Biden Gets Caught on a Hot Mic Saying Something Unhinged About Maxine Waters


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Biden calls her Maxine 'Walters', and confuses her with another black pol.

Chalk up another moment of confusion for Grandpa Disaster, Joe Biden.
Biden was at the White House for a bill signing event to which he’d invited some Democrats including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) and Rep. Chuy Gracia (D-IL).
While there, a hot mic picked up what Biden was saying, and talk about embarrassing. How long has he known Maxine Waters? Decades? It was a financial-services-related bill, so it’s under the Financial Services Committee of which she is the chair.
But Biden called her by the wrong name, calling her Maxine “Walters” and slurring the title of the bill. Then when he saw Waters, he said “Senator, I hope. You think I’m kidding. I’m not.” Waters is 82 years old, isn’t running for Senator, and isn’t leaving her seat in the House anytime soon (unfortunately). So what was he talking about? Some thought he confused Waters with Rep. Val Demings (D-FL) who is black and who is running for a Senate seat in Florida. Yikes.
You can see both Pelosi and Waters are like ‘what the heck?’ Waters even shrugs her shoulders. Pelosi tries to clean it up, saying Waters has more important things to do.

To be fair to racist Joe Klandin, african-americans all look the’s a racial jungle out there...

at least his son wasn’t there to call her a n-word
Biden calls her Maxine 'Walters', and confuses her with another black pol.

Chalk up another moment of confusion for Grandpa Disaster, Joe Biden.
Biden was at the White House for a bill signing event to which he’d invited some Democrats including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) and Rep. Chuy Gracia (D-IL).
While there, a hot mic picked up what Biden was saying, and talk about embarrassing. How long has he known Maxine Waters? Decades? It was a financial-services-related bill, so it’s under the Financial Services Committee of which she is the chair.
But Biden called her by the wrong name, calling her Maxine “Walters” and slurring the title of the bill. Then when he saw Waters, he said “Senator, I hope. You think I’m kidding. I’m not.” Waters is 82 years old, isn’t running for Senator, and isn’t leaving her seat in the House anytime soon (unfortunately). So what was he talking about? Some thought he confused Waters with Rep. Val Demings (D-FL) who is black and who is running for a Senate seat in Florida. Yikes.
You can see both Pelosi and Waters are like ‘what the heck?’ Waters even shrugs her shoulders. Pelosi tries to clean it up, saying Waters has more important things to do.

It's funny, yet not.
WTF is wrong with you?
Sorry, can't hear you. Pull your head out of Biden's ass and try again.
You hate that President Biden is respected by most Americans and nearly all of the rest of the world. :laugh:
Not everybody is motivated solely by hate and rage like you are, child.

Meanwhile, it's pathetic how you support that doddering old man. Unless you'd like to make the case that Maxine's last name really IS Walters...?
WTF is wrong with you?
He's concerned that your party will destroy the country. And he's RIGHT TO BE. That old man is the one - BY LAW - who would be called on to respond if this nation was attacked. You people don't give a damn about America. You'll cheerfully watch the world suck it dry while you fill your own pockets. Scum...

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