BLM says their goal is to "dismantle Israel"

good luck selling that to the left you claim to be a part of

I never claimed to be a part of anything. No idea what you're babbling about.

you don't know who Kendi is?

He wrote a book on teh subject, sort of popular . . .

You're kind of a fuckwit, aren't you?

Says the guy who seems totally ignorant of modern American politics?

What the fuck are you smoking boomer?

Pull your head out of your ass.
Third Reich-style anti-semitism is now completely mainstream on the left.

The Democrat party is the most racist and bigoted organization in American history.

Marc Lamont Hill, an academic and Black Lives Matter activist, says that one of the goals of the BLM movement is to destroy Israel.

"One of the new possibilities that [activists] imagined is a world that is anti-imperialist. They don't want to just nation-build but they want to world-make," Hill said.

"So Black Lives Matter very explicitly is talking about the dismantling of the Zionist project. Dismantling of a settler-colonial project," he continued. Despite Jews being culturally indigenous to the land of Israel, BLM activists have long associated Israel with colonialism.

Hill also said that the BLM movement is "very explicitly embracing BDS," referring to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction movement to boycott Jewish products made in Israel.

The BLM movement has a long history of opposition to Israel, having previously falsely accused Israel of committing "genocide" against Palestinian Arabs, who BLM insists are the indigenous people of the area.

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation league, has described such claims from the BLM movement as "repellant."
Sounds like you accepting the label of leftist

If not idk why the fuck you are asking this question

Can't even spell israel correctly
Not liking assholes like netanyahu and Sharon does not mean you hate Israel or Jews in fact... Just that you are well informed.
Weapons-grade Irony!

last time i checked political ideology isn't a protected class

I can't beat you at all without good reason. But it's a hate crime to beat you for being gay. Supporting gay rights or "allies" are not a protected class

(sorry this fucker has me rereading this so I have to respond after reading yoru comment)
Now we’re tawkin strate.
I know lots of guys who can not only kick the shit out of you but also make sure you don’t get your welfare check or Internet connection.

Oh yea i'm very scared of the the very common martially competent American jew, lol

I'm bigger than literally every jew I've ever met. And it wasn't close
I don’t think she’s so hot.

Hotter than any American soldier I can ever remember seeing. Not bad for a nation of a few million.

And actresses while attractive aren't exactly instragram models they do have to have some vague other talent. Even if she can't act that well or more importantly fake an accent

Great legs
Oh yea i'm very scared of the the very common martially competent American jew, lol

I'm bigger than literally every jew I've ever met. And it wasn't close
…But you’re not smarter. And we live in a society where size and brute strength gets you nowhere. What counts as far as being successful in America are intelligence, hard work, discipline, education, and having a two-parent family. Jews have that in spades, and you’re just jealous.

The fact that you are bragging about being “bigger” than every Jew you ever meant is meaningless,
…But you’re not smarter. And we live in a society where size and brute strength gets you nowhere. What counts as far as being successful in America are intelligence, hard work, discipline, education, and having a two-parent family.

The fact that you are bragger about being “bigger” than every Jew you ever meant is meaningless,

I'm a brahmin whose line is now true breeding 6 foot males +....Except my jewish cousins lol

We are the only group on the planet that has comparable IQ to Ashkenazi jews. Except instead of being hunted we built a billion strong society.

It seems like a lot of India's height problem is diet related. They need some corn syrup down there.

I have absolutely no reason to be impressed by semites beyond their ability to convince my indo european kin to worship their god(s)*
I'm a brahmin whose line is now true breeding 6 foot males +....Except my jewish cousins lol

We are the only group on the planet that has comparable IQ to Ashkenazi jews. Except instead of being hunted we built a billion strong society.

It seems like a lot of India's height problem is diet related. They need some corn syrup down there.

I have absolutely no reason to be impressed by semites beyond their ability to convince my indo european kin to worship their god(s)*
Everyone knows India is a shit hole.
Everyone knows India is a shit hole.

For a guy who claims to be a semite...Again not finding this a very strong argument

*looks at the semetic world*

I'll take India, thanks.

I like how you slipped into white man mode there, buahaha.

As if real jews are civilized.
For a guy who claims to be a semite...Again not finding this a very strong argument

*looks at the semetic world*

I'll take India, thanks.

I like how you slipped into white man mode there, buahaha.

As if real jews are civilized.
Everyone knows 99% of your nation is comprised of slaves.
You can’t weasel your way out of a fact.
For a guy who claims to be a semite...Again not finding this a very strong argument

*looks at the semetic world*

I'll take India, thanks.

I like how you slipped into white man mode there, buahaha.

As if real jews are civilized.
Are most Indians such as yourself as antisemitic as you are showing yourself to be? I once worked with two Indians, and they would say anti-Semitic stuff all the time without even realizing it.
Are most Indians such as yourself as antisemitic as you are showing yourself to be? I once worked with two Indians, and they would say anti-Semitic stuff all the time without even realizing it.

India has a very racist culture; caste systems, xenophobia, racism, and anti-semitism are all culturally ingrained.

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