Bloomberg News Killed Investigation, Fired Reporter, Then Sought To Silence His Wife


Staff member
Gold Supporting Member
Apr 17, 2009
And yet another reason I do not like Bloomberg....and NDA’s. How many stories have been killed by these? It also reveals China’s hidden power to influence or silence journalistic freedom and free speech (think NBA) around the world. It isn’t through military power but through the seduction of the marketplace.

Michael Bloomberg's short-lived presidential bid reignited a long-simmering dispute over the widespread use of nondisclosure agreements at American corporations — especially at his own.

His namesake company, Bloomberg LP, has used nondisclosure agreements broadly to conceal allegations and silence complaints from employees of sexual harassment or a hostile work environment, as published reports have documented.

The story of one Bloomberg reporter and his wife showcases the widespread use of such legal restraints at the company — and how far their reach can extend.

Six years ago, Bloomberg News killed an investigation into the wealth of Communist Party elites in China, fearful of repercussions by the Chinese government. The company successfully silenced the reporters involved. And it sought to keep the spouse of one of the reporters quiet, too.
Bloomberg News Killed Investigation, Fired Reporter, Then Sought To Silence His Wife
Typical Leftist tactics. Must have picked that one up from Barry Obumma who was an expert of killing investigations and harassing reporters and quashing news.

Rightists do it as well. Typical retarded partisan response ignoring the larger issues.

Rightists do it as well. Typical retarded partisan response ignoring the larger issues.

no, no, no ....

lefties are to 'dignified' to use the 'they did it too' mantra.

And when you call what you feel is your opposition names, like 'retarded', guess where that leaves you.
Bloomberg News Killed Investigation, Fired Reporter, Then Sought To Silence His Wife
Typical Leftist tactics. Must have picked that one up from Barry Obumma who was an expert of killing investigations and harassing reporters and quashing news.
Dumb. Rightists do it as well. Typical retarded partisan response ignoring the larger issues.

What is dumb here is trying to run and hide from the facts. Obama wrote the book on killing investigations, harassing and silencing reporters. Typical of you to try to deny it.


Rightists do it as well. Typical retarded partisan response ignoring the larger issues.

That is a soft, steaming pile of BULLSHIT, and you know it dear lady.

There are no "rightist" media outlets that can "kill" news stories. If bed wetting globalist elites want a story out there, it's out there no matter if it's even true.

Epstein dies mysteriously in prison and we still haven't found out exactly who all went and skull fucked teenage girls on his island except for Bill and some limey royal asshole?

That story couldn't die fast enough.

So we had the despicable impeachment crammed down our throats to distract us, when that failed all of a sudden a seasonal flu has the country's attention and people running around wearing masks and shit.

So please don't act like "rightists" can manipulate media at their whim. If we could, there would be mobs in DC right now tarring and feathering the whole fucking city.

We dodged a bullet when the intensely unlikable Micheal Bloomberg's ridiculously expensive and futile
presidential campaign flamed out and crashed, though the DNC pushed candidates out of the way and bent rules so Bloomberg could get into the debates.

I'm not surprised the autocratic Bloomberg would do anything to kiss up to Xi Jinping and China's vast market for Bloomberg's dull droning airport holding pens quality news.
Michael Bloomberg will have to answer for this because worrying about upsetting the Communist Regime in China over showing how their political elites live and killing the story is wrong on his part or anyone that is or was working for him.

China Regime is corrupt just like Stalin Regime and they live off the slave state they have built off the suffering of their population.

China Regime has since the start of time been nothing but a brutal system one after the other and the leadership may change but one thing remains and the few enjoy prosperity off the slavery of the many...

Michael Bloomberg must answer for this news story killing and bullying...
And Democrats wanted the old white, rich, guy, Bloomberg for President. they didn’t.

Ummm, yes, they did.

Don't you recall Bloomberg showing up in debates at the last minute?

Maybe you should use google.

Yes. I did. I noticed how well he did in the primaries winning states and dropping out. Ya, they sure wanted him alright.

Maybe you need to be more honest?
Bloomberg News Killed Investigation, Fired Reporter, Then Sought To Silence His Wife
Typical Leftist tactics. Must have picked that one up from Barry Obumma who was an expert of killing investigations and harassing reporters and quashing news.
Dumb. Rightists do it as well. Typical retarded partisan response ignoring the larger issues.

What is dumb here is trying to run and hide from the facts. Obama wrote the book on killing investigations, harassing and silencing reporters. Typical of you to try to deny it.

ya ya ya, your ODS is pretty obvious. How about the actual topic?

Rightists do it as well. Typical retarded partisan response ignoring the larger issues.

