Black racism exlpored

Needless to say...blacks sold each other into slavery they also indulged in genocide.
True they have done what them whites have done also, if you stop trying to see only skin pigmentation hues you will find out it is a human trait to abuse and neglect.
True they have done what them whites have done also, if you stop trying to see only skin pigmentation hues you will find out it is a human trait to abuse and neglect.
Get your Progs to be stricter in social programs and public school education. This means also reigning in the Teachers union. There will be no improvements until this is achieved.
More disingenuous bullshit.

You can't sell if nobody buys but the story of blacks selling each other into slavery is an excuse racists use to try avoiding what they did. Africans didn't make slavery in America legal, Africans did not force breed slaves in America, Africans did not make fugitive slave laws making it illegal for blacks to escape slavery, Africans did not decide Dred Scott. Africans did not create black codes, sundown towns, separate but equal, redlining, convict leasing, vagrancy laws, restrictive covenants in employment and housing or redlining. I can keep going with this. As for genocide:

Fitst off Rwanda is not America and the issue is race in America. But racists will look for any excuse.

All Rise!

This Evenings Lesson

How White Colinzation Created the Rwandan Genocide

“ From 1894 until the end of World War I, Rwanda, along with Burundi and present-day Tanzania, was part of German East Africa. Belgium claimed it thereafter, becoming the administering authority from 1924 to 1962. During their colonial tenure, the Germans and Belgians ruled Rwanda indirectly through Tutsi monarchs and their chiefs. The colonialists developed the socalled Hamitic hypothesis or myth, which held that the Tutsi and everything humanly superior in Central Africa came from ancient Egypt or Abyssinia. The Europeans regarded Hutu and Twa (about 3% of the population) as inferior to Tutsi. Sixty years of such prejudicial fabrications inflated Tutsi egos inordinately and crushed Hutu feelings, which coalesced into an aggressively resentful inferiority complex.”

In America, we were shown the horrors of an attempted genocide that happened in Rwanda. We are told a half story about the Hutus and Tutsi’s that make it look like one side woke up one day and decided to erase the other side. Unless you go to scholars who study Africa or talk to a Rwandan, the America half story is all you know.

Rwanda and Burundi had existed for centuries without European assistance but as a result of the Berlin Conference in 1884, whites decided that Germany could have Rwanda and Burundi. In 1916 Belgian took control of Rwanda and Burundi due to a League of Nations mandate. Once Rwanda was colonized by Europeans, the colonizers invented a fake racial hierarchy whereby the Europeans deemed themselves superior, decided that the Tutsis were closer to whites than the Hutus, and in doing so gave Tutsis preference over the Hutus. Under this fake hierarchy Tutsis were deemed more intelligent and were born to rule while Hutu’s were given second class status.

This European construct once put in force limited the employment opportunities and educational attainment for the Hutus. Because the Tutsi were considered by the colonizers as the preferred group, Tutsis were accepted into positions Hutus were not allowed to have. To enforce this system of preference, in 1935 the Belgian colonizers introduced identity cards labeling each individual as Tutsi, Hutu, Twa, or Naturalised. Before that time it had been possible for some Hutus to become “honorary Tutsis”,0 but the implementation of identity cards eliminated that possibility, thereby cementing Hutu second class status.

Europeans created a false history and fake racial superiority between African tribes to control a nation in order to colonize the people living there. Belgium's rule favoring the Tutsi created hatred and animosity. Tensions grew between the groups and in 1959 Rwanda had a revolution whereby the Hutus killed Tutsis, destroyed Tutsi property, and made the Tutsis flee the country. All this was the result of the colonization of Rwanda by Europeans.

To make a long story short, Rwanda was granted independence in 1962. Funny how I say that when they had been independent before the Berlin Conference. Africans are not perfect and that over the centuries before the Berlin Conference there were wars in Africa just like there were everywhere else. However, the 58 years of colonization created periods of strife after Rwanda gained independence. Every once and awhile Tutsis living in surrounding countries would attack and were met with retaliation from Hutus until the 1990 civil war that resulted in the near genocide of the Tutsis.

Paul Magnarella, Explaining Rwanda’s 1994 Genocide, Human Rights and Human Welfare, Volume 2:1 – Winter 2002,

History Of Rwanda, HISTORY OF RWANDA

Troy Riemer, How Colonialism Affected the Rwandan Genocide, August 16, 2011, How Colonialism Affected the Rwandan Genocide

When white Americans start preaching about the ills of Africa as a whataboutism relative to race, it would behoove them mightily to research the history of whatever country they choose to try using to excuse the racism in America.
True they have done what them whites have done also, if you stop trying to see only skin pigmentation hues you will find out it is a human trait to abuse and neglect.
Progressives see skin color first and foremost. Our former governor, Maculife, had his Education Department send a memo to teachers advising them to incorporate CRT sentiment into their classrooms and be mindful of whether the student they were interacting with was white or black, and to bear in mind the oppression blacks have suffered when instructing students.

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