Biden has again lied to a gold star family pretending to be a gold star Father.

Biden is and has always been a liar. Yet, those who voted for him somehow still support him. Nobody with any sense understands why anyone voted for Biden in the first place.
I cannot fathom why any US citizen would support Biden or The Democratic Regime that puts foreign interests ahead of American interests. And worse yet, they put illegal immigrants ahead of poor Americans.
You have no clue. I have been watching this liar, plagiarist for 40 years. It is a pattern, he is a pathological liar.
I have no problem with you calling Biden a Liar.

He flat out LIES.

Without any ifs or buts, or deflections.......

I challenge you to say the same about trump.
I have no problem with you calling Biden a Liar.

He flat out LIES.

Without any ifs or buts, or deflections.......

I challenge you to say the same about trump.
Biden lies directly to the American people about issues that will directly affect them.

Trump doesn't.
The source is a reliable source of junk news aka fake news and misinformation.

Biden repeatedly lies. There are endless examples of it. You guys waste no time calling out Trump's lies.
I challenge you think about who and what you are voting for this November, if you are an American.
I won't ever be voting for trump.
Biden repeatedly lies. There are endless examples of it. You guys waste no time calling out Trump's lies.
Right, but neither of you are willing to make the basic statement of "Trump LIES to the American People"

You just can't do it.
Biden repeatedly lies. There are endless examples of it. You guys waste no time calling out Trump's lies.
He starts directly lying to the American people about issues that will directly affect them, I'll be first.
Right, but neither of you are willing to make the basic statement of "Trump LIES to the American People"

You just can't do it.

I point it out all the time, so I don't know where this "you" is coming from.
In Joey Xi's case, he's told that lie so often, he now believes its true.
Unfortunately Beau Hunter was one of the 10% of adult cancer victims that develop 'Neuroblastomas'. According to medical Oncologists this is more than like a birth defect or a product of metastizing cancer. Blaming the burn pits in Iraq is a crutch. Beau was never near the pits. He was VIP. Most of us that have served have seen how the sons of Politicianns are treared in the military. In the rear with the gear.
Fake Valor is Joey's lead lie.


Have you ever seen a burn pit or a flare?
Right, but neither of you are willing to make the basic statement of "Trump LIES to the American People"
All "lies" are not the same. If Trump exaggerates the size of his inauguration crowd, you Trump haters lose your minds. But you don't give a crap when Biden accuses our Border Patrol of being vicious Racists "Whipping Haitians".

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