Border patrol releases 7k illegal aliens innto the U.S. in 5 days


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Border Patrol releases 7K illegal aliens into the U.S. in 5 days | One America News Network
As more waves of immigrants head towards the U.S., the Department of Homeland Security is forced to release tens of thousands of illegal aliens into the country every month.


You can thank your leftist in Trump hate land as you all begin to watch America falling just like Europe if Trump cann't stop the democratic mental cases.
We need to get the libtards from letting them in They need to get votes anyway they can.

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We need to get the libtards from letting them in They need to get votes anyway they can.

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They come because they can.

Yeah just let all the animals in and libtards will give them free everything. Don’t worry about the citizens of the US. Need to set up a minefield along the border and some nice electric fences.

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We need to get the libtards from letting them in They need to get votes anyway they can.

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They come because they can.

Yeah just let all the animals in and libtards will give them free everything. Don’t worry about the citizens of the US. Need to set up a minefield along the border and some nice electric fences.

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The GOP gives them the same amount as the Dems, no difference and never has been.
Border Patrol releases 7K illegal aliens into the U.S. in 5 days | One America News Network
As more waves of immigrants head towards the U.S., the Department of Homeland Security is forced to release tens of thousands of illegal aliens into the country every month.

View attachment 258072

You can thank your leftist in Trump hate land as you all begin to watch America falling just like Europe if Trump cann't stop the democratic mental cases.

One huge problem when dealing with the numbers quoted. If those numbers are correct then the entire population of 3 countries south of Mexico would have their entire population empty out in a matter of only a couple of years. And we all know that just isn't the case. I don't know where they got those figures from but it's going to be somewhere below the belt in the rear portion of the anatomy.
But, but, but, I thought Trump was a Nationalist, really?

Nothing to see here, just Capitalism in action.
They have been doing this since the 1980's and I don't think it will ever end.
You might be right on it never ending, and you are right that it's been going on since the 1980's. American traitor's are in our midst, and they should be picked up/captured, and then arrested for treason.
The invaders have expectations. They are told that there are high paying jobs and generous welfare benefits waiting for them. They are told that they will be given big houses to live in. When they get a bowl of rice with a few beans and a Mylar blanket they are bewildered and angry. Don't be surprised if they band together in groups to take what they need.

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