Both Sides?

My position has changed. I used to be naïve enough to believe that the GOP wanted to secure the border, but after seeing the GOP have power the last two years and rather fund Planned Parenthood than build the wall my position has changed.

We see governments in South America and Central America be controlled by the drug lords because of their vast wealth and power, but what of the US? Are we to believe that the politicians in the US are immune to their corrupt power?

Hell no. As a result, it matters little what the people rise up and do to secure the border by doing things like voting for Trump.

No, they have no voice. The will of the drug lords be done with an open border.

200 Americans a day lose their lives to drugs pouring across the border, and all our politicians can do is demagogue about the danger of guns that kill less than 1/2 that number a day.

Speaking of which, Obama can even arm the drug lords with guns with his illegal Fast and Furious program, yet he wants to take guns from law abiding citizens?

the drug war has been going on ever since Reagan .. a F'n wall wont put a chink in the armor in the different ways drug cartels smuggle dope into this country. Politicians know that a wall to stop drugs is futile.

RW's need to get a grip on reality.

Uh, huh.

And how much are you getting paid to say that?

Drug lord got your tongue?

fuck off moron -

Tanker At Center of Record Heroin Bust – gCaptain


a tanker pulls up to the border wall, an ICE agent yells HALT !!


200 people die a day from drug overdoses and YOU want to let things remain like they are?

You either are being paid to say these things or you just like watching people die.

Which is it?

you're either a F'n idiot or brain dead imbecile - which is it.?

I want to secure the border and save lives, how about you?
the drug war has been going on ever since Reagan .. a F'n wall wont put a chink in the armor in the different ways drug cartels smuggle dope into this country. Politicians know that a wall to stop drugs is futile.

RW's need to get a grip on reality.

Uh, huh.

And how much are you getting paid to say that?

Drug lord got your tongue?

fuck off moron -

Tanker At Center of Record Heroin Bust – gCaptain


a tanker pulls up to the border wall, an ICE agent yells HALT !!


200 people die a day from drug overdoses and YOU want to let things remain like they are?

You either are being paid to say these things or you just like watching people die.

Which is it?

you're either a F'n idiot or brain dead imbecile - which is it.?

I want to secure the border and save lives, how about you?

I've always supported secure borders -- ENFORCING THE LAWS ON THE BOOKS. No one wants an open border.

creating a larger government at taxpayer expense in the name of partisan politics doesn't bode well with me.
Lol that has to be the craziest most lopsided argument I have ever heard.

Now let me do it.
Liberals want to have more people on welfare and dependent on them for everything. They want to increase the minimum wage so they can have unchecked inflation so that those in congress can fill their pockets fuller.

Conservatives want a border wall because they feel that over 400 deaths each year attempting to cross a desert ahead of those who do it legally is not only wrong but deplorable. They want everyone to make a decent living without creating more welfare or run away inflation.

See you can play partisan hack all you want but I purposely showed the liberals in a bad light on purpose where as you did it because you don't know any better.

I did what?

Is my understanding of the conservative message on immigration grossly inaccurate?
Max death wins a prize A trumpy doll
At the very least it has that blowup sex doll of yours beat
Lol that has to be the craziest most lopsided argument I have ever heard.

Now let me do it.
Liberals want to have more people on welfare and dependent on them for everything. They want to increase the minimum wage so they can have unchecked inflation so that those in congress can fill their pockets fuller.

Conservatives want a border wall because they feel that over 400 deaths each year attempting to cross a desert ahead of those who do it legally is not only wrong but deplorable. They want everyone to make a decent living without creating more welfare or run away inflation.

See you can play partisan hack all you want but I purposely showed the liberals in a bad light on purpose where as you did it because you don't know any better.

I did what?

Is my understanding of the conservative message on immigration grossly inaccurate?
Max death wins a prize A trumpy doll
At the very least it has that blowup sex doll of yours beat

so you prefer Trump sex dolls over other sex dolls ....

good to know.
A common theme on these pages is that both liberals an conservatives are partisan hacks who will do or say anything if they believe it will push their agenda.

