Zone1 Black Victimhood


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Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
You guys spent far too much time listening to Rush Limbaugh.

There is no such thing as black victimhood. At least in the way rightists see it.

If blacks had a victim mentality, we would still be slaves, or still be accepting Apartheid. Now don't try rebuttals by posting links to sellouts and [ Mod Edited: Do not use pet slur names, referring to people you do not agree with on this Race forum, even if you are black] who repeat what you believe. Because THOSE are the blacks with a victim mentality.

Let us understand what this so-called victim mentality is. The victim is not the person who says whites continue to practice racism, that it’s wrong, and we need to stop it. The victim is not the black person who fights for equality whites have denied us, which has created tremendous damage that black communities face. The victim is the one who has given up, the one who tells us not to rock the boat, ignore racism, work harder, and all will be well. The victim is the person who makes up things that don’t happen, such as anti-white discrimination, or who proclaims that anti-racism means you are anti-white. The victim is the person who has all the preferences and advantages of a society but complains that somehow they are being forgotten and left out.

The victim is the type who believes that somehow another group's fight for equality means their group loses rights. The victim is the person who thinks they are being discriminated against because the university is 70 percent white instead of 75 percent because it accepts people of color. The victim is the person who cries about “merit” without considering that whites, who are the majority of the population, end up with the applicants with most of the high SAT scores mainly because more of them are taking the test, not because they are inherently more intelligent. A victim whines about how whites are getting passed over based only on those test scores when the university’s stated admissions policy says that race is but one factor a university considers.

The victim is the white employee complaining that they have gotten passed over for a “quota” that does not exist unless the company is in violation of federal law and still practices racism in hiring and promotion. How many years did Limbaugh whine every day about how terrible things are for whites, how everyone is against whites, and how the world hates whites? That’s whining. That’s playing the victim.

There is no black victimhood. Not on the so called left. The blacks with the victim mentality are the ones who accept white racism and denigrates blacks who fight it. They are the ones who have said, "Woe is me, the white man is too powerful. We can never get equality so we'll just accomodate and maybe one day we will earn their respect."
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Affirmative action say hello!
I'm surprised you made it through a post without begging for reparations.

Here's a "victim" of white racism you hate so much & don't want to hear from to offer a rebuttal

Black Lives Matter, the 1619 Project and Critical Race Theory are all about perpetuating Black Victimhood and racial division for the next generations. Your weak attempt to make it a Rush Limbaugh invention falls flat like the rest of your diatribes.
No, that is incorrect. But white grievance based on white fragility, which is rooted in white victimhood has you making such ludicrous comments.
The ones crying victimhood are those that refuse to create a better life for themselves (and/or their families) when given opportunities to do so. They would rather try to get people to feel sorry for them and ride it out as long as they have an audience; they want something for nothing. This isn't specific to one race; it happens in all.
Like I said:

"If blacks had a victim mentality, we would still be slaves, or still be accepting Apartheid. Now don't try rebuttals by posts links to sellouts and Uncle Toms who repeat what you believe. Because THOSE are the blacks with a victim mentality."

Ben Carson is a prime example of black victim mentality.
How can you possibly claim that? He sees everyone as responsible for their own position in life. He doesn't see himself as a victim.
Rush Limbaugh never talked about race issues so IM2 doesn't even have that part right.

Of course he did. Constantly. And race pimping and victimhood. Because it does exist. You dont remember the "Rev Jackson" parody songs? Rev Jackson came and conquered Silicon Valley looking for "white guilt" money for "his peoples" VICTIMHOOD. Major victimhood shake-down artist. And there was a LONG line of these victimhood heroes from the 70s thru the 90s. Rev Jackson didn't "conquer" Silicon Valley because Silicone Valley didn't HAVE a big "white guilt" problem, but worked elsewhere.

It exists REGARDLESS of whether the University is 70 or 75% white/asian/brown in the DEMANDS for their own dorms/dinning rooms/curriculum and enforcement of cultural "appropriateness". Always there STIFLING free speech in every which way the LEFT wants the stifling to go. And they get PLACATED by cooperative leftist faculty who feel the need for special privileges.
The ones crying victimhood are those that refuse to create a better life for themselves (and/or their families) when given opportunities to do so. They would rather try to get people to feel sorry for them and ride it out as long as they have an audience; they want something for nothing. This isn't specific to one race; it happens in all.
Wrong. The blacks who are claimed to be victims are working to make lives better. They get called victims by people who think blacks are just blaming white people for no other reason than they have failed. The fact is WHITE RACISM is blamed and white racism does not mean all white people. Then there is this little matter of repeated behavior by a part of the white population in America that do indeed work to deny people of color opportunities today. And it is members of this particular segment of the white community that tries gaslighting people with claims of black victimhood while simultaneously practicing the veery behaviors people of color are pointing out.

