Humans have responded to the unknown in many ways. Gawds have been invented to "explain" the unknown and science has been the tool to investigate and explore.
The history of humanity defines that over time, our supernatural, AKA religious perceptions have changed, as have the multitude of gods ruling over the supernatural .
As our knowledge of the natural world has become more precise, our conceptions of the material world have changed and more closely approximate truth. Humanity has progressed from animism, to paganism, to polytheism, to monotheism, from supernatural theism, to ID'iot creationism, to reinventions of gods who are little more than paper shufflers. We have evolved our conception of existence from a universe of 3 stories (heaven, earth and hell) to a flat earth, to a round earth at the center of the universe, to a small planet circling an ordinary star at a point in space in an ordinary galaxy within an immense universe. Our timelines have expanded from a 6,000 year old earth, to an earth 4-5 billion year old planet within a universe of 14 billion years with mass extinctions, and human history just a brief moment in all that history. All of the changes in our understanding and conception of the nature of the universe have dictated a change in our conception of the various gods that have been invented to explain the natural world we didn't understand. Fear of the unknown and the invention of gods, demons and supernatural entities in various forms is a constant feature of human history, culture and society as a means to placate our fears. I think it is unlikely that religions, gods and notions of supernatural entities will cease to exist but our history has shown, traditional explanations and concepts of gods and religions are in conflict with our knowledge of the nature of reality.
The history of humanity defines that over time, our supernatural, AKA religious perceptions have changed, as have the multitude of gods ruling over the supernatural .
As our knowledge of the natural world has become more precise, our conceptions of the material world have changed and more closely approximate truth. Humanity has progressed from animism, to paganism, to polytheism, to monotheism, from supernatural theism, to ID'iot creationism, to reinventions of gods who are little more than paper shufflers. We have evolved our conception of existence from a universe of 3 stories (heaven, earth and hell) to a flat earth, to a round earth at the center of the universe, to a small planet circling an ordinary star at a point in space in an ordinary galaxy within an immense universe. Our timelines have expanded from a 6,000 year old earth, to an earth 4-5 billion year old planet within a universe of 14 billion years with mass extinctions, and human history just a brief moment in all that history. All of the changes in our understanding and conception of the nature of the universe have dictated a change in our conception of the various gods that have been invented to explain the natural world we didn't understand. Fear of the unknown and the invention of gods, demons and supernatural entities in various forms is a constant feature of human history, culture and society as a means to placate our fears. I think it is unlikely that religions, gods and notions of supernatural entities will cease to exist but our history has shown, traditional explanations and concepts of gods and religions are in conflict with our knowledge of the nature of reality.