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Biden: On day one, I’ll send a bill to Congress creating a clear roadmap to citizenship for Dreamers and the 11 million undocumented people

Thanks Joe, for making the contrast with Trump even more clearer. Rewarding criminality: It’s the Democrat way.

Bravo for Joe!

It's the right thing to do.

Guess you missed the word illegal.

Its already been done and just made things worse.

Most Americans want all illegals out of the country. Biden wouldn't be making many friends with his plans and since he stated them how many do you think will vote for his stupid ass??

I'd bet not many. No Americans want illegals turned into citizens. They want them out of the country and they also want to save the billions of tax dollars these illegals cost we the tax payer.

Hope Joe shouts his plans from the rooftop. What a moron he is.

If most American's wanted that it would happen. If most American's wanted that they would be protesting to get things like e-verify made mandatory with strong repercussions for any business caught not participating.

Is that going to happen? No. We do not want to pay the cost.

If we did it would solve little of our problems. E-verify has had it's share of problems. It doesn't work because identity theft is a huge business in Mexico and the US. Drug lords are multi-millionaires and willing to put that money into technology to make it virtually impossible to identify some illegals.

LOL, e-verify doesn't work because we don't want it to work. This has been covered endlessly. If we wanted it to work it would work.

I got into a similar debate with somebody about a year ago, who stated we should be locking up landlords who rent to illegals. I took umbrage with that comment because I'm a landlord. If a foreigner applied for one of my apartments with positive identification, I wouldn't know where to start when it comes to making sure they are here legally.

That aside, why place the onus on the employer? Look, we have cities that alert their illegals when ICE is going to conduct work place raids. We allow illegals to apply for loans, send their kids to our schools, get public assistance for their children, give them drivers licenses so they can get to their illegal jobs and back, but we want to stop employers from hiring them to solve the problem??? Seriously????

We have a party of people in this country that makes them coming here as comfortable as possible. So we can't say if we do X, that will solve all our problems. We need to get rid of these sanctuary cities and states. We need to make it illegal for them to have drivers licenses. We need to lock up political leaders who warn them of work place raids, or forbid their law enforcement from contacting ICE when they have an illegal law breaker in their possession. We need to do a ton of things, not just point at employers.

Thanks Joe, for making the contrast with Trump even more clearer. Rewarding criminality: It’s the Democrat way.

Bravo for Joe!

It's the right thing to do.

Guess you missed the word illegal.

Its already been done and just made things worse.

Most Americans want all illegals out of the country. Biden wouldn't be making many friends with his plans and since he stated them how many do you think will vote for his stupid ass??

I'd bet not many. No Americans want illegals turned into citizens. They want them out of the country and they also want to save the billions of tax dollars these illegals cost we the tax payer.

Hope Joe shouts his plans from the rooftop. What a moron he is.

If most American's wanted that it would happen. If most American's wanted that they would be protesting to get things like e-verify made mandatory with strong repercussions for any business caught not participating.

Is that going to happen? No. We do not want to pay the cost.

Hell. They already have laws on the books but most of them are ignored. Anyone hiring illegals should be prosecuted but don't hold your breath for that to happen. Doesn't negate the fact that most Americans want all illegals out of our country and those that are here legally hate the illegals.

No, most do not want anything done. They do not want to pay the costs.

I disagree. These illegals cost us billions every year. That's billions with a B.

We are 27 trillion in debt. No one is paying that. You will pay though if all the illegals left. Why complain about something you are unwilling to even pay for?

As for myself, I'm willing to pay anything to get rid of them. I've said for the longest time we need a consumption tax that targets our debt exclusively; perhaps 10 cents on the dollar. Illegals and aliens cost us more than we get back from them. They come here, work, send their money back over the border, and then move back and live the good life with our money. The legal foreigners have a higher percentage of their people on the public dole than us citizens. If you're going to worry about money and debt, foreigners are the first place to start looking for the problem.

That's fine but you also know it isn't going to happen.

A lot of things discussed on USMB are not going to happen, but we come here to have debates on solutions to our problems.

Not really. All the same if you are suggesting something that you know is not going to happen, it's not really a solution is it?

well you know nothing is going to come out of a handful of wingnuts storming an office building, but you root them on just the same.

And yet it has.
Thanks Joe, for making the contrast with Trump even more clearer. Rewarding criminality: It’s the Democrat way.

Bravo for Joe!

It's the right thing to do.

Guess you missed the word illegal.

Its already been done and just made things worse.

Most Americans want all illegals out of the country. Biden wouldn't be making many friends with his plans and since he stated them how many do you think will vote for his stupid ass??

