Black America should stop forgiving white racists


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Yes the people of the Charleston Church are examples to us all showing incredible grace in the aftermath of the most heinous crime imaginable. It's too bad the OP along with the rest of the Liberal Race Baiters muddles their message with a lot of Politicizing gobbledygook.
I agree. They never going to get anywhere being too reasonable, as they've been. They need to take a lesson and harden up their negotiating stance...

What they really need to do is stop listening to back racists
Yes the people of the Charleston Church are examples to us all showing incredible grace in the aftermath of the most heinous crime imaginable. It's too bad the OP along with the rest of the Liberal Race Baiters muddles their message with a lot of Politicizing gobbledygook.

Well look how they pranced around in peoples face of the ruling by the Supreme court. I don't think any of them has any humility, class or honor
Yes the people of the Charleston Church are examples to us all showing incredible grace in the aftermath of the most heinous crime imaginable. It's too bad the OP along with the rest of the Liberal Race Baiters muddles their message with a lot of Politicizing gobbledygook.

Well look how they pranced around in peoples face of the ruling by the Supreme court. I don't think any of them has any humility, class or honor

The fireworks over in your trailer park?
guano, you can't blame Obama for everything...

some of the blame goes to Sharpton, Farrakhan, Jackson, etc.

Stop picking on Obama..
LET me say this again:

three weeks ago they were using black people, last week homosexuals, THIS week Latinios/illegal immigrants. who would want to belong in a party where they don't see you AS INDIVIDUALS ? They see you only AS A GROUP to be USED by them for their snake/dirty politics? How low down and offending
Here's how they deal with their racist. they circle THE WAGONS or just don't REPORT on it AT ALL. Now if he had been Republican.

Progressive Sites Cover for George Takei's Racism Toward Justice Thomas
Oh, myyy.
Mark Tapson The Federalist did a little digging into the leftist media coverage of George Takei's racist hate directed at black Judge Clarence Thomas, and came up empty.

You may remember that Takei, former Star Trek actor (now known mostly just for saying "Oh, myyy") and current gay rights mouthpiece and social media clown, took exception to Thomas' dissent in the Supreme Court's same-sex marriage ruling. He called the judge a "clown in black face," then doubled down on his racism before finally acknowledging that he spoke uncivilly out of anger. The story was all over the internet - except on progressive sites, which circled the wagons around Takei to cover for the racists in their midst.

Online searches by The Federalist at BuzzFeed, ThinkProgress, Huffington Post, Vox, Mother Jones, and Talking Points Memo all turned up not one story on leftist favorite Takei's blatant and disgusting attacks on Thomas. Nothing. The precise figure was zero. Imagine how many hits the search results would have turned up if a popular conservative actor had called Al Sharpton, who actually IS a clown, a "clown in black face," or Takei, also a clown, a clown in yellow face.

all of it here:
Progressive Sites Cover for George Takei s Racism Toward Justice Thomas Truth Revolt

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