Bobby Jindal says mayors of sanctuary cities should be THROW IN PRISON


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Section 1324 of title 8 of the US code makes it a federal felony to encourage illegals to come to or reside in america and these mayors are certainly guilty of that.

Jindal: 'Jail' mayors for allowing sanctuary cities

sep 16 2015 Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal used the Wednesday GOP debate on CNN to rail against mayors in America who allow sanctuary cities and crime by illegal immigrants.

Jindal, 11th on the Washington Examiner's power rankings, argued that mayors and council members who allow sanctuary cities should be prosecuted and put behind bars. The Louisiana governor made the remarks while discussing immigration and pushing back against former Sen. Rick Santorum on the issue.

"I'm not for amnesty. I've never been for amnesty, will never be for amnesty. Secure the border. We don't need to do that as a comprehensive," Jindal said. "But I've also said that we need to put an end to sanctuary cities. It's not enough to defund them."
One such politician who should be more understanding about birthright citizenship is Governor Piyush Jindal of Louisiana, since his mother was three months pregnant when she came to the US and gave birth to him here.

Raj was the daughter of a bank manager. She first came to America on a scholarship to study for her doctorate in nuclear physics at Louisiana State University. She brought along her husband, a love match named Amar Jindal, himself the son of a shopkeep from the bania caste, the only one of the nine children in his family to attend school past fifth grade. At the time the couple immigrated, Raj was three months pregnant with their first son, Piyush. Though the university health plan denied coverage for the birth (it was ruled a "preexisting condition"), the one-month paid maternity leave was awarded as promised — that was the perk that had tipped the scales for Amar

Bobby Jindal's 'Anchor Baby' Double Standard


Bobby Jindal says mayors of sanctuary cities should be THROW IN PRISON

He's wrong.

The proper, traditional punishment for treason is to be put before a firing squad.

Once properly convicted, there is no reason to allow traitorous scumbags to continue wasting food, water, oxygen, and space any longer than is necessary.
Here's a link to the law about encouraging illegals to live here. As you can see, the penalties are very severe. In fact if the encouragement leads to a death, the encourager can be executed (!!!) and thousands of these illegals have killed people on our highways.

8 U.S. Code § 1324 - Bringing in and harboring certain aliens | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

I see your 8 U.S. Code § 1324 and raise you Article III, Section 3 of the Constitution.
Section 1324 of title 8 of the US code makes it a federal felony to encourage illegals to come to or reside in america and these mayors are certainly guilty of that.

Jindal: 'Jail' mayors for allowing sanctuary cities

sep 16 2015 Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal used the Wednesday GOP debate on CNN to rail against mayors in America who allow sanctuary cities and crime by illegal immigrants.

Jindal, 11th on the Washington Examiner's power rankings, argued that mayors and council members who allow sanctuary cities should be prosecuted and put behind bars. The Louisiana governor made the remarks while discussing immigration and pushing back against former Sen. Rick Santorum on the issue.

"I'm not for amnesty. I've never been for amnesty, will never be for amnesty. Secure the border. We don't need to do that as a comprehensive," Jindal said. "But I've also said that we need to put an end to sanctuary cities. It's not enough to defund them."
Uh oh you are listening to brown people now? Race traitor.

if you can rationalize throwing a Democrat Christian in jail for not following the law in issuing marriage licenses to gay couples why should liberals who ignored requests FROM THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to turn over wanted felons. who later MURDERED INNOCENT AMERICANS be allowed to avoid prison?????
if you can rationalize throwing a Democrat Christian in jail for not following the law in issuing marriage licenses to gay couples why should liberals who ignored requests FROM THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to turn over wanted felons. who later MURDERED INNOCENT AMERICANS be allowed to avoid prison?????

These criminal mayors have gotten a free ride from obozo but if trump becomes president, they may be prosecuted for their crimes. They should think about that.
I see your 8 U.S. Code § 1324 and raise you Article III, Section 3 of the Constitution.

Yes - what these mayors are doing could certainly be classed as treason..Mexico is our enemy and they are giving aid to mexico.

I don't know that I'd go quite so far to say that the nation of Mexico is an enemy to this country. But those from Mexico, who are invading our nation, certainly are our enemies. It's not clear that these invaders are acting in any way at the behest of the Mexican government.
One such politician who should be more understanding about birthright citizenship is Governor Piyush Jindal of Louisiana, since his mother was three months pregnant when she came to the US and gave birth to him here.

Raj was the daughter of a bank manager. She first came to America on a scholarship to study for her doctorate in nuclear physics at Louisiana State University. She brought along her husband, a love match named Amar Jindal, himself the son of a shopkeep from the bania caste, the only one of the nine children in his family to attend school past fifth grade. At the time the couple immigrated, Raj was three months pregnant with their first son, Piyush. Though the university health plan denied coverage for the birth (it was ruled a "preexisting condition"), the one-month paid maternity leave was awarded as promised — that was the perk that had tipped the scales for Amar

Bobby Jindal's 'Anchor Baby' Double Standard


I'll go along with removing Jindal's citizenship if all you pond scum go along with forbidding anchor babies to be declared a citizen, and since Jindal was born in 1971, let's make that anchor babies are declared NON CITIZENS since 1971 RETROACTIVE.... Let's hear it for this plan, Libscum!....
Mayor of San Francisco should be charged as an accessory in Kate's murder by the Illegal he harbored
Mayor of San Francisco should be charged as an accessory in Kate's murder by the Illegal he harbored

Make that a “felony-murder” modification to the treason and malfeasance charges. A preventable death of an innocent occurred, as a result of a felony that was not necessarily committed with the intent of causing death, but which the person committing it reasonably should have known could result in such a death. Given that one of the primary felonies leading to this death is, itself a capital crime, the derived murder charge ought to be as well.
"Bobby Jindal says mayors of sanctuary cities should be THROW IN PRISON"

Absent due process, of course.

Republicans' ignorance of the law is exceeded only by their contempt for the law.
No Federal immigration law is being 'violated,' the cities co-operate with immigration officials as required by the law:

“Far from being shields for criminality, these cities recognize that immigrant victims and witnesses will not report crime, and crimes will therefore go unsolved and unpunished if immigrants fear that local police are acting as immigration agents. Federal immigration authorities are still informed of every person arrested and booked into jail. These localities have implemented carefully crafted policies aimed at promoting public safety and have prioritized their police resources to focus on community needs.

A Bill Up for a House Vote Today to Punish ‘Sanctuary Cities’ Won’t Improve Public Safety. It Will Undermine It.

Moreover, cities often lack the funds, resources, and facilities required to act as de facto 'ICE agents'; indeed, it is neither the role nor responsibility of local jurisdictions to actively seek out, arrest, and detain those suspected of being in the country absent authorization – as Federal law in fact does not require cities and counties to act in such a capacity.

The cities are not 'hiding' or 'concealing' those suspected of being undocumented, nor are they 'helping' those undocumented to 'avoid detection' by immigration officials; consequently the notion that these cities are 'breaking the law' is a ridiculous lie.

As usual this is about partisan politics, not facts or the law – it's about conservatives hostile to cities they perceive to be 'democratic' or 'liberal,' where the only motivation by most on the right is to attack a political enemy, having nothing to do with 'enforcing' the law.
Doesn't it stand to freaking reason even among the brain damaged left that if a court clerk can be jailed for defying a supreme court ruling, mayors of cities who offer sanctuary to illegal aliens should be jailed for violating federal law?

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