Biden regrets ending re-election campaign, says he would have defeated Trump

His statement on the New Orleans thing was horrible. He was so squinty it looked like that was the first time they had allowed him out of his crypt into the daylight in weeks.
No way Biden would have come anywhere close to winning in 2024. Dems kicked him to the curb because they knew they couldn't run another basement campaign and republicans had been successful in lawsuits against mail-in voting.
Biden's just doing what he does making things about himself.
Yeah, Reagan tapped out of office in the late 1980s if I remember right! I just looked it up: 1989! I still remember watching his funeral for hours where his casket was laid out as thousands passed by paying their last respects.

You could be right; wouldn't surprise me.

He may still be alive somewhere as a vegetable in a nursing home unaware of what day of the week it is. I bet Joe's brain is already full of calcium deposits.

Trump gets a bad rap, but I think he really does that mostly toward those who have attacked him first. I just hope I'm here to see the end of Trump's term to find out.
/----/ Joe is presenting Dementia

Moderate (Stage 2)​

At this stage, a person with Alzheimer's begins to be disabled by the disease.

  • Although individuals with Alzheimer’s can recall the distant past, recent events are difficult for them to remember.
  • They have difficulty comprehending day, time, and location.
  • They may invent new words as they lose old ones.
  • They may not recognize formerly familiar faces.
  • Alzheimer's Disease Signs & Symptoms | BrightFocus Foundation
Biden thinks he'd have won?
Comedy Gold

And just a little bit scary.
  • The election was a referendum against all that Biden had done.
  • His own party pulled him after he belly-flopped at the first debate.
  • They installed his own VP to replace him then gave her 1.4 billion dollars which she spent all of and more yet still lost (badly).
  • All 50 states moved towards the red, Trump doubled the black vote.
  • Biden bowed out on national TV saying he dropped out for the good of the country.
  • Trump won an historic 312 EC votes, all 7 swing states plus the popular vote yet Joe thinks he could have won had he stayed in.
  • This idiot is still walking around on his bitter revenge tour for another two weeks still carrying the nuclear football.
Well if that ain't a kick is the ass for Kamala Harris. His doctors must have taken him off his Adderall prescription and put him on Hopium.

Does anyone but Joe really believe he could have beaten Trump? :laughing0301:

Biden reportedly regrets ending re-election campaign and says he’d have defeated Trump​

President also regrets picking Merrick Garland for attorney general, as he was slow to prosecute Trump for January 6

"Joe Biden regrets having pulled out of this year’s presidential race and believes he would have defeated Donald Trump in last month’s election – despite negative poll indications, White House sources have said.

The US president has reportedly also said he made a mistake in choosing Merrick Garland as attorney general – reflecting that Garland, a former US appeals court judge, was slow to prosecute Donald Trump for his role in the 6 January 2021 insurrection while presiding over a justice department that aggressively prosecuted Biden’s son Hunter.

With just more than three weeks of his single-term presidency remaining, Biden’s reported rueful reflections are revealed in a Washington Post profile that contains the clearest signs yet that he thinks he erred in withdrawing his candidacy in July after a woeful debate performance against his rival for the White House, Trump, the previous month.

The president stepped aside – to be replaced as his party’s nominee by the US vice-president, Kamala Harris – after mounting pressure from fellow Democrats, who cited polling evidence that appeared to show him heading for a near-certain election drubbing from Trump, who was seeking a historic return to the White House as the Republicans’ nominee.

Harris’s ascent to the top of the ticket led to a surge of enthusiasm and improved poll numbers but ultimately ended in a decisive electoral college and popular vote defeat.

While Biden and his aides have been careful not to blame Harris, they apparently believe the result would have been different if he had stood his ground, according to the Washington Post’s reporting.

It is a view disputed by many Harris supporters, who blame the president for waiting too long before withdrawing, thus leaving the vice-president with little time to mount an effective campaign."

Biden reportedly regrets ending re-election campaign and says he’d have defeated Trump
A garbage truck came by, picked up Biden Harris and deposited them in the trash bin of History. America saved
Thanks for the heads up on the dates. I have edited.
I don't think he will be in public life, to speak of, by next fall. It is unlikely he will last to the end of Trump's term or much beyond. If Joe doesn't make it to the end of Trump's term, I hope Don shows just a bit of class, instead of callous at the end.
The idiot Biden deserves nothing
Well if that ain't a kick is the ass for Kamala Harris. His doctors must have taken him off his Adderall prescription and put him on Hopium.

Does anyone but Joe really believe he could have beaten Trump? :laughing0301:

Biden reportedly regrets ending re-election campaign and says he’d have defeated Trump​

President also regrets picking Merrick Garland for attorney general, as he was slow to prosecute Trump for January 6

"Joe Biden regrets having pulled out of this year’s presidential race and believes he would have defeated Donald Trump in last month’s election – despite negative poll indications, White House sources have said.

The US president has reportedly also said he made a mistake in choosing Merrick Garland as attorney general – reflecting that Garland, a former US appeals court judge, was slow to prosecute Donald Trump for his role in the 6 January 2021 insurrection while presiding over a justice department that aggressively prosecuted Biden’s son Hunter.

With just more than three weeks of his single-term presidency remaining, Biden’s reported rueful reflections are revealed in a Washington Post profile that contains the clearest signs yet that he thinks he erred in withdrawing his candidacy in July after a woeful debate performance against his rival for the White House, Trump, the previous month.

The president stepped aside – to be replaced as his party’s nominee by the US vice-president, Kamala Harris – after mounting pressure from fellow Democrats, who cited polling evidence that appeared to show him heading for a near-certain election drubbing from Trump, who was seeking a historic return to the White House as the Republicans’ nominee.

Harris’s ascent to the top of the ticket led to a surge of enthusiasm and improved poll numbers but ultimately ended in a decisive electoral college and popular vote defeat.

While Biden and his aides have been careful not to blame Harris, they apparently believe the result would have been different if he had stood his ground, according to the Washington Post’s reporting.

It is a view disputed by many Harris supporters, who blame the president for waiting too long before withdrawing, thus leaving the vice-president with little time to mount an effective campaign."

Biden reportedly regrets ending re-election campaign and says he’d have defeated Trump
He can't even lift his 13 Ounce Beach chair.
I have always liked Joe Biden and I have always disliked Donald Trump. Nevertheless, I think Biden is more responsible for the reelection of Trump than anyone else. Shortly after Biden was inaugurated, he should have announced that he did not intend to run for reelection. That would have opened the Democrat nomination in 2024 to competition, and a more appealing candidate than Kamala Harris would have been nominated.

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