Boehner working with Reid behind the scenes

The American Government no longer represents your interest.
They collectively, both parties, represent the interest of special interest groups, corporations, central banks and their own elections.
Which is why you should not want a healthcare system controlled by this same body. Your interest will not be served. You will told it does, you will be given all kinds of neat looking graphs and slogans - but in the end - those with the most money and donation chests will be served. Not you.
The American Government no longer represents your interest.
They collectively, both parties, represent the interest of special interest groups, corporations, central banks and their own elections.
Which is why you should not want a healthcare system controlled by this same body. Your interest will not be served. You will told it does, you will be given all kinds of neat looking graphs and slogans - but in the end - those with the most money and donation chests will be served. Not you.

Very correct observation. Not much company with that here though.
The American Government no longer represents your interest.
They collectively, both parties, represent the interest of special interest groups, corporations, central banks and their own elections.
Which is why you should not want a healthcare system controlled by this same body. Your interest will not be served. You will told it does, you will be given all kinds of neat looking graphs and slogans - but in the end - those with the most money and donation chests will be served. Not you.

Very correct observation. Not much company with that here though.

No there isn't.
This is the amazement I have with many on the left, I just can't understand how they cannot connect the fact that corruption in government means just that - corruption. And why they still insist on trusting a proven inept/self-involved body of sharks and vipers that have shown 1000's of time they are not out to serve the public but themselves.
But hey - let's have them control everything in our lives. The bigger the government, the better we are! :confused:
there's that standard dodge I've come to expect from you.
not original and not humorous.

Daws, you're a mindless, partisan drone. Nothing you post is of any value - just rehashed shit from MoveOn and Communist Dreams.

or I will when you take ted cruz's cock out of your ass and take your cock out of Boehner's ...

You've never actually had a thought, have you?
you just won the trifecta of false assumption..
Reid released the emails to embarrass Boehner. What a dick move. Let's see how much Boehner is willing to work with them after this.
More like Boehner on his hands and knees begging Reid to take this hot potato from him quick. Reid isn't going to negotiate with the orange little oompa loompa.
More like Boehner on his hands and knees begging Reid to take this hot potato from him quick. Reid isn't going to negotiate with the orange little oompa loompa.

Let's hope not. The longer it drags on, the better the GOP looks. The bit with the veterans at the war memorial is epic. Obama as the spoiler and despot vs the men who defeated Hitler and Tojo. The GOP couldn't script this any better.
In 2008 and 2012 Americans had a choice. They voted for the candidate who promised to make ObamaCare a Law. They rejected the candidates who opposed ObamaCare.

Romney, the candidate who vowed to repeal ObamaCare on his first day in office, lost by 5 million votes. The American people spoke.

ObamaCare was legally passed under the Constitution of the United States of America.

Repulbicans don't have the votes to repeal it, so they have taken a hostage.

Ronald Reagan's father was saved by a government job during the Great Depression. Read Reagan's early autobiography "Where's the Rest of me?" In this book he explains how FDR saved his family and why this lead him to campaign for Truman.

The Republicans have contempt for the Constitution. They have contempt for democratic outcomes when they don't go their way. If they lose an election, they destroy the opposition president's ability to govern. If they lose a vote which results in a law they don't like, they use tricks to destroy that law.

Reagan was saved by FDR's Big Government. Some think FDR's investment in the Reagan Family paid off. Reagan campaigned for Truman because his family was saved by the New Deal.

[ame=]Reagan Campaigns for Truman in 1948 - YouTube[/ame]
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Reid released the emails to embarrass Boehner. What a dick move. Let's see how much Boehner is willing to work with them after this.

You don't have a problem with the contents, the intrigue of these e-mails?
it's most likely the same sexual misconduct bullshit most all these guys get caught up in.
Wouldn't call that earth shattering.

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