Big Sis Napolitano Sued


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
November 16, 2010

A lawsuit was filed today against Janet Napolitano and the Transportation Security Administration alleging that the invasive airport "security" procedures instituted at President Obama's instructions are "profane, degrading, intrusive and indecent" and are both "unreasonable and violative of the Fourth Amendment."

The case was filed in federal court for the District of Columbia by John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute and others on behalf of two veteran pilots, Michael S. Roberts and Ann Poe.
"Forcing Americans to undergo a virtual strip search as a matter of course in reporting to work or boarding an airplane when there is no suspicion of wrongdoing is a grotesque violation of our civil liberties, undermining our right to privacy and to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures by government agents," said Whitehead.

"So we can thank President Obama for this frontal assault on our Fourth Amendment rights. Mind you, this is the same man who insisted that 'we will not succumb to a siege mentality that sacrifices the open society and liberties and values that we cherish as Americans,'" Whitehead said.
He said the Fourth Amendment's provisions make clear the "right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

"It's a huge civil liberties issue," he told WND. "In the United States, we've never before strip-searched – full-body strip searches – unless there's reasonable suspicion of some kind of criminal activity."

The case explains since the constitutional violations are preventing Roberts and Poe from earning a living, they need to be compensated and given "all other measures of damages legally allowed."

Big Sis Napolitano sued for 'degrading' searches
And she is considering an exemption against Muslim women being scanned or patted down......This is something that defies description.I can't believe she will even consider not searching the people that got us where we are today.
I wonder if purchasing an airline ticket which specifically states on it that you will be subject to TSA procedures before you are allowed to board an airplane qualifies as a warrant for search? Oh wait, my wife the attorney says yes.

You don't want to be searched at an airport, it's simple, DON'T fly.
I wonder if purchasing an airline ticket which specifically states on it that you will be subject to TSA procedures before you are allowed to board an airplane qualifies as a warrant for search? Oh wait, my wife the attorney says yes.

You don't want to be searched at an airport, it's simple, DON'T fly.

If you don't give a shit about the civil liberties we have a God given right to, it's simple, go live somewhere else. Perhaps Germany 1938 would be more up your alley.

I wonder if purchasing an airline ticket which specifically states on it that you will be subject to TSA procedures before you are allowed to board an airplane qualifies as a warrant for search? Oh wait, my wife the attorney says yes.

You don't want to be searched at an airport, it's simple, DON'T fly.

If you don't give a shit about the civil liberties we have a God given right to, it's simple, go live somewhere else. Perhaps Germany 1938 would be more up your alley.


Your civil liberties are NOT being violated when you CHOOSE to do something. Now if someone from the government showed up at your house and FORCED you to be body scanned, you'd have an argument, but they don't and neither do you.
I always appreciate how the same people who run around whining about tort reform applaud frivolous lawsuits so long as they're brought against the people *they* don't like.
I wonder if purchasing an airline ticket which specifically states on it that you will be subject to TSA procedures before you are allowed to board an airplane qualifies as a warrant for search? Oh wait, my wife the attorney says yes.

You don't want to be searched at an airport, it's simple, DON'T fly.

Who "stated" that on the ticket.....oh.....the STATE did.....

It's not just that "simple"....or should I just quit living in order to not be searched?

What's next...?

Scans before I ride a bus, a train, a subway, a boat...
Scans before entering a store, a school, a park, the Post Office...
I don't want to need some government permit to cross a state line, cross the city, or cross the street...
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I wonder if purchasing an airline ticket which specifically states on it that you will be subject to TSA procedures before you are allowed to board an airplane qualifies as a warrant for search? Oh wait, my wife the attorney says yes.

You don't want to be searched at an airport, it's simple, DON'T fly.

Who "stated" that on the ticket.....oh.....the STATE did.....

It's not just that "simple"....or should I just quit living in order to not be searched?

What's next...?

Scans before I ride a bus, a train, a subway, a boat...
Scans before entering a store, a school, a park, the Post Office...
I don't want to need some government permit to cross a state line, cross the city, or cross the street...

Most schools in fact have metal detectors students must go through before entering. Is THAT a violation to?
I always appreciate how the same people who run around whining about tort reform applaud frivolous lawsuits so long as they're brought against the people *they* don't like.