Is that really the case?

Ever hear of a "messaging box or a messaging profile"? It is a tool that campaigns use to evaluate their argument and how it is perceived by their target audience as well as the opposition.

For example....lets take the issue of immigration and make a simple messaging profile. In this example< "us" or "we" refer to USMB liberals while "them" or "they" refer to USMB conservatives.

What we believe our message is:

America's economy needs immigrant labor and our nation is stronger when it is more diverse. We want comprehensive reform with adequate border security and paths to legalization for dreamers and asylum seekers. A wall will not have any effect on ilegal immigration.

What they believe our message is:

Borders are unnecessary. If we let people come in freely,
they will benefit from our welfare system and then thank us by ilegally voting for us. We want to destroy American culture.

What they believe their message is:

We don't need more immigrants because we have too many people who
are losing jobs to immigrants and immigrants are more likely to commit
crimes. Our laws are fine. Diversity is not a strength. Dreamers should be deported
and then try to enter in the proper manner. We cannot afford to help asylum seekers.
A wall will prevent ilegal immigration.

What we believe their message is:

We don't need more immigrants because we have too many people who
are losing jobs to immigrants and immigrants are more likely to commit
crimes. Our laws are fine. Dreamers should be deported and then try to
enter in the proper manner. We cannot afford to help asylum seekers.
A wall will prevent ilegal immigration. Our rhetoric appeals to racists and white nationalists.

If we carry out this exercise with a variety of issues....and we do it honestly....I believe we will see a pattern of conservatives grossly misrepresenting the goals or aims or intentions of liberals. Both sides don't do it.

That's hilarious, the liberal message is they don't want to expand the wall because it will give Trump a legacy..

Period end of story.

Lol that has to be the craziest most lopsided argument I have ever heard.

Now let me do it.
Liberals want to have more people on welfare and dependent on them for everything. They want to increase the minimum wage so they can have unchecked inflation so that those in congress can fill their pockets fuller.

Conservatives want a border wall because they feel that over 400 deaths each year attempting to cross a desert ahead of those who do it legally is not only wrong but deplorable. They want everyone to make a decent living without creating more welfare or run away inflation.

See you can play partisan hack all you want but I purposely showed the liberals in a bad light on purpose where as you did it because you don't know any better.

You already have unchecked inflation under the orange buffoon.
A common theme on these pages is that both liberals an conservatives are partisan hacks who will do or say anything if they believe it will push their agenda.

Is that really the case?

Ever hear of a "messaging box or a messaging profile"? It is a tool that campaigns use to evaluate their argument and how it is perceived by their target audience as well as the opposition.

For example....lets take the issue of immigration and make a simple messaging profile. In this example< "us" or "we" refer to USMB liberals while "them" or "they" refer to USMB conservatives.

What we believe our message is:

America's economy needs immigrant labor and our nation is stronger when it is more diverse. We want comprehensive reform with adequate border security and paths to legalization for dreamers and asylum seekers. A wall will not have any effect on ilegal immigration.

What they believe our message is:

Borders are unnecessary. If we let people come in freely,
they will benefit from our welfare system and then thank us by ilegally voting for us. We want to destroy American culture.

What they believe their message is:

We don't need more immigrants because we have too many people who
are losing jobs to immigrants and immigrants are more likely to commit
crimes. Our laws are fine. Diversity is not a strength. Dreamers should be deported
and then try to enter in the proper manner. We cannot afford to help asylum seekers.
A wall will prevent ilegal immigration.

What we believe their message is:

We don't need more immigrants because we have too many people who
are losing jobs to immigrants and immigrants are more likely to commit
crimes. Our laws are fine. Dreamers should be deported and then try to
enter in the proper manner. We cannot afford to help asylum seekers.
A wall will prevent ilegal immigration. Our rhetoric appeals to racists and white nationalists.