For example, Oprah calls out white racism? Is she doing that because she had the opportunity and failed? But she's accused of promoting a victim mentality.
Of course he did. Constantly. And race pimping and victimhood. Because it does exist. You dont remember the "Rev Jackson" parody songs? Rev Jackson came and conquered Silicon Valley looking for "white guilt" money for "his peoples" VICTIMHOOD. Major victimhood shake-down artist. And there was a LONG line of these victimhood heroes from the 70s thru the 90s. Rev Jackson didn't "conquer" Silicon Valley because Silicone Valley didn't HAVE a big "white guilt" problem, but worked elsewhere.

It exists REGARDLESS of whether the University is 70 or 75% white/asian/brown in the DEMANDS for their own dorms/dinning rooms/curriculum and enforcement of cultural "appropriateness". Always there STIFLING free speech in every which way the LEFT wants the stifling to go. And they get PLACATED by cooperative leftist faculty who feel the need for special privileges.

There is no such thing as white guilt money. If silicon valley had not been practicing discrimination, Jackson would never have shown up. You seem to miss this in your white victimhood rants.

Rush Limbaugh didn't call out squat. Rush Limbaugh was a racist. He race pimped whites for more than 30 years and his race hustle damn near made him a billionaire. But you don't see Limbaugh as a race hustler. You think he was calling out those who are because in your mind it appears that only blacks could be race hustlers. So compare Limbaughs wealth to Jackson's and Sharpton's and ask yourself this question:

"Who really used race to line his pockets and get rich.?

Because that's a hell of a jump from selling popvorn at Royals games after flunking out of college to being the national face of "conservatism."
How can you possibly claim that? He sees everyone as responsible for their own position in life. He doesn't see himself as a victim.
Easy. Carson has given up and decided to adopt the lie right wing whites believe.
How? He's living proof that he's not a victim of anything.
Yes he is. He has internalized racism to accept life on the terms racists have set.
IM2 never lets a little thing like "truth" get in the way of his racist diatribes.
That's what you do. So have you created that Serenity Broughton fund yet?
Wrong. The blacks who are claimed to be victims are working to make lives better. They get called victims by people who think blacks are just blaming white people for no other reason than they have failed. The fact is WHITE RACISM is blamed and white racism does not mean all white people. Then there is this little matter of repeated behavior by a part of the white population in America that do indeed work to deny people of color opportunities today. And it is members of this particular segment of the white community that tries gaslighting people with claims of black victimhood while simultaneously practicing the veery behaviors people of color are pointing out.

For example, Oprah calls out white racism? Is she doing that because she had the opportunity and failed? But she's accused of promoting a victim mentality.

You're redefining stuff to make the statement that "blacks are not victims".

Answer me ONE question -- although you rarely do.

If you are preaching the oppression of a "systemically racist" America -- Aren't OPPRESSED people victims? Because to me - this is a Jekyll and Hyde show where you spend YEARS talking about the current day deficit in income, education, family wealth that are DUE TO CENTURIES of RACISM -- but TODAY -- you want to claim that doesn't make all of black America VICTIMS enough.

I guess we solved the reparations issue. Because ONLY VICTIMS NEED reparations (Or Affirmative Action). Am I right?

Of course I am... :rolleyes:
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You're redefining stuff to make the statement that "blacks are not victims".

Answer me ONE question -- although you rarely do.

If you are preaching the oppression of a "systemically racist" America -- Aren't OPPRESSED people victims? Because to me - this is a Jekyll and Hyde show where you spend YEARS talking about the current day deficit in income, education, family wealth that are DUE TO CENTURIES of RACISM -- but TODAY -- you want to claim that doesn't make all of black America VICTIMS enough.

I guess we solved the reparations issue. Because ONLY VICTIMS NEED reparations. Am I right?

Of course I am... :rolleyes:
No, I am not redefining anything.

Systemic racism is real in America. But here you go off the rails with your wack interpretation of things.

According to those like you, a victim is one who has given up and lays around expecting to be handed something without working for it. Blacks have never done that. But whites have. And today it is right wing whites who have created victimhood based on them being white when everything shows that whites are not being denied anything.

Whites don't get to define our experience to us. And any black person who repeats right wing rhetoric that ignores the true experience of blacks in this country up to this very minute are the ones with the victim mentality. They have accepted white authority over them to the point of adopting anti black beliefs and speak anti black rhetoric.

Blacks, hispanics, native americans, most asians and pacific islanders are not in the position they are in because they all consistently made bad choices. The bad choice is called white racism and that choice is not made by people of color.

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