from the Census Bureau.

Since 2009, the middle 20% of American households saw their average incomes drop 4%. In 2011 alone, they fell 1.7%. The poorest 20% have fared even worse under Obama, Census data show. Their incomes have dropped more than 7% since 2009, and are now lower than they've been at any time since 1985, after adjusting for inflation.

Meanwhile, the wealthiest have managed to eke out gains in two of the past three years. In 2011, the top 20% saw their average income climb almost 2%, the Census data show.

These results are in direct contrast of what President Obama said his policies would produce when he ran for president in 2008.

Under Obama, Poor, Middle Class Incomes Fall Sharply
The Obama presidency was a disaster for middle-class wealth in the United States. Between 2007 and 2016, the average wealth of the bottom 99 percent dropped by $4,500. Over the same period, the average wealth of the top 1 percent rose by $4.9 million.

The only people who improved under Obama were the rich.
Oh, bullshit! Black unemployment was at record lows, PKnopp and people were taking home more money in their paychecks under Trump! Inflation wasn't through the roof. Get your head out of your ass and look around!
The Obama presidency was a disaster for middle-class wealth in the United States. Between 2007 and 2016, the average wealth of the bottom 99 percent dropped by $4,500. Over the same period, the average wealth of the top 1 percent rose by $4.9 million.

Things few Americans know about O. He did nothing for the 99%, but was really great for the 1%.
Things few Americans know about O. He did nothing for the 99%, but was really great for the 1%.
There's a reason the Obama's hang out on Martha's Vineyard these days and it ISN'T because it's black mecca! The 1% LOVED Barry. The gap between the haves and have nots got much wider during Obama's two terms. Barack talked a good game but he really didn't do shit for blacks! Now he's chilling in his mansion on the Vineyard laughing at the blacks that thought he had their backs!
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I thought Obama was bad about blaming everyone else for his problems, but this ass takes the cake.
I've never seen a president who must have at least 50 fingers to point in all directions except for his!
What ever happened to "the buck stops here"?

The only buck that stops with The King Of Drownings *Joe are the 10% of the bucks he gets from his criminal son.
I guess theHen doesn't realize that Pres. Obama passed on a great economy, unemployment record, stock market, etc. to the Orange Clown.

Ok. I’m sure you’ll be able to explain exactly what the limp wristed Kenyan did to achieve these things.
We’ll wait.
That's a lie,

That's a lie you right wingers keep trying to tell. Rich Americans did better under Trump.

Everybody did better under Trump. That’s a fact and the leftists hate when Americans do well. There’s nothing to scare them with and “save” them from to get votes.
We can argue opinion, can't argue facts.
It's a FACT that blacks did far better under Trump than they did under Obama, Super! Trump got them more them higher pay...he even got some of the very same blacks who were sitting in Federal prisons because of the Clinton Crime Bill (written by Barry's Vice President, Joe Biden!) out of jail!
But you don't know any of you? You're one of the clueless black dupes that bought Obama's rhetoric and never bothered to see if he actually followed through on it!
It is not unusual for the Democrat filth to blame their disasters on somebody else. We see that all the time. That is what we expect the dishonest bastards to do.

What is amazing is that there are some stupid uneducated confused Moon Bats that actually believe the Democrat lies. Several of the idiots post on here.
It's a FACT that blacks did far better under Trump than they did under Obama, Super! Trump got them more them higher pay...he even got some of the very same blacks who were sitting in Federal prisons because of the Clinton Crime Bill (written by Barry's Vice President, Joe Biden!) out of jail!
But you don't know any of you? You're one of the clueless black dupes that bought Obama's rhetoric and never bothered to see if he actually followed through on it!
Bullshit, everything you Trump Humpers pat Trump.on the back for is because of Pres. Obama.
Rs can't even get anything accomplished when they have the white House, the S and the H


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