That is a soft, steaming pile of BULLSHIT, and you know it dear lady.

There are no "rightist" media outlets that can "kill" news stories. If bed wetting globalist elites want a story out there, it's out there no matter if it's even true.

Epstein dies mysteriously in prison and we still haven't found out exactly who all went and skull fucked teenage girls on his island except for Bill and some limey royal asshole?

That story couldn't die fast enough.

So we had the despicable impeachment crammed down our throats to distract us, when that failed all of a sudden a seasonal flu has the country's attention and people running around wearing masks and shit.

So please don't act like "rightists" can manipulate media at their whim. If we could, there would be mobs in DC right now tarring and feathering the whole fucking city.


ya ya ya, I get you hate and blame leftists for everything and rightists are absolute angels. Let's get real.

In the meantime, how about the topic? Anything to say on that? You, like several others seem to entirely miss the valid points. Not everything is partisan.
Michael Bloomberg will have to answer for this because worrying about upsetting the Communist Regime in China over showing how their political elites live and killing the story is wrong on his part or anyone that is or was working for him.

China Regime is corrupt just like Stalin Regime and they live off the slave state they have built off the suffering of their population.

China Regime has since the start of time been nothing but a brutal system one after the other and the leadership may change but one thing remains and the few enjoy prosperity off the slavery of the many...

Michael Bloomberg must answer for this news story killing and bullying...


But it's not just Bloomberg - he's a symptom of a larger problem. Remember what happened with the NBA, when one of the players tweeted support of Hong Kong's protesters?

We are just beginning to see them flex their economic power.
Bloomberg News Killed Investigation, Fired Reporter, Then Sought To Silence His Wife
Typical Leftist tactics. Must have picked that one up from Barry Obumma who was an expert of killing investigations and harassing reporters and quashing news.
Dumb. Rightists do it as well. Typical retarded partisan response ignoring the larger issues.

What is dumb here is trying to run and hide from the facts. Obama wrote the book on killing investigations, harassing and silencing reporters. Typical of you to try to deny it.

ya ya ya, your ODS is pretty obvious. How about the actual topic?
It's not ODS when it is all TRUE and the topic is Bloomberg, which is a mere shadow as bad as Obama! But your tongue would fall out of your mouth if you ever sad a single bad word about your master. How can you even complain about Bloomberg who is a democrat and a drizzle when you have Obama who is a democrat and like a typhoon?
Bloomberg News Killed Investigation, Fired Reporter, Then Sought To Silence His Wife
Typical Leftist tactics. Must have picked that one up from Barry Obumma who was an expert of killing investigations and harassing reporters and quashing news.
Dumb. Rightists do it as well. Typical retarded partisan response ignoring the larger issues.

What is dumb here is trying to run and hide from the facts. Obama wrote the book on killing investigations, harassing and silencing reporters. Typical of you to try to deny it.

ya ya ya, your ODS is pretty obvious. How about the actual topic?
It's not ODS when it is all TRUE and the topic is Bloomberg, which is a mere shadow as bad as Obama! But your tongue would fall out of your mouth if you ever sad a single bad word about your master. How can you even complain about Bloomberg who is a democrat and a drizzle when you have Obama who is a democrat and like a typhoon?

Topic isn't Obama. Stop trying to derail the thread.
And yet another reason I do not like Bloomberg....and NDA’s. How many stories have been killed by these? It also reveals China’s hidden power to influence or silence journalistic freedom and free speech (think NBA) around the world. It isn’t through military power but through the seduction of the marketplace.

Michael Bloomberg's short-lived presidential bid reignited a long-simmering dispute over the widespread use of nondisclosure agreements at American corporations — especially at his own.

His namesake company, Bloomberg LP, has used nondisclosure agreements broadly to conceal allegations and silence complaints from employees of sexual harassment or a hostile work environment, as published reports have documented.

The story of one Bloomberg reporter and his wife showcases the widespread use of such legal restraints at the company — and how far their reach can extend.

Six years ago, Bloomberg News killed an investigation into the wealth of Communist Party elites in China, fearful of repercussions by the Chinese government. The company successfully silenced the reporters involved. And it sought to keep the spouse of one of the reporters quiet, too.

Very informative.

While I don't like Bloomberg because of it's leanings.....this kind of corporate control by anyone is pure bullshit.
Bloomberg News Killed Investigation, Fired Reporter, Then Sought To Silence His Wife
Typical Leftist tactics. Must have picked that one up from Barry Obumma who was an expert of killing investigations and harassing reporters and quashing news.

Rightists do it as well. Typical retarded partisan response ignoring the larger issues.

So true.

People should examine how they are influenced....especially confirmational bias.

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