Blame the White Guy...

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Yup, it's all our fault you're a loser..:yapyapyapf:
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Who exactly is white? If a person has a white parent and an Asian/Black/Hispanic parent, are they white? If your DNA test shows a bit of Asian, African, Hispanic Irish or European Jewish, what are you. I personally know people with that profile. Ah, but the point is being a white guy is it? Who is a white guy? Is a racist white guy white only? How would we know for race is a made up characteristic. Look at ethnic groups who are they? But white resentment is a wonderful fire to fuel, it keeps the white man occupied and busy in their jealousy and obsession with another, it gives political hacks power and supporters, and in the end accomplishes nothing. Well nothing for the resentful white guys that is.

"Racism is not about how you look, it is about how people assign meaning to how you look." Robin D.G. Kelley

CDZ - The Emasculated American

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"...One did not have to be very bright to realize how little one could do to change one’s situation; one did not have to be abnormally sensitive to be worn down to a cutting edge by the incessant and gratuitous humiliation and danger one encountered every working day, all day long. The humiliation did not apply merely to working days, or workers; I was thirteen and was crossing Fifth Avenue on my way to the Forty-second Street library, and the cop in the middle of the street muttered as I passed him, “Why don’t you nig-gers stay uptown where you belong?” When I was ten, and didn’t look, certainly, any older, two policemen amused themselves with me by frisking me, making comic (and terrifying) speculations concerning my ancestry and probable sexual prowess, and, for good measure, leaving me flat on my back in one of Harlem’s empty lots. Just before and then during the Second World War, many of my friends fled into the service, all to be changed there, and rarely for the better, many to be ruined, and many to die. Others fled to other states and cities—that is, to other ghettos. Some went on wine or whiskey or the needle, and are still on it. And others, like me, fled into the church." James Baldwin James Baldwin’s “Letter from a Region in My Mind”

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