Biden has already BROKEN HIS 1ST PROMISE - Aug 1st & No VP Named


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
He just probably forgot... how he forgot he was running for President instead of for the Senate... how he forgot where he was on multiple occasions... he couldn't remember what his wife looked like. . he couldn't remember the words to the Declaration of Independence and Constitution...


His team will be quick to defend his mental stability by declaring he has forgotten NOTHING.

OK...then that means Joe is a LIAR who just broke his 1st promise.

He just probably forgot... how he forgot he was running for President instead of for the Senate... how he forgot where he was on multiple occasions... he couldn't remember what his wife looked like. . he couldn't remember the words to the Declaration of Independence and Constitution...


His team will be quick to defend his mental stability by declaring he has forgotten NOTHING.

OK...then that means Joe is a LIAR who just broke his 1st promise.

You are a liar, Twinkle Toes.

From the article that you linked to:
Back in May, the Biden campaign announced that the former Vice President would be naming his own vice presidential candidate “around August 1
Biden has no good choices for a running mate. They all suck.

I was reading about some crazy woman called Karen Bass and I HOPE Creepy Joe picks her, she's Pro-Castro (HELLO FLORIDA!) and she praised the Scientology nutbags, so she's a Communist AND supports a weirdo Pseudo-Cult full of Pedos who chase down members when they attempt to leave them.

I'm going to be as honest about what I believe as I can be.

I don't think the Democrats are even planning on there be a functioning Executive/United States/Constitution after November. They've set the stage for civil war and it will ignite with all the fraud accusations of both sides over the mail in ballots. They're already saying "The military is prepared to remove Trump if he contests the election."

They damn well know there will be a contested election, they'll even INTENTIONALLY leave enough breadcrumbs for conservatives to see in the open while saying "there was no fraud" and then the military will also become polarized and half of the military will fight the other along with half of the citizenry.

You thought the Russia, Impeachment, COVID and BLM/Antifa Hoaxes were bad? The 2020 ELECTION HOAX will be the all of world history.

I mean, if you're tad bit religious just looks at Bidens name: Bide; as in Biding Time.

He's simply going through the motions of an election while the communists and satanists prepare to unleash the forces of hell starting the day after the election.
I'm guessing all their internal polling has left something to be desired and in the process all the various Dem heavy hitters are trying to dictate his choice for their own policy objectives.

As long as Trump keeps the focus on China, I think he is always going to be in the pocket.
Biden has no good choices for a running mate. They all suck.

Yep, because he (or the DemonRat Party) played the race and gender cards.

BTW I believe he once promised to have the choice in July (I assume he meant July 2020).

Meanwhile, Dan Bongino, who has sources in the Secret Sevice, says Biden is progressively getting worse mentally. Jill, you are a bitch.
That's what libturds do, break promises, cheat, lie, steal. They have not the slightest bit of trustworthiness or loyalty.

Look at all the sniveling bed wetters who promised to leave the country if Bush won the second term in 2004, then said the same shit if Trump won in 2016. They're all still here stealing our oxygen.
Biden has no good choices for a running mate. They all suck.

Yep, because he (or the DemonRat Party) played the race and gender cards.

BTW I believe he once promised to have the choice in July (I assume he meant July 2020).

Meanwhile, Dan Bongino, who has sources in the Secret Service, says Biden is progressively getting worse mentally. Jill, you are a bitch.
I just want the election to play out normally.
Have 3 debates, and what happens happens.
I'm sure Biden's age will catch up with him sooner rather than later, but not until after the democratic convention...
I sent Biden a photo of a stunning young black woman who likes to have her hair sniffed and said she wants the VP spot. This upset the whole selection process.
Biden has no good choices for a running mate. They all suck.

Yep, because he (or the DemonRat Party) played the race and gender cards.

BTW I believe he once promised to have the choice in July (I assume he meant July 2020).

Meanwhile, Dan Bongino, who has sources in the Secret Service, says Biden is progressively getting worse mentally. Jill, you are a bitch.
I just want the election to play out normally.
Have 3 debates, and what happens happens.
I'm sure Biden's age will catch up with him sooner rather than later, but not until after the democratic convention...

Seriously, I want Biden to take a drug test to confirm he hasn't been buffed up with drugs.
Biden has already BROKEN HIS 1ST PROMISE - Aug 1st & No VP Named

My, this OP is awfully impatient to Dump the Rump, innee? It's understandable. You just have to be patient, we have a Constitutional process which calls for January 20th. Plus all the great video of Secret Service uh, "escorting" the Rumpster out of the building. Plenty to look forward to.
Biden has no good choices for a running mate. They all suck.

Yep, because he (or the DemonRat Party) played the race and gender cards.

BTW I believe he once promised to have the choice in July (I assume he meant July 2020).

Meanwhile, Dan Bongino, who has sources in the Secret Service, says Biden is progressively getting worse mentally. Jill, you are a bitch.
I just want the election to play out normally.
Have 3 debates, and what happens happens.
I'm sure Biden's age will catch up with him sooner rather than later, but not until after the democratic convention...

Seriously, I want Biden to take a drug test to confirm he hasn't been buffed up with drugs.
“God Bresch da Urnibed Schtertz”
Biden has no good choices for a running mate. They all suck.

Yep, because he (or the DemonRat Party) played the race and gender cards.

BTW I believe he once promised to have the choice in July (I assume he meant July 2020).

Meanwhile, Dan Bongino, who has sources in the Secret Service, says Biden is progressively getting worse mentally. Jill, you are a bitch.
I just want the election to play out normally.
Have 3 debates, and what happens happens.
I'm sure Biden's age will catch up with him sooner rather than later, but not until after the democratic convention...

Seriously, I want Biden to take a drug test to confirm he hasn't been buffed up with drugs.
“God Bresch da Urnibed Schtertz”

That's code for rot in hell liberal scum.
Biden has no good choices for a running mate. They all suck.

Yep, because he (or the DemonRat Party) played the race and gender cards.

BTW I believe he once promised to have the choice in July (I assume he meant July 2020).

Meanwhile, Dan Bongino, who has sources in the Secret Service, says Biden is progressively getting worse mentally. Jill, you are a bitch.
I just want the election to play out normally.
Have 3 debates, and what happens happens.
I'm sure Biden's age will catch up with him sooner rather than later, but not until after the democratic convention...

Seriously, I want Biden to take a drug test to confirm he hasn't been buffed up with drugs.
“God Bresch da Urnibed Schtertz”

That's code for rot in hell liberal scum.
Name Susan Rice, please.

She is so vulnerable. For One example of many: How many times did she lie to AMERICA about BENGHAZI?
Name Susan Rice, please.

She is so vulnerable. For One example of many: How many times did she lie to AMERICA about BENGHAZI?
Somebody should open an investigation into that whole Benghazi thing.

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