This is another jaw-dropping example of how far into the gutter the woke liberal mind has gone. Texas, along with many other states, requires porn sites to verify that viewers are over 18 before allowing them to access the women-degrading, soul-destroying content. You'd think that nobody but the porn industry would object to this commonsense law, this basic protection of children from viewing porn.
But, the Biden Department of Justice, along with the ACLU, has filed a "friend of the court" brief in support of the porn industry's lawsuit against the Texas law! Predictably, the porn peddlers argue that the law "overly burdens" the ability of adults to access legal porn--yeah, never mind that the "legal porn" portrays women as nothing but sex objects who can be urinated on, anally penetrated, double penetrated, slapped, tied up, etc., etc. So much for the dignity of women, hey? And never mind that the law makes it much harder for minors to access porn sites.
By the way, the Texas age verification law passed the Texas legislature with an overwhelming majority. A similar law was approved
unanimously by the Kentucky legislature.
The Family Foundation was present for oral arguments in the Free Speech Coalition v Paxton case, which concerns Texas's age verification law
Texas and 18 other states have recently enacted laws requiring pornography websites to verify the ages of their visitors.