If we carry out this exercise with a variety of issues....and we do it honestly....I believe we will see a pattern of conservatives grossly misrepresenting the goals or aims or intentions of liberals. Both sides don't do it.
Yet you are a partisan hack. You have yet to accept the fundamental fact that both parties are very much alike. Sadly way too many Americans are just like you.
A common theme on these pages is that both liberals an conservatives are partisan hacks who will do or say anything if they believe it will push their agenda.

Is that really the case?

Ever hear of a "messaging box or a messaging profile"? It is a tool that campaigns use to evaluate their argument and how it is perceived by their target audience as well as the opposition.

For example....lets take the issue of immigration and make a simple messaging profile. In this example< "us" or "we" refer to USMB liberals while "them" or "they" refer to USMB conservatives.

What we believe our message is:

America's economy needs immigrant labor and our nation is stronger when it is more diverse. We want comprehensive reform with adequate border security and paths to legalization for dreamers and asylum seekers. A wall will not have any effect on ilegal immigration.

What they believe our message is:

Borders are unnecessary. If we let people come in freely,
they will benefit from our welfare system and then thank us by ilegally voting for us. We want to destroy American culture.

What they believe their message is:

We don't need more immigrants because we have too many people who
are losing jobs to immigrants and immigrants are more likely to commit
crimes. Our laws are fine. Diversity is not a strength. Dreamers should be deported
and then try to enter in the proper manner. We cannot afford to help asylum seekers.
A wall will prevent ilegal immigration.

What we believe their message is:

We don't need more immigrants because we have too many people who
are losing jobs to immigrants and immigrants are more likely to commit
crimes. Our laws are fine. Dreamers should be deported and then try to
enter in the proper manner. We cannot afford to help asylum seekers.
A wall will prevent ilegal immigration. Our rhetoric appeals to racists and white nationalists.

If we carry out this exercise with a variety of issues....and we do it honestly....I believe we will see a pattern of conservatives grossly misrepresenting the goals or aims or intentions of liberals. Both sides don't do it.
Yet you are a partisan hack. You have yet to accept the fundamental fact that both parties are very much alike. Sadly way too many Americans are just like you.

Uh, huh.

And how much are you getting paid to say that?

Drug lord got your tongue?

fuck off moron -

Tanker At Center of Record Heroin Bust – gCaptain


a tanker pulls up to the border wall, an ICE agent yells HALT !!


200 people die a day from drug overdoses and YOU want to let things remain like they are?

You either are being paid to say these things or you just like watching people die.

Which is it?

you're either a F'n idiot or brain dead imbecile - which is it.?

I want to secure the border and save lives, how about you?

I've always supported secure borders -- ENFORCING THE LAWS ON THE BOOKS. No one wants an open border.

creating a larger government at taxpayer expense in the name of partisan politics doesn't bode well with me.

it's not about partisan politics. As I've said, neither party wants to secure the border because neither does when in power.

I would agree that all that needs to be done is to enforce the laws, but since we have sanctuary cities and allow illegal immigrants to shoot Americans and then walk free, etc., we need walls to help curb the lawless Federal government.

Naturally, since the Federal government wants this lawlessness, the wall will not get built regardless.

It really is disgusting. It's almost as if they are trying to kill us all off with such lawlessness.
A common theme on these pages is that both liberals an conservatives are partisan hacks who will do or say anything if they believe it will push their agenda.

Is that really the case?

Ever hear of a "messaging box or a messaging profile"? It is a tool that campaigns use to evaluate their argument and how it is perceived by their target audience as well as the opposition.

For example....lets take the issue of immigration and make a simple messaging profile. In this example< "us" or "we" refer to USMB liberals while "them" or "they" refer to USMB conservatives.

What we believe our message is:

America's economy needs immigrant labor and our nation is stronger when it is more diverse. We want comprehensive reform with adequate border security and paths to legalization for dreamers and asylum seekers. A wall will not have any effect on ilegal immigration.

What they believe our message is:

Borders are unnecessary. If we let people come in freely,
they will benefit from our welfare system and then thank us by ilegally voting for us. We want to destroy American culture.

