black panthers to mobilize hitman

Thats true. My home is here where my ancestors built after being victims of white racism and slavery.

Not sure why you find that hard to believe nor do I care.

So your self-created delusion is also stuck in the past. Interesting.
I didn't say we interacted you retard. Get your shit together. I would never mistake someone as ignorant as you for a psychologist.

Yes you did. Care to read your own words again?

Typically when your dumb ass doesnt know what youre talking about and I call you on it, then you dont know how to respond.

You directly referred to me, 4 times, as though we had spoken before. English is hard, I know.
No, the aboriginals are different too. More polynesian.
Everyone is different and no they are not polynesian. More Melanesian. My point is that those are Black people that migrated from Africa. Here are some Melanisians. I guess you dont think they are Black either eh?


Patty Mills that plays in the NBA is Aboriginal. He is often mistaken as an African American.

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I don't even know how to respond to this level of stupidity. Pick up a history book, you absolute clown.

Asslips is a fat white kid who lives out in the Burbs and wants to be rapper or something. Just ignore the punk.
Get an valid argument. Until then you are on time out you poor retard.


No need. In just a few posts I've learned exactly what you are: Another useless black drag on society who's affirmed his own useless, lazy existence by blaming everything on whitey and demanding handouts and recognition like a good little victim-stooge. "White people are the devil!!" you cry while you suck the tit of Western society because you're too much of a pussy to go live in the shithole countries dominated by your brethren, let alone attempt to make something of yourself here.

No need. In just a few posts I've learned exactly what you are: Another useless black drag on society who's affirmed his own useless, lazy existence by blaming everything on whitey and demanding handouts and recognition like a good little victim-stooge. "White people are the devil!!" you cry while you suck the tit of Western society because you're too much of a pussy to go live in the shithole countries dominated by your brethren, let alone attempt to make something of yourself here.
Youre just another clueless white boy beset on all sides by an inferiority complex you cant shake. Get a clue clown.
I can only speak for Black people. Wipe out white racism. That is thee number 1 and only reason there are militant Black groups out there. Now what's the excuse for white racists?
You no more speak for "Black People" than you do for penguins you pathetic excuse for a thug!!!

Everyone is different and no they are not polynesian. More Melanesian. My point is that those are Black people that migrated from Africa. Here are some Melanisians. I guess you dont think they are Black either eh?


Patty Mills that plays in the NBA is Aboriginal. He is often mistaken as an African American.


Well, ultimately EVERYONE harks back to Africa. So even if you are white, you are black too.
So are white racist inbred troglodytes like the neo nazis and klan.
How many Neo Nazis and Klan members are there? If many, where are they located? Noy making light of their past. The Black Panthers are in mostly urban areas. Higher population density. Things can go out of control in different ways including a reaction for an action that is not deserved.
How many Neo Nazis and Klan members are there? If many, where are they located? Noy making light of their past. The Black Panthers are in mostly urban areas. Higher population density. Things can go out of control in different ways including a reaction for an action that is not deserved.
Enough that they are a global problem and occupy positions of power that enable them to do way more damage than any Black militant group.
I think white racists are more scummy than anyone else by far. Their racism is based on a myth reinforced by an inferiority complex. Very dangerous and the worst kind of terrorists.
But yet is is the Black Panthers that are doing the domestic terrorism threat of racial killings.

They are cowards for the most part. If they ever faced real armed Whites they would fold like a cheap suit. Just look at what one of our 17 year old boys did to three of their ANTIFA friends. The one thug Negro that tried to kick Kyle in the head ran away like a scared little school girl and we haven't heard from the turd since.
But yet is is the Black Panthers that are doing the domestic terrorism threat of racial killings.

They are cowards for the most part. If they ever faced real armed Whites they would fold like a cheap suit. Just look at what one of our 17 year old boys did to three of their ANTIFA friends. The one thug Negro that tried to kick Kyle in the head ran away like a scared little school girl and we haven't heard from the turd since.
I dont know any of the new BPs personally but the old BPs were about it. Not sure why you think some random Black guys looting have anything to do with the BPs. Did you loose your point and tried to stitch it together by claiming any and all Black people were members of the new BPs?

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