Gee....I thought the ACLU never made any "frivolous" lawsuits....:lol:
I wonder if purchasing an airline ticket which specifically states on it that you will be subject to TSA procedures before you are allowed to board an airplane qualifies as a warrant for search? Oh wait, my wife the attorney says yes.

You don't want to be searched at an airport, it's simple, DON'T fly.

Who "stated" that on the ticket.....oh.....the STATE did.....

It's not just that "simple"....or should I just quit living in order to not be searched?

What's next...?

Scans before I ride a bus, a train, a subway, a boat...
Scans before entering a store, a school, a park, the Post Office...
I don't want to need some government permit to cross a state line, cross the city, or cross the street...

Most schools in fact have metal detectors students must go through before entering. Is THAT a violation to?

THAT'S a damned shame...but that's government schools for ya...
I wonder if purchasing an airline ticket which specifically states on it that you will be subject to TSA procedures before you are allowed to board an airplane qualifies as a warrant for search? Oh wait, my wife the attorney says yes.

You don't want to be searched at an airport, it's simple, DON'T fly.

It isn't like this violates our Constitutional rights or anything, is it?

Go to about 2:30 and listen.


"Nobody likes to have their 4th Amendment rights violated..."

Maybe it is unconstitutional after all. Didn't you swear to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic? Does that only apply if you disagree with the people trying to subvert it, or does it apply even if you think they have a point?
I always appreciate how the same people who run around whining about tort reform applaud frivolous lawsuits so long as they're brought against the people *they* don't like.

We should reform torts so that people cannot sue the government? How would I be able to square that position with my belief in a limited government?

Besides, tort reform is not about eliminating lawsuits, it is about forcing the losers to pay, and eliminating excessive and unrealistic damages. If the court wants to impose punitive damages, those should be placed into a general fund to reduce the deficit, and not given to the other parties of the suit. That shouldn't be a problem for even the most ardent lawyer, because punitive damages are not designed to enrich anyone, but punish the guilty.
I wonder if purchasing an airline ticket which specifically states on it that you will be subject to TSA procedures before you are allowed to board an airplane qualifies as a warrant for search? Oh wait, my wife the attorney says yes.

You don't want to be searched at an airport, it's simple, DON'T fly.

Who "stated" that on the ticket.....oh.....the STATE did.....

It's not just that "simple"....or should I just quit living in order to not be searched?

What's next...?

Scans before I ride a bus, a train, a subway, a boat...
Scans before entering a store, a school, a park, the Post Office...
I don't want to need some government permit to cross a state line, cross the city, or cross the street...

Most schools in fact have metal detectors students must go through before entering. Is THAT a violation to?

I wonder if purchasing an airline ticket which specifically states on it that you will be subject to TSA procedures before you are allowed to board an airplane qualifies as a warrant for search? Oh wait, my wife the attorney says yes.
You don't want to be searched at an airport, it's simple, DON'T fly.
You're wife must know what a warrant is. That's not a warrant, that's just getting your permission. To which you may refuse at any time.
Your civil liberties are NOT being violated when you CHOOSE to do something. Now if someone from the government showed up at your house and FORCED you to be body scanned, you'd have an argument, but they don't and neither do you.
So, the government has to have warrant to search your house where you have Reasonable Expectation of Privacy, but the TSA doesn't need a warrant to search your underwear because you have no Reasonable Expectation of Privacy there?

Muslims hijacked planes and flew them into the Twin Towers. How is TSA checking my crotch preventing that from happening again?
I wonder if purchasing an airline ticket which specifically states on it that you will be subject to TSA procedures before you are allowed to board an airplane qualifies as a warrant for search? Oh wait, my wife the attorney says yes.

You don't want to be searched at an airport, it's simple, DON'T fly.

If you don't give a shit about the civil liberties we have a God given right to, it's simple, go live somewhere else. Perhaps Germany 1938 would be more up your alley.


Your civil liberties are NOT being violated when you CHOOSE to do something. Now if someone from the government showed up at your house and FORCED you to be body scanned, you'd have an argument, but they don't and neither do you.

Americans wishing to visit family and friends across the country are not exercising a privilege granted by the government, so go fuck yourself, you fascist pig.

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