Blue states are paying to support red states


Gold Member
Mar 30, 2011
The top 10 highest net contributors to the federal budget are all blue. For every dollar that New Jersey pays in federal taxes, for example, they only get $0.55 back, therefore they are a heavy net contributor. They get 55% of the taxes they pay to the federal government back. The remaining 45% goes to cover other states. The top 10:

New Jersey 55%
Connecticut 66%
New Hampshire 67%
Minnesota 69%
Illinois 73%
Nevada 73%
Massachusetts 77%
California 79%
Colorado 79%
New York 79%

On the other hand, 7 of the 10 largest net consumers of federal funds relative to what they pay in are red. For example, Alaska gets $1.87 back for every $1 they put in, so they're getting 187% of what they put in. The 10 worst:

South Dakota 149%
Montana 158%
Hawaii 160%
Virginia 166%
Alabama 171%
North Dakota 173%
Mississippi 177%
West Virginia 183%
Alaska 187%
New Mexico 200%
The top 10 highest net contributors to the federal budget are all blue. For every dollar that New Jersey pays in federal taxes, for example, they only get $0.55 back, therefore they are a heavy net contributor. They get 55% of the taxes they pay to the federal government back. The remaining 45% goes to cover other states. The top 10:

New Jersey 55%
Connecticut 66%
New Hampshire 67%
Minnesota 69%
Illinois 73%
Nevada 73%
Massachusetts 77%
California 79%
Colorado 79%
New York 79%

On the other hand, 7 of the 10 largest net consumers of federal funds relative to what they pay in are red. For example, Alaska gets $1.87 back for every $1 they put in, so they're getting 187% of what they put in. The 10 worst:

South Dakota 149%
Montana 158%
Hawaii 160%
Virginia 166%
Alabama 171%
North Dakota 173%
Mississippi 177%
West Virginia 183%
Alaska 187%
New Mexico 200%

Does this mean the liberal philosophy is superior to the conservative philosophy. If so why?
That's about as likely as only a mere 6% of scientists being Republican.

Oh wait!



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