Black Friday sales


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
Did you bought something on black friday sale?

I bought this shirt, it said irish type collar, shirt.

While I have gone to "the store" on the day after Thanksgiving, I have never targeted (no play on words intended) a particular discounted item, taking advantage of the "Black Friday-ness" of the date. It's usually just because I need something and get it.

71-year-old white man.
I like that. I bought my husband this:

Nice shirt Mort but friggin' heck I couldn't be asked with all those buttons - I'd be there all day!

Do you think it is really irish? It says on the sale that it is a irish type or style shirt.
Well, I'm Irish and wearing it you look very Irish to me!
Why exactly you would want to look Irish is something only you will know!
Did you bought something on black friday sale?

I bought this shirt, it said irish type collar, shirt.

Well dey wuz no niggas fighting n sheeeit over dem tvs this years....
Lol 75 inch 8k blm summer of love reparations

Damn ill miss those ghetto Walmartarget and best buy black Friday videos ....
Nice shirt Mort but friggin' heck I couldn't be asked with all those buttons - I'd be there all day!

Do you think it is really irish? It says on the sale that it is a irish type or style shirt.
Well, I'm Irish and wearing it you look very Irish to me!
Why exactly you would want to look Irish is something only you will know!

Thanks bro. Im not sure whether I look irish, to be honest I think I dont more like someone from the middle east or something or mexican. But I was asking whether the shirt is really irish, i mean the collar and the buttons and all that. The sale said in german "irisches hemd" that means irish shirt.
Nice shirt Mort but friggin' heck I couldn't be asked with all those buttons - I'd be there all day!

Do you think it is really irish? It says on the sale that it is a irish type or style shirt.
Well, I'm Irish and wearing it you look very Irish to me!
Why exactly you would want to look Irish is something only you will know!

Thanks bro. Im not sure whether I look irish, to be honest I think I dont more like someone from the middle east or something or mexican. But I was asking whether the shirt is really irish, i mean the collar and the buttons and all that. The sale said in german "irisches hemd" that means irish shirt.
These days you get many different skin colours in Dublin all with Irish accents which are different from when I was a kid and everybody looked anaemic many with red hair and freckles. Years ago I had a mate who was English born in Liverpool but was brought up in Dublin. I was born in Dublin but brought up in England. He had a very strong oirish accent and everybody called him Irish Sean. I have an even more Irish name than him but because of my English accent, nobody ever called me Irish anything which used to irritate. What I'm saying is looks can be deceptive.
Another example is a lad I worked with who I was told was from Manchester and seeing him for the first time I assumed he was English until he spoke and I realised he was a Pakistani but both he and his cousin who later joined him were as white as I am. Apparently, he came from a village in the mountains of Nth Pakistan were everybody is white.

So Mort if I met you in the street I would assume your English regardless of your skin tone until you spoke, only then might I jump to a conclusion.

As for the shirt, it is similar in the neckline to what in Ireland was called a grandad shirt that was really a vest with no collar and a few buttons.

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