Birthers Target Rubio


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
I am a God on this message board.

Birthers To Target Marco Rubio

They may be done with Obama, but the birthers have another target, rising GOP star, Florida Senator Marco Rubio.

Birther Charles Kerchner has a blog that was once devoted mostly to Obama, but lately, he’s been on a campaign to illustrate that Rubio is not a natural born citizen, and thus, ineligible to enter the White House. Kerchner’s logic is convoluted—something of a trend among the birther set. He claims that Rubio is actually a Cuban citizen, even though Rubio was born on American soil, in Miami, in 1971. But Rubio’s parents were Cubans, who didn’t become US citizens until 1975. (Kerchner went so far as to obtain Rubio’s parents’ naturalization papers from the National Archives to prove his point.) Thus, Kerchner posits, Rubio doesn’t meet the “natural born” requirement set out in the Constitution, because his parents were American citizens. Birthers have tried this argument on Obama as well, because his father was Kenyan. But the argument didn’t have much success then, and it’s not likely to have much success now.

Kerchner isn’t the the only one in his camp who believes Rubio can’t be president. The queen of the birther movement, Orly Taitz, also agrees. Taitz, who’s spent years in court suing Obama over his eligibility, told the St. Petersburg Times this week, “We need the court to finally adjudicate this issue, who is a natural born citizen.” Rubio, for his part, was nonchalant about becoming the birthers’ newest target. “The price of our freedom and our liberty is that people can go out and spend a lot of time on stuff like this,” he told the paper. “For us, the more important thing is to focus on our job.”
He's an anchor baby.

But he's still an American.

Shame on him though for his anti-immigrant stance for Mexicans that try to come to the US for the same reasons his parents came to the US.
He's an anchor baby.

But he's still an American.

Shame on him though for his anti-immigrant stance for Mexicans that try to come to the US for the same reasons his parents came to the US.

Would you say that someone who calls for the arrest of a woman who had a baby and threw it in a dumpster as "anti abortion"?
He's an anchor baby.

But he's still an American.

Shame on him though for his anti-immigrant stance for Mexicans that try to come to the US for the same reasons his parents came to the US.

he is anti illegal immigration.

Curious...why must you spin to make a point?

Are you insecure with the facts that support your position?
He's an anchor baby.

But he's still an American.

Shame on him though for his anti-immigrant stance for Mexicans that try to come to the US for the same reasons his parents came to the US.
He's not anti-immigrant at all.

Tell it to the Latinos.

Marco Rubio takes a hard line on immigration - Scott Wong -
You really should read past titles.

No where in that is there anything that even indicates he is against immigration or immigrants.

He is against laws being broken.


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