I'd bet not many. No Americans want illegals turned into citizens. They want them out of the country and they also want to save the billions of tax dollars these illegals cost we the tax payer.

Hope Joe shouts his plans from the rooftop. What a moron he is.

If most American's wanted that it would happen. If most American's wanted that they would be protesting to get things like e-verify made mandatory with strong repercussions for any business caught not participating.

Is that going to happen? No. We do not want to pay the cost.

Hell. They already have laws on the books but most of them are ignored. Anyone hiring illegals should be prosecuted but don't hold your breath for that to happen. Doesn't negate the fact that most Americans want all illegals out of our country and those that are here legally hate the illegals.

No, most do not want anything done. They do not want to pay the costs.

I disagree. These illegals cost us billions every year. That's billions with a B.

We are 27 trillion in debt. No one is paying that. You will pay though if all the illegals left. Why complain about something you are unwilling to even pay for?

As for myself, I'm willing to pay anything to get rid of them. I've said for the longest time we need a consumption tax that targets our debt exclusively; perhaps 10 cents on the dollar. Illegals and aliens cost us more than we get back from them. They come here, work, send their money back over the border, and then move back and live the good life with our money. The legal foreigners have a higher percentage of their people on the public dole than us citizens. If you're going to worry about money and debt, foreigners are the first place to start looking for the problem.

That's fine but you also know it isn't going to happen.

A lot of things discussed on USMB are not going to happen, but we come here to have debates on solutions to our problems.

Not really. All the same if you are suggesting something that you know is not going to happen, it's not really a solution is it?

The only alternative is to allow the politicians to create solutions that we may not agree with. Perhaps they have people and aids that read blogs like USMB to get the feeling of what the public wants. Trump became President because he said he was going to get rid of the illegals and stop new ones from coming in. He was elected that way. Before he got into politics, he listened to people just like you and me. To hell with the polls, the rigged surveys. He did what he felt the American people wanted. And who knows, he may have some of his people reading USMB.

They do not care what we want. They only care about what corporations want and corporations want the cheap labor. Corporations want the millions of those here illegally as consumers. Corporations don't want to pay the taxes that legal employees would cost them.

And we defend them while pretending we want something different.

and you defend those using violence as an ends to a means. lets not pretend you want anything other than violence, shall we?

your rules and all.

The alternative was the easy solution. People preferred the alternative.
Thanks Joe, for making the contrast with Trump even more clearer. Rewarding criminality: It’s the Democrat way.

Only common sense solution

What is wrong with good, hard working people becoming citizens?

There is nothing wrong with that. It's why we allow a million foreigners a year TO become citizens here. No other industrialized country in the world is as generous to foreigners as we are.

If an undocumented worker works hard, pays taxes and obeys the law, I have no problem providing them documentation and eventual citizenship.

They make great Americans

Some do and some don't, just like any other group of people. You don't get a free pass because you work hard. A lot of people work hard. If you want to get into this country, you wait in line like all the other people who became citizens.

I don’t have a problem with denying citizenship to those who don’t.
We have an estimated 11 million undocumented aliens in this country.
I have no problem documenting them, having them on the books and paying taxes and eventually having them become Americans

RW, we allow a million people to become citizens every year as I just stated. The reason we have this limit is so people adopt to our culture, and we are not forced to adopt to theirs as we've been doing the last 20 years or so, mostly because of the illegals.

When I was a kid and even young adult, we had one language: English. That was it. And if you came here, you learned OUR language, we didn't learn yours.

Because of this mistake of not stopping them, you now have to hit a number on your phone to speak with another person in English. You have to hit buttons on your ATM machine to do the same. When you go to vote, they ask what language you want your ballot in.

They are changing America because they snuck in, and didn't assimilate into our language or culture. That needs to stop and make America great again.

Where is the left's compassion for the other 3 BILLION poor people in the world who want to come here. The answer is, Dems are only interested in just enough ILLEGALS to guarantee they can rig elections. Beyond that they don't give a crap about the poor.

To some degree, you are correct. But the big picture is to make white people a minority ASAP for the first time in our history. That's their real goal. Because if they can get rid of us whites, they will have the ability to create a single-party government forever. Nobody would be able to come close to them.

There will be civil war before that day comes and the surviving leftist scum will flee for their lives to Canada.

On that note if you look at an animated map of the world over the past 300 years at how borders and empires have changed, assuming the USA will stay in tact as one country over the long term seems unlikely. We already fought a civil war which resolved nothing. Instead of agreeing to live apart one side defeated the other. Here we are again. The left is hell bent on destroying the right and forcing us to live under their world view. The right is equally hell bent on not living under the bootheel of the leftist fascists. So something has got to give at some point.