What they believe their message is:

We don't need more immigrants because we have too many people who
are losing jobs to immigrants and immigrants are more likely to commit
crimes. Our laws are fine. Diversity is not a strength. Dreamers should be deported
and then try to enter in the proper manner. We cannot afford to help asylum seekers.
A wall will prevent ilegal immigration.

What we believe their message is:

We don't need more immigrants because we have too many people who
are losing jobs to immigrants and immigrants are more likely to commit
crimes. Our laws are fine. Dreamers should be deported and then try to
enter in the proper manner. We cannot afford to help asylum seekers.
A wall will prevent ilegal immigration. Our rhetoric appeals to racists and white nationalists.

If we carry out this exercise with a variety of issues....and we do it honestly....I believe we will see a pattern of conservatives grossly misrepresenting the goals or aims or intentions of liberals. Both sides don't do it.
Wrong. We all know leftwingers lie. Nothing they say can be believed. Their actions are not consistent with their so-called ideals. Take global warming, for instance. liberals fly Lear jets to conferences where they wail about the necessity of reducing our carbon foot print.
A common theme on these pages is that both liberals an conservatives are partisan hacks who will do or say anything if they believe it will push their agenda.

Is that really the case?

Ever hear of a "messaging box or a messaging profile"? It is a tool that campaigns use to evaluate their argument and how it is perceived by their target audience as well as the opposition.

For example....lets take the issue of immigration and make a simple messaging profile. In this example< "us" or "we" refer to USMB liberals while "them" or "they" refer to USMB conservatives.

What we believe our message is:

America's economy needs immigrant labor and our nation is stronger when it is more diverse. We want comprehensive reform with adequate border security and paths to legalization for dreamers and asylum seekers. A wall will not have any effect on ilegal immigration.

What they believe our message is:

Borders are unnecessary. If we let people come in freely,
they will benefit from our welfare system and then thank us by ilegally voting for us. We want to destroy American culture.

What they believe their message is:

We don't need more immigrants because we have too many people who
are losing jobs to immigrants and immigrants are more likely to commit
crimes. Our laws are fine. Diversity is not a strength. Dreamers should be deported
and then try to enter in the proper manner. We cannot afford to help asylum seekers.
A wall will prevent ilegal immigration.

What we believe their message is:

We don't need more immigrants because we have too many people who
are losing jobs to immigrants and immigrants are more likely to commit
crimes. Our laws are fine. Dreamers should be deported and then try to
enter in the proper manner. We cannot afford to help asylum seekers.
A wall will prevent ilegal immigration. Our rhetoric appeals to racists and white nationalists.

If we carry out this exercise with a variety of issues....and we do it honestly....I believe we will see a pattern of conservatives grossly misrepresenting the goals or aims or intentions of liberals. Both sides don't do it.

My position has changed. I used to be naïve enough to believe that the GOP wanted to secure the border, but after seeing the GOP have power the last two years and rather fund Planned Parenthood than build the wall my position has changed.

We see governments in South America and Central America be controlled by the drug lords because of their vast wealth and power, but what of the US? Are we to believe that the politicians in the US are immune to their corrupt power?

Hell no. As a result, it matters little what the people rise up and do to secure the border by doing things like voting for Trump.

No, they have no voice. The will of the drug lords be done with an open border.

200 Americans a day lose their lives to drugs pouring across the border, and all our politicians can do is demagogue about the danger of guns that kill less than 1/2 that number a day.

Speaking of which, Obama can even arm the drug lords with guns with his illegal Fast and Furious program, yet he wants to take guns from law abiding citizens?

the drug war has been going on ever since Reagan .. a F'n wall wont put a chink in the armor in the different ways drug cartels smuggle dope into this country. Politicians know that a wall to stop drugs is futile.

