Billboards warn Californians not to move to Texas with grim message: ‘The Texas miracle died in Uvalde’

Can't blame Californians for wanting to get the fuck out of their over-priced piece of shit state.

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School Shootings happen across the country and let remember the San Bernardino terrorist attack:

And then this shooting:

So let be clear I could list the multiple shooting events in California and watch the left scream “ But it is Different! “…
Didn't care for Houston. The air feels greasy in the Summer, and they had a lot of running gunfights on the freeway.
H-Town has changed and is a great and wonderful city and of course I am so fucking lying 🤥!

Once and shit hole, always a shit hole!
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Austin isn't the same city I lived in back in the 80's. They now have approximately 3,160 homeless, while San Francisco has about twice that many.
In other words, what room is there for California to even breathe where such a subject is concerned?

God bless you always!!!

We need to put up signs on the Southbound lanes of I-95 and I-75 warning these shitheads from "Upnorth" not to come to Florida.

Weather is hot (Africa hot), we have gators, there is too much freedom for the likings of somebody from a Commie state, we are a "shall issue" state and our Governor is destroying wokeness.
Well that's pretty much a confirmation that people, a lot of people, are abandoning California. If they weren't they wouldn't have put up that sign.

I just hope that doesn't mean Texas is in trouble. A lot of those people will bring a long their progressive ideas and agendas with them to texas.

California and New York both need a great big enema.
Due to the demafacist agenda people are fleeing Cali like folks fled East Berlin…not surprised to see this sort of propaganda to try to scare folks
You guys are worried about Americans ( Californians ) when many millions of Brown Turd Worlders are swarming over our southern border .
Newsome and the leadership of California should be focused more on why so many are leaving the state than on the state they are moving to. Of course doing this would require them to take a look at themselves and the policies they have enacted and take some responsibility for the exodus from the state. We know they won't do this as that would be breaking the first commandment of politics never take responsibility for anything bad that happens under your leadership.

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