Trump's campaign knocks on a million doors a week. Biden's knocks on 0, according to the media
Thanks Joe, for making the contrast with Trump even more clearer. Rewarding criminality: It’s the Democrat way.

Bravo for Joe!

It's the right thing to do.

Guess you missed the word illegal.

Its already been done and just made things worse.

Most Americans want all illegals out of the country. Biden wouldn't be making many friends with his plans and since he stated them how many do you think will vote for his stupid ass??

I'd bet not many. No Americans want illegals turned into citizens. They want them out of the country and they also want to save the billions of tax dollars these illegals cost we the tax payer.

Hope Joe shouts his plans from the rooftop. What a moron he is.

If most American's wanted that it would happen. If most American's wanted that they would be protesting to get things like e-verify made mandatory with strong repercussions for any business caught not participating.

Is that going to happen? No. We do not want to pay the cost.

If we did it would solve little of our problems. E-verify has had it's share of problems. It doesn't work because identity theft is a huge business in Mexico and the US. Drug lords are multi-millionaires and willing to put that money into technology to make it virtually impossible to identify some illegals.

LOL, e-verify doesn't work because we don't want it to work. This has been covered endlessly. If we wanted it to work it would work.

I got into a similar debate with somebody about a year ago, who stated we should be locking up landlords who rent to illegals. I took umbrage with that comment because I'm a landlord. If a foreigner applied for one of my apartments with positive identification, I wouldn't know where to start when it comes to making sure they are here legally.

That aside, why place the onus on the employer? Look, we have cities that alert their illegals when ICE is going to conduct work place raids. We allow illegals to apply for loans, send their kids to our schools, get public assistance for their children, give them drivers licenses so they can get to their illegal jobs and back, but we want to stop employers from hiring them to solve the problem??? Seriously????

We have a party of people in this country that makes them coming here as comfortable as possible. So we can't say if we do X, that will solve all our problems. We need to get rid of these sanctuary cities and states. We need to make it illegal for them to have drivers licenses. We need to lock up political leaders who warn them of work place raids, or forbid their law enforcement from contacting ICE when they have an illegal law breaker in their possession. We need to do a ton of things, not just point at employers.

RIght, you want to excuse those who bring the people here in the first place. No jobs and they don't come. If they are going to be here working we should make sure they are healthy and things along those lines.

If you are going to have business bringing people here making so little as to not make ends meet they will turn to theft.
Amnesty will just aggrevate the problem.
Amnesty has proven to be a complete failure.
Amnesty will incite more to come illegally.
Of course, the duopoly isnt interested in actually fixing anything. Joe makes that clear.
Do not buy into the "eleven million" bullshit. That number is more than ten years old. It was an understatement when originally published and ASSUMES that no more people have come into the country illegally for the past thirteen years.

The actual number is closer to thirty million.

Keep THAT NUMBER in mind that when the Dems are talking about "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" (citizenship) for the "eleven million." It is a lie.
Amnesty will just aggrevate the problem.
Amnesty has proven to be a complete failure.
Amnesty will incite more to come illegally.
Of course, the duopoly isnt interested in actually fixing anything. Joe makes that clear.

Lets keep in mind Dems reneged on their end of the amnesty deal they negotiated with president Reagan. FACT you cannot negotiate with Democrats because they fully intend to weasel out of their end of the deal the first chance they get. You can't trust one word out of their big fat lying mouths.
Thanks Joe, for making the contrast with Trump even more clearer. Rewarding criminality: It’s the Democrat way.

Bravo for Joe!

It's the right thing to do.

Guess you missed the word illegal.

Its already been done and just made things worse.

Most Americans want all illegals out of the country. Biden wouldn't be making many friends with his plans and since he stated them how many do you think will vote for his stupid ass??

I'd bet not many. No Americans want illegals turned into citizens. They want them out of the country and they also want to save the billions of tax dollars these illegals cost we the tax payer.

Hope Joe shouts his plans from the rooftop. What a moron he is.

If most American's wanted that it would happen. If most American's wanted that they would be protesting to get things like e-verify made mandatory with strong repercussions for any business caught not participating.

Is that going to happen? No. We do not want to pay the cost.

Hell. They already have laws on the books but most of them are ignored. Anyone hiring illegals should be prosecuted but don't hold your breath for that to happen. Doesn't negate the fact that most Americans want all illegals out of our country and those that are here legally hate the illegals.

