Bill Clinton earned $48 million giving speeches while Hillary was potus

Sorry. I meant to put in title "while Hillary was SOS".

The point is, there are claims that Hillary did political favors in return for paying Bill for speeches. I've just never heard what the specific favors were. I'm curious if anyone knows what they might be.

Sorry for the confusion.

Judicial Watch is partisan. They say she ok'd the Uranium One deal, which isn't true of course.

Judicial Watch is partisan.

Yea, I know. Does that mean anything and everything they say is erroneous?

Judicial Watch is partisan.

Yea, I know. Does that mean anything and everything they say is erroneous?

I never use them as a reference, they are ultra bias. They exist for the GOP.

Judicial Watch is partisan.

Yea, I know. Does that mean anything and everything they say is erroneous?

I never use them as a reference, they are ultra bias. They exist for the GOP.

I agree and that's why I posed the question here.

On another note, Judicial Watch has been effective at getting government agencies to release information to the public via their Freedom of Information requests, some of which they've gone to court to obtain.

Let me ask you a question. Are there any political organizations that are "partisans" for the Democratic Party?
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Judicial Watch is partisan.

Yea, I know. Does that mean anything and everything they say is erroneous?

I never use them as a reference, they are ultra bias. They exist for the GOP.

I agree and that's why I posed the question here.

On another note, Judicial Watch has been effective at getting government agencies to release information to the public via their Freedom of Information requests, some of which they've gone to court to obtain.

Let me ask you a question. Are there any political organizations that "partisans" for the Democratic Party?

I don't know of any. Do you, to specifically to target the GOP??
i doubt hillary.... as SOS....was able to 'sign off' on any 'favors' by herself...
you know - having checks & balances 'n all....

like uranium one... it has been debunked 6 ways to sunday, but the rwnjs need to believe the pablum they are spoon fed to help justify their all consuming hatred of her.
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Dark money manages the mind of the right in America, money and corporate power have always fought honest reporting. Focusing on the Clintons keeps the partisan busy looking in the wrong direction. Nothing new here. I'm already getting Trump social media BS.

'Koch Industries Is Staffing Up with Voter Data Scientists to Tip the November Election to the Extreme Right'

Koch Industries Is Staffing Up with Voter Data Scientists to Tip the November Election to the Extreme Right

Freedom Partners - SourceWatch

See also these books, one scotus history the other contemporary money's influence.

Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Mayer

Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted by Ian Millhiser

"Asylum seekers arrested. Families separated. An order to reunite them, only to find that many of them can’t be matched up. And while we were fixated on that (and rightly so) a bill to gut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, to “balance the budget” barely six months after a huge corporate tax cut." John Beckett

Did You Think The Gods Were Lying?

Judicial Watch is partisan.

Yea, I know. Does that mean anything and everything they say is erroneous?

I never use them as a reference, they are ultra bias. They exist for the GOP.

I agree and that's why I posed the question here.

On another note, Judicial Watch has been effective at getting government agencies to release information to the public via their Freedom of Information requests, some of which they've gone to court to obtain.

Let me ask you a question. Are there any political organizations that "partisans" for the Democratic Party?

I don't know of any. Do you, to specifically to target the GOP??

When was Hillary clinton POTUS?

Well, she did make the comment during her husband's presidency, "we are the president."
LOLOL....the way the Trumps are pimpin this country, you dare go there?
Sorry. I meant to put in title "while Hillary was SOS".

The point is, there are claims that Hillary did political favors in return for paying Bill for speeches. I've just never heard what the specific favors were. I'm curious if anyone knows what they might be.

Sorry for the confusion.
I was like potus? Alternate reality day....
What's all this stuff about the clintons? Trump's the guy in charge now and he was punked and made submissive by a Russian dictator for all the world to see last week. Even took Putin's side over his own intelligence committee.
What's all this stuff about the clintons? Trump's the guy in charge now and he was punked and made submissive by a Russian dictator for all the world to see last week. Even took Putin's side over his own intelligence committee.
You must understand, without Hillary or the liberals to attack, these mindless idiots would have to face their own demon, ie Trump
Judicial Watch is partisan.

Yea, I know. Does that mean anything and everything they say is erroneous?

I never use them as a reference, they are ultra bias. They exist for the GOP.

I agree and that's why I posed the question here.

On another note, Judicial Watch has been effective at getting government agencies to release information to the public via their Freedom of Information requests, some of which they've gone to court to obtain.

Let me ask you a question. Are there any political organizations that "partisans" for the Democratic Party?

I don't know of any. Do you, to specifically to target the GOP??


That is TV.

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