Blue State Governors determined to drag down the USA


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
The economic, social and societal costs of the Lockdowns continues to dwarf the benefits of bending the Covid curve. One can only assume the actual intention is to permanently damage enough of the US economy until the US dollar loses its reserve currency status.

If the $1.9 T "stimulus" passes this year, what's the plan for next year? Major metropolitan centers look like they were hit by an EMP bomb, the buildings are standing, the people and businesses were vaporized. That is unsustainable!

In addition, we are raising a generation of children who are growing up in a dystopian SciFi world.

While I pray for our country, I fear the end is near.
What is the new generation of kids thinking about right & wrong, seeing a pervert pedophile, China front man highjacking the White House, put there by massive fraudulence, with millions of people lying about it, including quite a few in this forum. Will they manage to grow up and live as respectable, decent people ?

With their parents and churches to help them they might, but they have a lot of bad influence from their schools & universities, and mainstream media.
The real tragedy will come in a few years. Some children will have parents, families and groups still educating them in private. Even in secret. Some I heard about today. Boys in the last two years of high school relying on sports for their future aren't bothering to learn. They are agonizing over their lost opportunities.

White privilege and Asian privilege will take on a whole new importance when the failures start rolling in.
Everybody is entitled to their opinion on how to handle the pandemic. But it shouldn't be Blue state Governors versus Red state Governors, just blue states versus red states. I'm following with a list from June 2020 which shows many statistics. Like least and most dependent on Federal Government. Most & Least Federally Dependent States I am not a fan of our two party system but I'm not as pessimistic as you.
Boys in the last two years of high school relying on sports for their future aren't bothering to learn
Sports were preached to be a sin where I grew up. Come to find out, years later, I was never fit or suited for a lifetime of sedentary desk work. Mental health professionals were also aggressive in downplaying physical fitness and exercise, preferring to prescribe drugs to their patients for mood improvement and stabilization.

Get your three R's at school, the reading, writing, and arithmetic, some history and science — but it really shouldn't take much education beyond that for gainful employment at a living wage.

You're asking too much of boys here. They need their exercise, fun, and games to be healthy before it turns into vice. Girls are sometimes more willing to sit still, learn sewing, typing, computer programming, but even girls have to be physically active, too.
Everybody is entitled to their opinion on how to handle the pandemic. But it shouldn't be Blue state Governors versus Red state Governors, just blue states versus red states. I'm following with a list from June 2020 which shows many statistics. Like least and most dependent on Federal Government. Most & Least Federally Dependent States I am not a fan of our two party system but I'm not as pessimistic as you.

One thing to keep in mind is that a lot of red states are low in population and consist of largely federal land. The federal land usually doesn't contribute much to the revenue of the states involved, and it incurs expenses for the federal government. So, oftentimes, measurements of federal spending on red states out west are skewed by this. That being said, this doesn't apply to red states that are east of the Mississippi.
The economic, social and societal costs of the Lockdowns continues to dwarf the benefits of bending the Covid curve. One can only assume the actual intention is to permanently damage enough of the US economy until the US dollar loses its reserve currency status.

If the $1.9 T "stimulus" passes this year, what's the plan for next year? Major metropolitan centers look like they were hit by an EMP bomb, the buildings are standing, the people and businesses were vaporized. That is unsustainable!

In addition, we are raising a generation of children who are growing up in a dystopian SciFi world.

While I pray for our country, I fear the end is near.

It's over as a republic. The only question now is after the coming civil war will we become a dictatorship (the normal progression) or will we found a new form of government entirely.
The real tragedy will come in a few years. Some children will have parents, families and groups still educating them in private. Even in secret. Some I heard about today. Boys in the last two years of high school relying on sports for their future aren't bothering to learn. They are agonizing over their lost opportunities.

White privilege and Asian privilege will take on a whole new importance when the failures start rolling in.
There is no such thing as white privilege. It died in 1964, with expanded immigration from the 3rd world + the initiation of Affirmative Action. There is only NON-white privilege.
The economic, social and societal costs of the Lockdowns continues to dwarf the benefits of bending the Covid curve. One can only assume the actual intention is to permanently damage enough of the US economy until the US dollar loses its reserve currency status.

If the $1.9 T "stimulus" passes this year, what's the plan for next year? Major metropolitan centers look like they were hit by an EMP bomb, the buildings are standing, the people and businesses were vaporized. That is unsustainable!

In addition, we are raising a generation of children who are growing up in a dystopian SciFi world.

While I pray for our country, I fear the end is near.
I think you're referring to the neutron bomb, but yeah.....^^^This.
Everybody is entitled to their opinion on how to handle the pandemic. But it shouldn't be Blue state Governors versus Red state Governors, just blue states versus red states. I'm following with a list from June 2020 which shows many statistics. Like least and most dependent on Federal Government. Most & Least Federally Dependent States I am not a fan of our two party system but I'm not as pessimistic as you.

One thing to keep in mind is that a lot of red states are low in population and consist of largely federal land. The federal land usually doesn't contribute much to the revenue of the states involved, and it incurs expenses for the federal government. So, oftentimes, measurements of federal spending on red states out west are skewed by this. That being said, this doesn't apply to red states that are east of the Mississippi.
I have a feeling that you didn't actually look at the list of the 50 states and the most dependent. If you did you'll find that in the top 10 they were split 5 and 5 between states west of and east of the Mississippi. now if you look further in the presentation you'll find that Red states are more dependent than Blue states. I'm not going to explain their methodology but it's there for the reading. If we don't flatten the curve and get the virus under control we will have no economy and be doomed to failure.
I have a feeling that you didn't actually look at the list of the 50 states and the most dependent. If you did you'll find that in the top 10 they were split 5 and 5 between states west of and east of the Mississippi. now if you look further in the presentation you'll find that Red states are more dependent than Blue states. I'm not going to explain their methodology but it's there for the reading. If we don't flatten the curve and get the virus under control we will have no economy and be doomed to failure.

Flattening the curve isn't something likely to be achieved by more state intervention. The only countries that have successfully done so have populations that are usually less diverse and more conformist in nature. The level of government restrictions seem to have no correlation with success in this endeavor. Even among US states, the same is true.

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