No, most do not want anything done. They do not want to pay the costs.

I disagree. These illegals cost us billions every year. That's billions with a B.

We are 27 trillion in debt. No one is paying that. You will pay though if all the illegals left. Why complain about something you are unwilling to even pay for?

As for myself, I'm willing to pay anything to get rid of them. I've said for the longest time we need a consumption tax that targets our debt exclusively; perhaps 10 cents on the dollar. Illegals and aliens cost us more than we get back from them. They come here, work, send their money back over the border, and then move back and live the good life with our money. The legal foreigners have a higher percentage of their people on the public dole than us citizens. If you're going to worry about money and debt, foreigners are the first place to start looking for the problem.

That's fine but you also know it isn't going to happen.

A lot of things discussed on USMB are not going to happen, but we come here to have debates on solutions to our problems.

Not really. All the same if you are suggesting something that you know is not going to happen, it's not really a solution is it?

The only alternative is to allow the politicians to create solutions that we may not agree with. Perhaps they have people and aids that read blogs like USMB to get the feeling of what the public wants. Trump became President because he said he was going to get rid of the illegals and stop new ones from coming in. He was elected that way. Before he got into politics, he listened to people just like you and me. To hell with the polls, the rigged surveys. He did what he felt the American people wanted. And who knows, he may have some of his people reading USMB.

They do not care what we want. They only care about what corporations want and corporations want the cheap labor. Corporations want the millions of those here illegally as consumers. Corporations don't want to pay the taxes that legal employees would cost them.

And we defend them while pretending we want something different.

I'm sure they do want cheap labor. But corporations don't hold the power of the vote--we do, the hundreds of millions of us. If they want that job in politics, they have to cater to our demands.
Thanks Joe, for making the contrast with Trump even more clearer. Rewarding criminality: It’s the Democrat way.

Only common sense solution

What is wrong with good, hard working people becoming citizens?

There is nothing wrong with that. It's why we allow a million foreigners a year TO become citizens here. No other industrialized country in the world is as generous to foreigners as we are.

If an undocumented worker works hard, pays taxes and obeys the law, I have no problem providing them documentation and eventual citizenship.

They make great Americans

Some do and some don't, just like any other group of people. You don't get a free pass because you work hard. A lot of people work hard. If you want to get into this country, you wait in line like all the other people who became citizens.

I don’t have a problem with denying citizenship to those who don’t.
We have an estimated 11 million undocumented aliens in this country.
I have no problem documenting them, having them on the books and paying taxes and eventually having them become Americans

RW, we allow a million people to become citizens every year as I just stated. The reason we have this limit is so people adopt to our culture, and we are not forced to adopt to theirs as we've been doing the last 20 years or so, mostly because of the illegals.

When I was a kid and even young adult, we had one language: English. That was it. And if you came here, you learned OUR language, we didn't learn yours.

Because of this mistake of not stopping them, you now have to hit a number on your phone to speak with another person in English. You have to hit buttons on your ATM machine to do the same. When you go to vote, they ask what language you want your ballot in.

They are changing America because they snuck in, and didn't assimilate into our language or culture. That needs to stop and make America great again.

Where is the left's compassion for the other 3 BILLION poor people in the world who want to come here. The answer is, Dems are only interested in just enough ILLEGALS to guarantee they can rig elections. Beyond that they don't give a crap about the poor.

To some degree, you are correct. But the big picture is to make white people a minority ASAP for the first time in our history. That's their real goal. Because if they can get rid of us whites, they will have the ability to create a single-party government forever. Nobody would be able to come close to them.

There will be civil war before that day comes and the surviving leftist scum will flee for their lives to Canada.

I doubt that because it's happening as we speak. Look at what Biden is saying now. He knows that the Democrat party is now the anti-white party, and he knows why they are doing it.
Thanks Joe, for making the contrast with Trump even more clearer. Rewarding criminality: It’s the Democrat way.

Bravo for Joe!

It's the right thing to do.

Guess you missed the word illegal.

Its already been done and just made things worse.

Most Americans want all illegals out of the country. Biden wouldn't be making many friends with his plans and since he stated them how many do you think will vote for his stupid ass??

I'd bet not many. No Americans want illegals turned into citizens. They want them out of the country and they also want to save the billions of tax dollars these illegals cost we the tax payer.

Hope Joe shouts his plans from the rooftop. What a moron he is.

"Path to citizenship".

You know, to make them not illegal.
Thanks Joe, for making the contrast with Trump even more clearer. Rewarding criminality: It’s the Democrat way.

Bravo for Joe!

