Boehner working with Reid behind the scenes


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2013
I keep telling you dumb ass partisans your getting worked by both sides, but ya just keep carrying the water and lubeing the hole for them.

On the House floor Monday night, House Speaker John Boehner urged his House colleagues to pass amendments to a bill that would keep the government funded and avert a shutdown.

The amendments, he said, were necessary changes to Obamacare, including one that gets rid of what he called an "exemption" for members of Congress and their staff.

"Get rid of the exemption for Members of Congress," Boehner said. "It’s a matter of fairness for all Americans."

But new, leaked emails paint a different picture of how Boehner fought privately to maintain certain health insurance subsidies for federal employees under the Affordable Care Act.

The emails were first reported by Politico, which detailed how Boehner worked with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (R-Nev.) to preserve these subsidies that have become a source of controversy in Congress over the past few months.

Read more: Boehner Shifts On Obamacare Subsidies - Business Insider
I keep telling you dumb ass partisans your getting worked by both sides, but ya just keep carrying the water and lubeing the hole for them.

On the House floor Monday night, House Speaker John Boehner urged his House colleagues to pass amendments to a bill that would keep the government funded and avert a shutdown.

The amendments, he said, were necessary changes to Obamacare, including one that gets rid of what he called an "exemption" for members of Congress and their staff.

"Get rid of the exemption for Members of Congress," Boehner said. "It’s a matter of fairness for all Americans."

But new, leaked emails paint a different picture of how Boehner fought privately to maintain certain health insurance subsidies for federal employees under the Affordable Care Act.

The emails were first reported by Politico, which detailed how Boehner worked with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (R-Nev.) to preserve these subsidies that have become a source of controversy in Congress over the past few months.

Read more: Boehner Shifts On Obamacare Subsidies - Business Insider

The whole exemption thing is a red herring/fallacy. Like most of us, federal employees get h/c coverage via an employer sponsored plan. Obamacare provides that we not only CAN keep our employer policies, we CANNOT turn it down to buy insurance on an exchange (unless the employer plan is so suckiy it doesn't meet min insurance standards set by the feds). Grassley stuck a rider onto something requiring fed employees go to exchanges. The "exemption" is only to get around, what even Grassley admits is unfair, treating federal workers differently than the rest of us.

Another gift from the idiot party that sold itself on "death panels."

Fact Check: Congress, staff are exempt from Obamacare ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

I'm honestly not sure wtf Boehner was doing shortly before the shutdown. I suspect even he doesn't know.
Republicans should be calling for Boehners resignation. He should never have been put back in charge as speaker of the House.
I keep telling you dumb ass partisans your getting worked by both sides, but ya just keep carrying the water and lubeing the hole for them.

On the House floor Monday night, House Speaker John Boehner urged his House colleagues to pass amendments to a bill that would keep the government funded and avert a shutdown.

The amendments, he said, were necessary changes to Obamacare, including one that gets rid of what he called an "exemption" for members of Congress and their staff.

"Get rid of the exemption for Members of Congress," Boehner said. "It’s a matter of fairness for all Americans."

But new, leaked emails paint a different picture of how Boehner fought privately to maintain certain health insurance subsidies for federal employees under the Affordable Care Act.

The emails were first reported by Politico, which detailed how Boehner worked with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (R-Nev.) to preserve these subsidies that have become a source of controversy in Congress over the past few months.

Read more: Boehner Shifts On Obamacare Subsidies - Business Insider

The whole exemption thing is a red herring/fallacy. Like most of us, federal employees get h/c coverage via an employer sponsored plan. Obamacare provides that we not only CAN keep our employer policies, we CANNOT turn it down to buy insurance on an exchange (unless the employer plan is so suckiy it doesn't meet min insurance standards set by the feds). Grassley stuck a rider onto something requiring fed employees go to exchanges. The "exemption" is only to get around, what even Grassley admits is unfair, treating federal workers differently than the rest of us.

Another gift from the idiot party that sold itself on "death panels."

Fact Check: Congress, staff are exempt from Obamacare ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

I'm honestly not sure wtf Boehner was doing shortly before the shutdown. I suspect even he doesn't know.

Then you need to view the e-mails that passed between the staffs at Boehner and Reid's offices.
I received a letter from the VA stating that I had the coverage that would not need me to get the ACA.

i love how every article starts something like this - Democratic Senate rejects latest house offer. but the headlines read - Republicans shut down the government WTF?
wtf ? the house teabaggers have been planning this since the ACA went in to law.
the republicans did shut down the government because like spoiled children who just got told they can't have something they threw a tantrum.
there's that standard dodge I've come to expect from you.
not original and not humorous.

Daws, you're a mindless, partisan drone. Nothing you post is of any value - just rehashed shit from MoveOn and Communist Dreams.

or I will when you take ted cruz's cock out of your ass and take your cock out of Boehner's ...

You've never actually had a thought, have you?
Bash a teabagger ! Win a prize!

There really is no reason to be angry with your brothers and sisters.
none of my family is a teabagger.
there is every reason to be angry at those assholes.

Not a worry. You left wing maniacs earn every bit of disgust and scorn thrown your way.
You are a pathetic lot of sheep who just regurgitate talking points daily as they are fed to you.

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