Biden's America: Illegal Immigrants Getting Free Smartphones at Border Paid for by US Taxpayers – Some Do Not Have Court Dates Until 2035 (VIDEO)

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
What a travesty! Expect your cell phone bill to go up. Plus the 2027- 2035 court dates, well that will give them time to start dropping multiple anchor babies to solidify them from being deported.

This has been covered extensively. The government has been handing out these phones for years.
What a travesty! Expect your cell phone bill to go up. Plus the 2027- 2035 court dates, well that will give them time to start dropping multiple anchor babies to solidify them from being deported.

If you want a phone so bad go and cross the border as an immigrant.
What a travesty! Expect your cell phone bill to go up. Plus the 2027- 2035 court dates, well that will give them time to start dropping multiple anchor babies to solidify them from being deported.

And you would complain if we let them in with no way of finding where they are
So illegals break our laws and we just set them free with fake court dates knowing most will never show up. Why aren't Dems in prison for promoting this?

Coming here illegally is a misdemeanor. If you come here illegally and then claim asylum that is legal. They get their day in court.
What a travesty! Expect your cell phone bill to go up. Plus the 2027- 2035 court dates, well that will give them time to start dropping multiple anchor babies to solidify them from being deported.

And by then, the Dems are hoping to have forced amnesty down our throats, and all court dates will be voided.

The Dems are importing as many lowlifes in as quickly as possible. Did you see that camera shot of all the filthy clothes and other trash they discarded on the American side as soon as they crossed over? Why would any thinking American want people who have so little disregard or respect for the country and people they want to be part of?
Even if we are Blessed enough to get Trump back in office and he takes action to close the border, that will be two years from now - and the Biden Regime will have brought in another 5 million lowlifes, and many of whom will have had their anchor babies by then.

I fear the damage the Dems have done is irreparable.
And by then, the Dems are hoping to have forced amnesty down our throats, and all court dates will be voided.

The Dems are importing as many lowlifes in as quickly as possible. Did you see that camera shot of all the filthy clothes and other trash they discarded on the American side as soon as they crossed over? Why would any thinking American want people who have so little disregard or respect for the country and people they want to be part of?
I saw it. Where's the fanatical environmentalists protesting this at the border?
Coming here illegally is a misdemeanor. If you come here illegally and then claim asylum that is legal. They get their day in court.
I'm pretty sure illegals killing over 200,000 Americans with their drug trafficking is a felony. Illegals committing hundreds of thousands of other felonies is illegal. 1/3 of illegals committing tax fraud to the tune of $5 billion a year in fraudulent refunds is illegal.


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