It's the right thing to do.

Guess you missed the word illegal.

Its already been done and just made things worse.

Most Americans want all illegals out of the country. Biden wouldn't be making many friends with his plans and since he stated them how many do you think will vote for his stupid ass??

I'd bet not many. No Americans want illegals turned into citizens. They want them out of the country and they also want to save the billions of tax dollars these illegals cost we the tax payer.

Hope Joe shouts his plans from the rooftop. What a moron he is.

"Path to citizenship".

You know, to make them not illegal.

Sure. That path costs thousands of dollars and takes years.

I have a friend from South America. It cost him thousand and took years but he is finally an American citizen. He hates illegals and I can't blame him.
Thanks Joe, for making the contrast with Trump even more clearer. Rewarding criminality: It’s the Democrat way.

Bravo for Joe!

It's the right thing to do.

Guess you missed the word illegal.

Its already been done and just made things worse.

Most Americans want all illegals out of the country. Biden wouldn't be making many friends with his plans and since he stated them how many do you think will vote for his stupid ass??

I'd bet not many. No Americans want illegals turned into citizens. They want them out of the country and they also want to save the billions of tax dollars these illegals cost we the tax payer.

Hope Joe shouts his plans from the rooftop. What a moron he is.

If most American's wanted that it would happen. If most American's wanted that they would be protesting to get things like e-verify made mandatory with strong repercussions for any business caught not participating.

Is that going to happen? No. We do not want to pay the cost.

If we did it would solve little of our problems. E-verify has had it's share of problems. It doesn't work because identity theft is a huge business in Mexico and the US. Drug lords are multi-millionaires and willing to put that money into technology to make it virtually impossible to identify some illegals.

LOL, e-verify doesn't work because we don't want it to work. This has been covered endlessly. If we wanted it to work it would work.

I got into a similar debate with somebody about a year ago, who stated we should be locking up landlords who rent to illegals. I took umbrage with that comment because I'm a landlord. If a foreigner applied for one of my apartments with positive identification, I wouldn't know where to start when it comes to making sure they are here legally.

That aside, why place the onus on the employer? Look, we have cities that alert their illegals when ICE is going to conduct work place raids. We allow illegals to apply for loans, send their kids to our schools, get public assistance for their children, give them drivers licenses so they can get to their illegal jobs and back, but we want to stop employers from hiring them to solve the problem??? Seriously????

We have a party of people in this country that makes them coming here as comfortable as possible. So we can't say if we do X, that will solve all our problems. We need to get rid of these sanctuary cities and states. We need to make it illegal for them to have drivers licenses. We need to lock up political leaders who warn them of work place raids, or forbid their law enforcement from contacting ICE when they have an illegal law breaker in their possession. We need to do a ton of things, not just point at employers.

RIght, you want to excuse those who bring the people here in the first place. No jobs and they don't come. If they are going to be here working we should make sure they are healthy and things along those lines.

If you are going to have business bringing people here making so little as to not make ends meet they will turn to theft.

They are not bringing in anybody. Name me one company that's smuggling people in from the Mexican border.

They hire illegals who are already here. They don't send somebody in a truck to pick them up. Yeah, I want to excuse those employers, but you want to excuse all the other Americans responsible for them being here so they can get hired.

They come here for more reasons than jobs. Using the estimate of 20 million illegals in this country, do you think all 20 million are working jobs illegally?
Thanks Joe, for making the contrast with Trump even more clearer. Rewarding criminality: It’s the Democrat way.

Bravo for Joe!

It's the right thing to do.

Guess you missed the word illegal.

Its already been done and just made things worse.

Most Americans want all illegals out of the country. Biden wouldn't be making many friends with his plans and since he stated them how many do you think will vote for his stupid ass??

I'd bet not many. No Americans want illegals turned into citizens. They want them out of the country and they also want to save the billions of tax dollars these illegals cost we the tax payer.

Hope Joe shouts his plans from the rooftop. What a moron he is.

"Path to citizenship".

You know, to make them not illegal.

Path to getting rid of rapists, make rape legal.
Thanks Joe, for making the contrast with Trump even more clearer. Rewarding criminality: It’s the Democrat way.

Bravo for Joe!

It's the right thing to do.

Guess you missed the word illegal.

Its already been done and just made things worse.

Most Americans want all illegals out of the country. Biden wouldn't be making many friends with his plans and since he stated them how many do you think will vote for his stupid ass??

I'd bet not many. No Americans want illegals turned into citizens. They want them out of the country and they also want to save the billions of tax dollars these illegals cost we the tax payer.

