Biden DOJ Sides with Porn Industry's Lawsuit Against Texas's Age Verification Law

This is another jaw-dropping example of how far into the gutter the woke liberal mind has gone. Texas, along with many other states, requires porn sites to verify that viewers are over 18 before allowing them to access the women-degrading, soul-destroying content. You'd think that nobody but the porn industry would object to this commonsense law, this basic protection of children from viewing porn.

But, the Biden Department of Justice, along with the ACLU, has filed a "friend of the court" brief in support of the porn industry's lawsuit against the Texas law! Predictably, the porn peddlers argue that the law "overly burdens" the ability of adults to access legal porn--yeah, never mind that the "legal porn" portrays women as nothing but sex objects who can be urinated on, anally penetrated, double penetrated, slapped, tied up, etc., etc. So much for the dignity of women, hey? And never mind that the law makes it much harder for minors to access porn sites.

By the way, the Texas age verification law passed the Texas legislature with an overwhelming majority. A similar law was approved unanimously by the Kentucky legislature.

Too many people get hooked on porn.
This will do nothing to stop kids from accessing porn.
Nope, it will not stop them from accessing porn if one is smart enough. If a kid isn't smart enough to get around it his friends will definitley clue him/her in.

Florida has the same law that went into effect on Jan 1st. I tried a test and looked up a porn site without my VPN on and I could not access, but do the same test with a VPN and it let me right in. So, no one is fooling kids if they want to access.

Kids are much more tech savvy today than most of us older adults were and are today. Where there's a will they'll find a way.
Why is this the one issue that people get upset about when parents want to protect their children?
No one’s stopping you from protecting your children. Leave everyone else alone.
And they should. The state, however, can make it more difficult for kids to access, just like it does for other products that are legal for adults.

Have you seen what is happening with TikTok? The government attacks it so the kids simply move to another Chinese provider.
So anything that tries to restrict minors should be abolished? You've been asked that question multiple times p-nut, but of course you've ignored them, like you always do.

Putting cigarette's behind a counter does restrict kids. This will not stop kids at all.
We took cigarettes out of vending machines for a reason. We require ID checks to purchase alcohol for a reason.

We pass laws making it illegal to sell certain otherwise legal products to children for a reason. Now, we know that nothing is foolproof, and kids are always going to circumvent most restrictions, but the state has a legitimate purpose in making it more difficult for children to access this.
Sure you need id to purchase cigs and alcohol but if you find a friend over 21 they will purchase for you.

Back in the 60's we found one homeless guy that would purchase a case of beer a couple times a week and we paid him somewhere between $5 and $10, nope he never ran off with the money as he always came through for us. Cigarettes were easier to get the party store clerks didn't care and sold them to anyone.
So all efforts should be abolished? Just let it be a free for all, they should be able to do whatever they want, whenever they want?

No, their parents should deal with it.
We're not trying to "solve the issue", we're trying to protect children a little more from this stuff. Laws against speeding don't stop speeding, but we keep them, and they help keep most drivers at relatively the same speed.

Speeding laws doesn't violate the rights of anyone else.
The problem is these laws violate the First Amendment.

Here's the thing. I grew up in the 1970's. We didn't have the internet, but we did have Playboy and Penthouse and Hustler.

And we had no problem getting ahold of them as kids, usually after the adults threw them away.

Kids today are much more clever. Here's how you get around the Texas law. You sign up for a VPN service, put your identity in another country, and for 4.99 a month, you can watch all the penetration you want.

So you think the Founding Fathers established the 1st Amendment to guarantee citizens to right to look at smut?


Nothing from Jefferson or Madison abotu that at all.

Libs wanted to limit Political Speech with the McCain Feingold Act several years ago, and didn't have any constitutional problem.

Libs have also restricted commercial speech in the area of cigarette advertisements being banned, and have never had constitutional qualms about it.

But obscenity, pornography and smut is just sancrosanct to them, what the Constitution and freedom is all about the right of minors to see them.
Viewing porn is a waste of time.
So you think the Founding Fathers established the 1st Amendment to guarantee citizens to right to look at smut?

Just as much reason to believe they established the first amendment to guarantee that people could post misinformation about COVID on Facebook that results in widespread death.
Just as much reason to believe they established the first amendment to guarantee that people could post misinformation about COVID on Facebook that results in widespread death.

Actually, people did do that, and it did create widespread death.

Misinformation, like the thought that masks and vaxes were effective were posted with impunity.
Why is this the one issue that people get upset about when parents want to protect their children?
I'm not upset but the responsibility lies with the parents not the government.
This is another jaw-dropping example of how far into the gutter the woke liberal mind has gone. Texas, along with many other states, requires porn sites to verify that viewers are over 18 before allowing them to access the women-degrading, soul-destroying content. You'd think that nobody but the porn industry would object to this commonsense law, this basic protection of children from viewing porn.

But, the Biden Department of Justice, along with the ACLU, has filed a "friend of the court" brief in support of the porn industry's lawsuit against the Texas law! Predictably, the porn peddlers argue that the law "overly burdens" the ability of adults to access legal porn--yeah, never mind that the "legal porn" portrays women as nothing but sex objects who can be urinated on, anally penetrated, double penetrated, slapped, tied up, etc., etc. So much for the dignity of women, hey? And never mind that the law makes it much harder for minors to access porn sites.

By the way, the Texas age verification law passed the Texas legislature with an overwhelming majority. A similar law was approved unanimously by the Kentucky legislature.

Not following how this isn't already a law in all states. I thought you had to show ID to buy nudie magazines and stuff in stores, so why would accessing over the internet be any different?
Have you seen what is happening with TikTok? The government attacks it so the kids simply move to another Chinese provider.
And I've clearly stated that kids will likely figure out ways to get around most restrictions. That doesn't negate the state's interest in protecting kids from this stuff.
Actually, people did do that, and it did create widespread death.

Misinformation, like the thought that masks and vaxes were effective were posted with impunity.
Ah. You’re one of those weirdos that got people killed.

How does that feel?
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And I've clearly stated that kids will likely figure out ways to get around most restrictions. That doesn't negate the state's interest in protecting kids from this stuff.

The interest should lie with the parents.
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