Birthright Citizenship is Teed Up Again

You said:
There is no clear text that 5 unelected demigods in black robes cant reimagine.

In effect, they are all elected as they must be confirmed by the Senate.

There are 9 demigods in black robes and if two abstain, it only takes 4. You are incorrect. End of statement.
They are not elected

The senate can only confirm or deny

And once they are in they serve for life
You do know that the airlines enforce I believe a 7-month rule in most cases. They don't waive it and need a doctor's statement. At least they did when my wife was pregnant, but that was 30 years ago.

Think a tourist flying into the US with intent to birth a citizen is going to have that?
The airlines can change their policy on a whim

And under my proposal not allowing pregnant women into the US would apply at both borders and all seaports also
Repeating "demigod" over and over is childish nonsense along the lines of that idiot The Stooge of Main Street.
Forcing women at airports and legal points of entry to take pregnancy tests would be legally and politically untenable to say the least. Another stupid idea. Just control the damn borders and all this nonsense is rendered moot.
Forcing women at airports and legal points of entry to take pregnancy tests would be legally and politically untenable to say the least. Another stupid idea. Just control the damn borders and all this nonsense is rendered moot.
If she isnt showing and is here on a tourist visa she will be gone before a child could be born

But women who are obviously with child would be refused entry
If she isnt showing and is here on a tourist visa she will be gone before a child could be born

But women who are obviously with child would be refused entry
You sir are an idiot of the highest caliber. The first time you test a fat woman who comes up negative we would lose our ass in court. Do you not have any common sense?
That is what was meant. However ,the 14th Amendment should be scrapped and re-written.
No way. Don't need 3rd world paupers.
America brings freedom and opportunities but not if you are brown like me im dissappointed emma lazarus wrote give me your poor your tired yearning to breath free but only If you are white from anywhere in europe not for me im brown my Family is brown for us not im sad now
America brings freedom and opportunities but not if you are brown like me im dissappointed emma lazarus wrote give me your poor your tired yearning to breath free but only If you are white from anywhere in europe not for me im brown my Family is brown for us not im sad now
Really? Look at facts. Costa Rica is mostly White Hispanic. Great economy. Stable Gov;t. Good Schools. Nice place to live. Honduras is 99% Brown. Poverty ridden. Gang ridden. Unstable Gov't. FACT. Needs no explaination.
What is the racial dynamics of Costa Rico.

Costa Rica is a diverse country with a rich blend of ethnic groups. The majority of the population, about 83.4%, is made up of White and Mestizo individuals2. This group primarily consists of people of Spanish descent, reflecting the country's colonial history.
Around 7% of the population identifies as Black or of mixed African descent2. These individuals are often descendants of Jamaican immigrants who came to work on the railroads and banana plantations in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Indigenous people make up about 2.4% of the population2. There are also smaller communities of Chinese and other ethnic groups, each contributing to the country's cultural mosaic2.
Costa Rica's racial dynamics are a testament to its history of immigration and cultural integration. It's a fascinating place with a unique blend of cultures and traditions.
If that were true they would not be able to be arrested, charges with a crime, or sued civilly.
Wrong no one says tourists or foreign military personnel are under American jurisdiction, but both can be arrested, charged with crimes and sued. Just like illegal aliens they are entitled to representation by diplomatic personnel from their home countries.

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