Hope Joe shouts his plans from the rooftop. What a moron he is.

If most American's wanted that it would happen. If most American's wanted that they would be protesting to get things like e-verify made mandatory with strong repercussions for any business caught not participating.

Is that going to happen? No. We do not want to pay the cost.

Hell. They already have laws on the books but most of them are ignored. Anyone hiring illegals should be prosecuted but don't hold your breath for that to happen. Doesn't negate the fact that most Americans want all illegals out of our country and those that are here legally hate the illegals.

No, most do not want anything done. They do not want to pay the costs.

I disagree. These illegals cost us billions every year. That's billions with a B.

We are 27 trillion in debt. No one is paying that. You will pay though if all the illegals left. Why complain about something you are unwilling to even pay for?

As for myself, I'm willing to pay anything to get rid of them. I've said for the longest time we need a consumption tax that targets our debt exclusively; perhaps 10 cents on the dollar. Illegals and aliens cost us more than we get back from them. They come here, work, send their money back over the border, and then move back and live the good life with our money. The legal foreigners have a higher percentage of their people on the public dole than us citizens. If you're going to worry about money and debt, foreigners are the first place to start looking for the problem.

That's fine but you also know it isn't going to happen.

A lot of things discussed on USMB are not going to happen, but we come here to have debates on solutions to our problems.

Not really. All the same if you are suggesting something that you know is not going to happen, it's not really a solution is it?

The only alternative is to allow the politicians to create solutions that we may not agree with. Perhaps they have people and aids that read blogs like USMB to get the feeling of what the public wants. Trump became President because he said he was going to get rid of the illegals and stop new ones from coming in. He was elected that way. Before he got into politics, he listened to people just like you and me. To hell with the polls, the rigged surveys. He did what he felt the American people wanted. And who knows, he may have some of his people reading USMB.

They do not care what we want. They only care about what corporations want and corporations want the cheap labor. Corporations want the millions of those here illegally as consumers. Corporations don't want to pay the taxes that legal employees would cost them.

And we defend them while pretending we want something different.

I'm sure they do want cheap labor. But corporations don't hold the power of the vote--we do, the hundreds of millions of us. If they want that job in politics, they have to cater to our demands.

And you will vote for someone that you know isn't going to do what you say you support. So yes, the corporations hold the power.
Thanks Joe, for making the contrast with Trump even more clearer. Rewarding criminality: It’s the Democrat way.

Bravo for Joe!

It's the right thing to do.

Guess you missed the word illegal.

Its already been done and just made things worse.

Most Americans want all illegals out of the country. Biden wouldn't be making many friends with his plans and since he stated them how many do you think will vote for his stupid ass??

I'd bet not many. No Americans want illegals turned into citizens. They want them out of the country and they also want to save the billions of tax dollars these illegals cost we the tax payer.

Hope Joe shouts his plans from the rooftop. What a moron he is.

If most American's wanted that it would happen. If most American's wanted that they would be protesting to get things like e-verify made mandatory with strong repercussions for any business caught not participating.

Is that going to happen? No. We do not want to pay the cost.

Hell. They already have laws on the books but most of them are ignored. Anyone hiring illegals should be prosecuted but don't hold your breath for that to happen. Doesn't negate the fact that most Americans want all illegals out of our country and those that are here legally hate the illegals.

No, most do not want anything done. They do not want to pay the costs.

I disagree. These illegals cost us billions every year. That's billions with a B.

We are 27 trillion in debt. No one is paying that. You will pay though if all the illegals left. Why complain about something you are unwilling to even pay for?

As for myself, I'm willing to pay anything to get rid of them. I've said for the longest time we need a consumption tax that targets our debt exclusively; perhaps 10 cents on the dollar. Illegals and aliens cost us more than we get back from them. They come here, work, send their money back over the border, and then move back and live the good life with our money. The legal foreigners have a higher percentage of their people on the public dole than us citizens. If you're going to worry about money and debt, foreigners are the first place to start looking for the problem.

That's fine but you also know it isn't going to happen.

A lot of things discussed on USMB are not going to happen, but we come here to have debates on solutions to our problems.

Not really. All the same if you are suggesting something that you know is not going to happen, it's not really a solution is it?

The only alternative is to allow the politicians to create solutions that we may not agree with. Perhaps they have people and aids that read blogs like USMB to get the feeling of what the public wants. Trump became President because he said he was going to get rid of the illegals and stop new ones from coming in. He was elected that way. Before he got into politics, he listened to people just like you and me. To hell with the polls, the rigged surveys. He did what he felt the American people wanted. And who knows, he may have some of his people reading USMB.

