Book-burning Liberals Force Penn State To Remove Bibles From Hotel Rooms


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
No one loves censorship and intolerance more than a liberal.

Penn State removes Bibles from hotel rooms after atheists say they encourage killing nonbelievers gays

sep 8 2014
Penn State has removed Gideon Bibles from hotel rooms after a complaint from the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) accused the Bibles of advocating the killings of nonbelievers.

“The bible [sic] calls for killing nonbelievers, apostates, gays, ‘stubborn sons,’ and women who are not virgins on their wedding nights,” FFRF Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor said in a statementlast week. “What is obnoxious in a private hotel, however, becomes inappropriate and unconstitutional in state-run lodgings.”

A spokesperson from the university has confirmed toCampus Reform that the Bibles have been removed from individual guest rooms following an inquiry from FFRF earlier in the summer.
I have no use for the bible but the founding fathers will be spinning in their graves if they find out the constitution they wrote is now used to ban the BIBLE.
Damn those Christian missionaries from the past, damn them. Why did they hate diversity so much that they wiped out all of those primitive religions? Why, of why, did they have to do that?

If they had left some people's untouched by Christianity then we, those alive today, would have a valuable counter-example of how a society develops without Christian influence.

Once we had that knowledge in hand, we could set up a differential legal/social system and apply it to these anti-Bible warriors who so much want to purge Christian influence from society. They don't realize that so much of what constitutes Western society has its roots in Christianity. OK, let them live under a system which is wholly non-Christian, say like that developed by New Guinea's head hunters, and let's see how they like that type of moral code.
Campus ministries will some day be eliminated from public universities.
If Korans were banned the hotels would be blown up.

Bet you $20 bucks if the bible really was banned, and shitspeeders isn't talking out of his ass like always, the Koran has been banned also. When will the buildings be blown up do you think?
No, atheists are generally hypocrites. They're more anti-Christian than they are anti-religion. They never go after muslims because they know they'd be blown up.
No one loves censorship and intolerance more than a liberal.

Penn State removes Bibles from hotel rooms after atheists say they encourage killing nonbelievers gays

sep 8 2014
Penn State has removed Gideon Bibles from hotel rooms after a complaint from the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) accused the Bibles of advocating the killings of nonbelievers.

“The bible [sic] calls for killing nonbelievers, apostates, gays, ‘stubborn sons,’ and women who are not virgins on their wedding nights,” FFRF Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor said in a statementlast week. “What is obnoxious in a private hotel, however, becomes inappropriate and unconstitutional in state-run lodgings.”

A spokesperson from the university has confirmed toCampus Reform that the Bibles have been removed from individual guest rooms following an inquiry from FFRF earlier in the summer.

They didn't FORCE Penn St to do anything. Penn St CHOSE to do so.
Given the nature of their complaint, I'm sure that they would have no problem if the Gideons simply left New Testaments in hotel rooms. Or would there be some other trumped up problem?
You have to admit this was very clever. A book that encourages death for legal behaviors, oh my.
I'd like to know how the censors determined the constitutionality of Bibles on public property in the past.

Hard to believe that a band of crybaby liberals can change constitutional interpretations.
No one loves censorship and intolerance more than a liberal.

Penn State removes Bibles from hotel rooms after atheists say they encourage killing nonbelievers gays

sep 8 2014
Penn State has removed Gideon Bibles from hotel rooms after a complaint from the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) accused the Bibles of advocating the killings of nonbelievers.

“The bible [sic] calls for killing nonbelievers, apostates, gays, ‘stubborn sons,’ and women who are not virgins on their wedding nights,” FFRF Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor said in a statementlast week. “What is obnoxious in a private hotel, however, becomes inappropriate and unconstitutional in state-run lodgings.”

A spokesperson from the university has confirmed toCampus Reform that the Bibles have been removed from individual guest rooms following an inquiry from FFRF earlier in the summer.

"Religion is the opiate of the masses" -- Progressive Founding Father

They want to make atheism the national religion
My question remains; atheists have the right NOT to believe, but why do some insist upon forcing their religion of non belief on those who do? More to the story:

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. (AP) - Penn State has pulled Gideon Bibles from rooms of two hotels it runs and will, instead, make them available upon request in public access areas.

University spokeswoman Lisa Powers tells the Centre Daily Times (Community ) that the school made the move "in the spirit of recognizing other religions and beliefs among our guests."

Powers says other groups who want to donate religious books can do so, and The Nittany Lion Inn and the Penn Stater Conference Center Hotel will make them available along with the Bibles.

The Gideon Bibles are now located in the libraries of both hotels, and are available in other public areas.

The Associated Press

Read more at Penn State pulling Gideon Bibles from hotel rooms
If Korans were banned the hotels would be blown up.

Bet you $20 bucks if the bible really was banned, and shitspeeders isn't talking out of his ass like always, the Koran has been banned also. When will the buildings be blown up do you think?
No, atheists are generally hypocrites. They're more anti-Christian than they are anti-religion. They never go after muslims because they know they'd be blown up.

So no on the bet? Go figure.
My question remains; atheists have the right NOT to believe, but why do some insist upon forcing their religion of non belief on those who do? More to the story:

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. (AP) - Penn State has pulled Gideon Bibles from rooms of two hotels it runs and will, instead, make them available upon request in public access areas.

University spokeswoman Lisa Powers tells the Centre Daily Times (Community ) that the school made the move "in the spirit of recognizing other religions and beliefs among our guests."

Powers says other groups who want to donate religious books can do so, and The Nittany Lion Inn and the Penn Stater Conference Center Hotel will make them available along with the Bibles.

The Gideon Bibles are now located in the libraries of both hotels, and are available in other public areas.

The Associated Press

Read more at Penn State pulling Gideon Bibles from hotel rooms

Atheists are miserable people and want to drag everyone else down to their level
Just because the book is there does not mean that a person is being forced to look at it.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

Damn those Christian missionaries from the past, damn them. Why did they hate diversity so much that they wiped out all of those primitive religions? Why, of why, did they have to do that?

If they had left some people's untouched by Christianity then we, those alive today, would have a valuable counter-example of how a society develops without Christian influence.

Once we had that knowledge in hand, we could set up a differential legal/social system and apply it to these anti-Bible warriors who so much want to purge Christian influence from society. They don't realize that so much of what constitutes Western society has its roots in Christianity. OK, let them live under a system which is wholly non-Christian, say like that developed by New Guinea's head hunters, and let's see how they like that type of moral code.

Our "friends" on the left have so much diversity, though not really . . . yet so little history or commonsense do go with it.
What purpose does a Bible serve in a hotel room, anyway?

Why not some Mark Twain stories?

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