Black Lives Matter?.... Whites don't?


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
The Hodge twins does a great job here exposing the left media for what they are - instigators and shit stirrers.
Go ahead and watch this video of a NUMBER of white people absolute victims of police brutality and, maybe even murder by cop.
Left outrage - 0%
Mass media coverage - 0%
Riots - none
Protest - none

Why? - Because these killings don't support the narrative.

plain and simple:
--whites 5 times the population of blacks
--white on black murders 234
--black on white murders 514
--the white lady [ NOT a criminal ] killed by the black cop--no protests!!! end of story right there
or this white guy---prone/hands out/on his stomach and beat to shit by the cops/COMPLYING---no protests
Quite simply put, all the BLM riots and agenda is pure BULL SHIT.

If you boiled it down to the simplest terms possible, it would be....

... blacks are highly prone to violence, blacks have a much lower IQ than most every other race on the planet, so when blacks are unable to achieve the same success in life through academics that all the other races do, they turn to professional sports, which takes no brains at all, and rap music, which isn't singing at all and takes no talent what so ever, and selling drugs, and pimping, and theft, robbery, on and on, and into many things ILLEGAL. Thus, they have more interactions with cops than any other race in America, but instead of owning up to the fact that the reason why is THEM and what they're DOING, they bitch, whine, cry, riot, loot and burn down cities trying to create the FALSE image that they're being TARGETED, when they're NOT, they're bringing on the attention they get from the law because of their actions, but they're having some success because democrats and some gutless republicans pander to them, FOR VOTES, but make no mistake, the END GOAL of what these blacks are trying to do is make it so that cops CAN NOT TOUCH THEM. They want to be able to do all their illegal, violent shit and NOT HAVE TO ANSWER FOR IT. They want to GET AWAY WITH IT. When it comes to blacks, they want the cops to be HANDS OFF. THAT is what they want. Can't blame them for trying. America has bent over backwards pandering to them for decades already with Affirmative Action and quotas and you name it. They get practically everything else handed to them on a silver platter while everyone else has to fully EARN IT.
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And as per usual, our left members here will be crickets in this thread.
For fucks sake - an 8 year old child was shot to death from multiple gunshot wounds while his father clearly had his arms up and out the window??? -
CNN blazing with coverage? - nope.
MSNBC - nope
ABC/CBS/ABC - nope
PBS - nope
NYT - nope

Black Lives Matter is a group who owes it's origins on a lie, and continues to stay in the limelight on lies and leftist self haters.
The narrative has always been bullshit and no one ever cares. I am sick of this shit. BLM and the rest of the idiots demanding people need to kneel to them or claiming 'silence is violence' have lost all sympathy I may have had for their moment. They take over 6 blocks here in Seattle and the news cannot fall over themselves fast enough to put them on a pedestal and call them 'peaceful.'

It has infected businesses now too. I am no longer patronizing places that feel the need to shove this shit in my face every time I turn around.
White lives have ALWAYS mattered. Black lives, not so much. This is why attention now has to be paid to black lives, as well as the lives of others, so that we can all live together.

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