They do not care what we want. They only care about what corporations want and corporations want the cheap labor. Corporations want the millions of those here illegally as consumers. Corporations don't want to pay the taxes that legal employees would cost them.

And we defend them while pretending we want something different.

I'm sure they do want cheap labor. But corporations don't hold the power of the vote--we do, the hundreds of millions of us. If they want that job in politics, they have to cater to our demands.

And you will vote for someone that you know isn't going to do what you say you support. So yes, the corporations hold the power.

No, I voted for Donald Trump who's done a fantastic job when it comes to illegals, especially considering the opposition such as the Democrat party and their commie judges who have tried to stop Trump at every anti-immigration policy he created.

And again per my article that I posted, on one hand, lock up employers that hire them, and on the other, if they don't hire them, they can get sued by the illegal for discrimination. So what's an employer supposed to do?
Thanks Joe, for making the contrast with Trump even more clearer. Rewarding criminality: It’s the Democrat way.

Only common sense solution

What is wrong with good, hard working people becoming citizens?

There is nothing wrong with that. It's why we allow a million foreigners a year TO become citizens here. No other industrialized country in the world is as generous to foreigners as we are.

If an undocumented worker works hard, pays taxes and obeys the law, I have no problem providing them documentation and eventual citizenship.

They make great Americans

Some do and some don't, just like any other group of people. You don't get a free pass because you work hard. A lot of people work hard. If you want to get into this country, you wait in line like all the other people who became citizens.

I don’t have a problem with denying citizenship to those who don’t.
We have an estimated 11 million undocumented aliens in this country.
I have no problem documenting them, having them on the books and paying taxes and eventually having them become Americans

RW, we allow a million people to become citizens every year as I just stated. The reason we have this limit is so people adopt to our culture, and we are not forced to adopt to theirs as we've been doing the last 20 years or so, mostly because of the illegals.

When I was a kid and even young adult, we had one language: English. That was it. And if you came here, you learned OUR language, we didn't learn yours.

Because of this mistake of not stopping them, you now have to hit a number on your phone to speak with another person in English. You have to hit buttons on your ATM machine to do the same. When you go to vote, they ask what language you want your ballot in.

They are changing America because they snuck in, and didn't assimilate into our language or culture. That needs to stop and make America great again.

Yup and from what I understand if you want to be a police officer or member of the fire department in Miami you have to speak Spanish.

English is the language of this country and many of these illegals have been here for years and still don't speak English.

Get rid of that Spanish button on the phone. Learn English or go back where you came from.
Thanks Joe, for making the contrast with Trump even more clearer. Rewarding criminality: It’s the Democrat way.

Bravo for Joe!

It's the right thing to do.

Guess you missed the word illegal.

Its already been done and just made things worse.

Most Americans want all illegals out of the country. Biden wouldn't be making many friends with his plans and since he stated them how many do you think will vote for his stupid ass??

I'd bet not many. No Americans want illegals turned into citizens. They want them out of the country and they also want to save the billions of tax dollars these illegals cost we the tax payer.

Hope Joe shouts his plans from the rooftop. What a moron he is.

If most American's wanted that it would happen. If most American's wanted that they would be protesting to get things like e-verify made mandatory with strong repercussions for any business caught not participating.

Is that going to happen? No. We do not want to pay the cost.

If we did it would solve little of our problems. E-verify has had it's share of problems. It doesn't work because identity theft is a huge business in Mexico and the US. Drug lords are multi-millionaires and willing to put that money into technology to make it virtually impossible to identify some illegals.

LOL, e-verify doesn't work because we don't want it to work. This has been covered endlessly. If we wanted it to work it would work.

I got into a similar debate with somebody about a year ago, who stated we should be locking up landlords who rent to illegals. I took umbrage with that comment because I'm a landlord. If a foreigner applied for one of my apartments with positive identification, I wouldn't know where to start when it comes to making sure they are here legally.

That aside, why place the onus on the employer? Look, we have cities that alert their illegals when ICE is going to conduct work place raids. We allow illegals to apply for loans, send their kids to our schools, get public assistance for their children, give them drivers licenses so they can get to their illegal jobs and back, but we want to stop employers from hiring them to solve the problem??? Seriously????

We have a party of people in this country that makes them coming here as comfortable as possible. So we can't say if we do X, that will solve all our problems. We need to get rid of these sanctuary cities and states. We need to make it illegal for them to have drivers licenses. We need to lock up political leaders who warn them of work place raids, or forbid their law enforcement from contacting ICE when they have an illegal law breaker in their possession. We need to do a ton of things, not just point at employers.

