Biden DHS Secretary: Too Many Illegal Immigrants Being Caught And Released Into US ‘To Know And Track’


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
All is proceeding as America hating Democrats planned.

Let's see, they cannot control and account for the illegal immigrants that they let enter this country but they plan to confiscate all the AR-15 rifles that have been acquired by law abiding citizens in the US.

Won’t track illegals, wants vaccine papers for American citizens.

A blatant admission that the Biden Clown Show is just fully aiding illegal immigration.

So when does the impeachment of Mentally Incapacitated Joe start?
This is the same stupid liberal path that gave us Trump. It will return Trump or someone like him, so in the end it all works out. Trump proved aggressive enforcement works, which we were told for decades couldn't work. There won't be another Covid for liberals to steal another election, so we know what has to be done.
All is proceeding as America hating Democrats planned.

Let's see, they cannot control and account for the illegal immigrants that they let enter this country but they plan to confiscate all the AR-15 rifles that have been acquired by law abiding citizens in the US.

Won’t track illegals, wants vaccine papers for American citizens.

More racist lies about Democratic immigration policies to frighten the gullible, eh Weatherman. I guess you don't like it when Democratics go after the employers. That's why the illegal numbers always go down under Democratic Presidents. Democrats prosecute the employers, recovering millions of dollars in fines and penalties, and they deport the illegals.

Republicans lock up the illegals at taxpayers' expense, but don't deport them. And they never ever prosecute the employers.

All is proceeding as America hating Democrats planned.

Let's see, they cannot control and account for the illegal immigrants that they let enter this country but they plan to confiscate all the AR-15 rifles that have been acquired by law abiding citizens in the US.

Won’t track illegals, wants vaccine papers for American citizens.

More racist lies about Democratic immigration policies to frighten the gullible, eh Weatherman. I guess you don't like it when Democratics go after the employers. That's why the illegal numbers always go down under Democratic Presidents. Democrats prosecute the employers, recovering millions of dollars in fines and penalties, and they deport the illegals.

Republicans lock up the illegals at taxpayers' expense, but don't deport them. And they never ever prosecute the employers.

View attachment 494338

oh tell us more great neighbor to the north about how bad we are,,
All is proceeding as America hating Democrats planned.

Let's see, they cannot control and account for the illegal immigrants that they let enter this country but they plan to confiscate all the AR-15 rifles that have been acquired by law abiding citizens in the US.

Won’t track illegals, wants vaccine papers for American citizens.

More racist lies about Democratic immigration policies to frighten the gullible, eh Weatherman. I guess you don't like it when Democratics go after the employers. That's why the illegal numbers always go down under Democratic Presidents. Democrats prosecute the employers, recovering millions of dollars in fines and penalties, and they deport the illegals.

Republicans lock up the illegals at taxpayers' expense, but don't deport them. And they never ever prosecute the employers.

View attachment 494338

That chart stops at 2018.

Border apprehensions spiked in March, including a record number of unaccompanied migrant minors

Border apprehensions remained at a 20-year high in April, but arrivals of children and families decreased
All is proceeding as America hating Democrats planned.

Let's see, they cannot control and account for the illegal immigrants that they let enter this country but they plan to confiscate all the AR-15 rifles that have been acquired by law abiding citizens in the US.

Won’t track illegals, wants vaccine papers for American citizens.

More racist lies about Democratic immigration policies to frighten the gullible, eh Weatherman. I guess you don't like it when Democratics go after the employers. That's why the illegal numbers always go down under Democratic Presidents. Democrats prosecute the employers, recovering millions of dollars in fines and penalties, and they deport the illegals.

Republicans lock up the illegals at taxpayers' expense, but don't deport them. And they never ever prosecute the employers.

View attachment 494338

That chart stops at 2018.

Border apprehensions spiked in March, including a record number of unaccompanied migrant minors

Border apprehensions remained at a 20-year high in April, but arrivals of children and families decreased

how dare you question this enlightened nitwit from the north??

she sees and knows all,, any who doubt her are surely just incompetent and lazy,,
oh tell us more great neighbor to the north about how bad we are,,
The smug self righteous Canadians don't have to deal with a neighbor to their South like Mexico
and the Canadian border is very well guarded in any event.
THEY are very certain their nation is not compromised or taken advantage of.

Lectures from those without certain problems are very pompous and hypocritical.
All is proceeding as America hating Democrats planned.

Let's see, they cannot control and account for the illegal immigrants that they let enter this country but they plan to confiscate all the AR-15 rifles that have been acquired by law abiding citizens in the US.