RIght, you want to excuse those who bring the people here in the first place. No jobs and they don't come. If they are going to be here working we should make sure they are healthy and things along those lines.

If you are going to have business bringing people here making so little as to not make ends meet they will turn to theft.

They are not bringing in anybody. Name me one company that's smuggling people in from the Mexican border.

We refuse to address companies enticing people to come here illegally.

Undocumented Workers Are The Backbone Of Dairies. Will Trump Change That?

This article is almost three years old. It mentions Trump. What has he done? We know that thousands of illegals are working in the industry. What has he done? The answer would be nothing. Illegals know that thee jobs are there. The industry doesn't even try and hide the fact that they will hire you if you are here illegally.

The idea that citizens won't do the job is B.S. also. They won't do it for the low wages the industry wants to pay to keep the price of milk and cheese low. Something we want also so we pretend to care about the problem knowing very well we support the system.

They hire illegals who are already here. They don't send somebody in a truck to pick them up. Yeah, I want to excuse those employers, but you want to excuse all the other Americans responsible for them being here so they can get hired.

They come here for more reasons than jobs. Using the estimate of 20 million illegals in this country, do you think all 20 million are working jobs illegally?

No, some are kids. No they are not working. You can not survive here as an illegal any other way. But you know this.
Thanks Joe, for making the contrast with Trump even more clearer. Rewarding criminality: It’s the Democrat way.

Bravo for Joe!

It's the right thing to do.

Guess you missed the word illegal.

Its already been done and just made things worse.

Most Americans want all illegals out of the country. Biden wouldn't be making many friends with his plans and since he stated them how many do you think will vote for his stupid ass??

I'd bet not many. No Americans want illegals turned into citizens. They want them out of the country and they also want to save the billions of tax dollars these illegals cost we the tax payer.

Hope Joe shouts his plans from the rooftop. What a moron he is.

If most American's wanted that it would happen. If most American's wanted that they would be protesting to get things like e-verify made mandatory with strong repercussions for any business caught not participating.

Is that going to happen? No. We do not want to pay the cost.

Hell. They already have laws on the books but most of them are ignored. Anyone hiring illegals should be prosecuted but don't hold your breath for that to happen. Doesn't negate the fact that most Americans want all illegals out of our country and those that are here legally hate the illegals.

No, most do not want anything done. They do not want to pay the costs.

I disagree. These illegals cost us billions every year. That's billions with a B.

We are 27 trillion in debt. No one is paying that. You will pay though if all the illegals left. Why complain about something you are unwilling to even pay for?

As for myself, I'm willing to pay anything to get rid of them. I've said for the longest time we need a consumption tax that targets our debt exclusively; perhaps 10 cents on the dollar. Illegals and aliens cost us more than we get back from them. They come here, work, send their money back over the border, and then move back and live the good life with our money. The legal foreigners have a higher percentage of their people on the public dole than us citizens. If you're going to worry about money and debt, foreigners are the first place to start looking for the problem.

That's fine but you also know it isn't going to happen.

A lot of things discussed on USMB are not going to happen, but we come here to have debates on solutions to our problems.

Not really. All the same if you are suggesting something that you know is not going to happen, it's not really a solution is it?

The only alternative is to allow the politicians to create solutions that we may not agree with. Perhaps they have people and aids that read blogs like USMB to get the feeling of what the public wants. Trump became President because he said he was going to get rid of the illegals and stop new ones from coming in. He was elected that way. Before he got into politics, he listened to people just like you and me. To hell with the polls, the rigged surveys. He did what he felt the American people wanted. And who knows, he may have some of his people reading USMB.

They do not care what we want. They only care about what corporations want and corporations want the cheap labor. Corporations want the millions of those here illegally as consumers. Corporations don't want to pay the taxes that legal employees would cost them.

And we defend them while pretending we want something different.

I'm sure they do want cheap labor. But corporations don't hold the power of the vote--we do, the hundreds of millions of us. If they want that job in politics, they have to cater to our demands.

And you will vote for someone that you know isn't going to do what you say you support. So yes, the corporations hold the power.

No, I voted for Donald Trump who's done a fantastic job when it comes to illegals, especially considering the opposition such as the Democrat party and their commie judges who have tried to stop Trump at every anti-immigration policy he created.

And again per my article that I posted, on one hand, lock up employers that hire them, and on the other, if they don't hire them, they can get sued by the illegal for discrimination. So what's an employer supposed to do?

No they can not be sued by an illegal for not hiring them all hyperbole aside.

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