Won’t track illegals, wants vaccine papers for American citizens.

More racist lies about Democratic immigration policies to frighten the gullible, eh Weatherman. I guess you don't like it when Democratics go after the employers. That's why the illegal numbers always go down under Democratic Presidents. Democrats prosecute the employers, recovering millions of dollars in fines and penalties, and they deport the illegals.

Republicans lock up the illegals at taxpayers' expense, but don't deport them. And they never ever prosecute the employers.

View attachment 494338

Hilarious. Canadian in lockdown thinks there’s no border crisis in America.
Tell that to the tens of thousands of children Biden has locked in cages.

And FYI: border apprehensions are at a 45 year high right now.
All is proceeding as America hating Democrats planned.

Let's see, they cannot control and account for the illegal immigrants that they let enter this country but they plan to confiscate all the AR-15 rifles that have been acquired by law abiding citizens in the US.

Won’t track illegals, wants vaccine papers for American citizens.

More racist lies about Democratic immigration policies to frighten the gullible, eh Weatherman. I guess you don't like it when Democratics go after the employers. That's why the illegal numbers always go down under Democratic Presidents. Democrats prosecute the employers, recovering millions of dollars in fines and penalties, and they deport the illegals.

Republicans lock up the illegals at taxpayers' expense, but don't deport them. And they never ever prosecute the employers.

View attachment 494338

and yet under Trump, the number of illegals trying to get in shot down-----------thanks to TRUMP having mexico stop the illegals and the US stopping rewarding illegals by allowing them and paying them to stay here as Biden is doing.b democrats catch and release and pay hence why the number of illegals coming is UP and not down under BIDEN but watch Dragon and the lib propaganda site FACTCHECK getting spreading shit.
All is proceeding as America hating Democrats planned.

Let's see, they cannot control and account for the illegal immigrants that they let enter this country but they plan to confiscate all the AR-15 rifles that have been acquired by law abiding citizens in the US.

Won’t track illegals, wants vaccine papers for American citizens.

More racist lies about Democratic immigration policies to frighten the gullible, eh Weatherman. I guess you don't like it when Democratics go after the employers. That's why the illegal numbers always go down under Democratic Presidents. Democrats prosecute the employers, recovering millions of dollars in fines and penalties, and they deport the illegals.

Republicans lock up the illegals at taxpayers' expense, but don't deport them. And they never ever prosecute the employers.

View attachment 494338

That's why the illegal numbers always go down under Democratic Presidents.

Nobody here is dumb enough to believe your bullshit, you lying sack of shit. And yet you keep posting this same lie.

Democrats prosecute the employers, recovering millions of dollars in fines and penalties,

Post a link showing Dim Presidents doing this more than Rep Presidents. This is when Dragonbreath runs away.
All is proceeding as America hating Democrats planned.

Let's see, they cannot control and account for the illegal immigrants that they let enter this country but they plan to confiscate all the AR-15 rifles that have been acquired by law abiding citizens in the US.

Won’t track illegals, wants vaccine papers for American citizens.

More racist lies about Democratic immigration policies to frighten the gullible, eh Weatherman. I guess you don't like it when Democratics go after the employers. That's why the illegal numbers always go down under Democratic Presidents. Democrats prosecute the employers, recovering millions of dollars in fines and penalties, and they deport the illegals.

Republicans lock up the illegals at taxpayers' expense, but don't deport them. And they never ever prosecute the employers.

View attachment 494338

According to YOUR Graph, from 92-98 apprehensions skyrocketed under Slick Willy.

And your graph cuts off 3 years ago. Convenient when you want to lie about Pedo' Joe's record number flooding over the boarder.
All is proceeding as America hating Democrats planned.

Let's see, they cannot control and account for the illegal immigrants that they let enter this country but they plan to confiscate all the AR-15 rifles that have been acquired by law abiding citizens in the US.

Won’t track illegals, wants vaccine papers for American citizens.

More racist lies about Democratic immigration policies to frighten the gullible, eh Weatherman. I guess you don't like it when Democratics go after the employers. That's why the illegal numbers always go down under Democratic Presidents. Democrats prosecute the employers, recovering millions of dollars in fines and penalties, and they deport the illegals.

Republicans lock up the illegals at taxpayers' expense, but don't deport them. And they never ever prosecute the employers.

View attachment 494338

Here is a better graph that demonstrates what a piece of shit liar you are

Told ya................ Dragonlady shows up and spews blatant lies, and when the facts are brought that proves she is a lying sack of shit, she just disappears.

Happens multiple times a day.

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