RW's need to get a grip on reality.
Well I finally got a offer of a job, I just have //////////////////to///////////Mexico///////////////////////////////date is///////////////////going///////////////////////////////wight/////////////for///////////you will be contacted at a //////////////

Redacted post from a //////dealer//////location ///////// This is about how the Mueler releasing any memo.
A common theme on these pages is that both liberals an conservatives are partisan hacks who will do or say anything if they believe it will push their agenda.

Is that really the case?

Ever hear of a "messaging box or a messaging profile"? It is a tool that campaigns use to evaluate their argument and how it is perceived by their target audience as well as the opposition.

For example....lets take the issue of immigration and make a simple messaging profile. In this example< "us" or "we" refer to USMB liberals while "them" or "they" refer to USMB conservatives.

What we believe our message is:

America's economy needs immigrant labor and our nation is stronger when it is more diverse. We want comprehensive reform with adequate border security and paths to legalization for dreamers and asylum seekers. A wall will not have any effect on ilegal immigration.

What they believe our message is:

Borders are unnecessary. If we let people come in freely,
they will benefit from our welfare system and then thank us by ilegally voting for us. We want to destroy American culture.

What they believe their message is:

We don't need more immigrants because we have too many people who
are losing jobs to immigrants and immigrants are more likely to commit
crimes. Our laws are fine. Diversity is not a strength. Dreamers should be deported
and then try to enter in the proper manner. We cannot afford to help asylum seekers.
A wall will prevent ilegal immigration.

What we believe their message is:

We don't need more immigrants because we have too many people who
are losing jobs to immigrants and immigrants are more likely to commit
crimes. Our laws are fine. Dreamers should be deported and then try to
enter in the proper manner. We cannot afford to help asylum seekers.
A wall will prevent ilegal immigration. Our rhetoric appeals to racists and white nationalists.

If we carry out this exercise with a variety of issues....and we do it honestly....I believe we will see a pattern of conservatives grossly misrepresenting the goals or aims or intentions of liberals. Both sides don't do it.
Yet you are a partisan hack. You have yet to accept the fundamental fact that both parties are very much alike. Sadly way too many Americans are just like you.

Yes you most certainly are boring with your tired worn out partisan stupidity.
Lol that has to be the craziest most lopsided argument I have ever heard.

Now let me do it.
Liberals want to have more people on welfare and dependent on them for everything. They want to increase the minimum wage so they can have unchecked inflation so that those in congress can fill their pockets fuller.

Conservatives want a border wall because they feel that over 400 deaths each year attempting to cross a desert ahead of those who do it legally is not only wrong but deplorable. They want everyone to make a decent living without creating more welfare or run away inflation.

See you can play partisan hack all you want but I purposely showed the liberals in a bad light on purpose where as you did it because you don't know any better.

I did what?

Is my understanding of the conservative message on immigration grossly inaccurate?
Max death wins a prize A trumpy doll
At the very least it has that blowup sex doll of yours beat

so you prefer Trump sex dolls over other sex dolls ....

good to know.
No I will leave that to little perverts like you. I prefer real life.
Lol that has to be the craziest most lopsided argument I have ever heard.

Now let me do it.
Liberals want to have more people on welfare and dependent on them for everything. They want to increase the minimum wage so they can have unchecked inflation so that those in congress can fill their pockets fuller.

Conservatives want a border wall because they feel that over 400 deaths each year attempting to cross a desert ahead of those who do it legally is not only wrong but deplorable. They want everyone to make a decent living without creating more welfare or run away inflation.

See you can play partisan hack all you want but I purposely showed the liberals in a bad light on purpose where as you did it because you don't know any better.

You already have unchecked inflation under the orange buffoon.
You have not been following proper indoctrination. You have obviously turned off state run CNN. If you had not done so you would know that the economy collapsed when Trump was elected. That this is 44 economy. Most of the U.S. is dead because of trump pulling out of the Paris global warming accord. The few remaining alive only have weeks to live as Trump has repealed clean air and water.
As if the above was not proof enough that there is no run away inflation then be aware that it is known that only 1% own all the money and would never spend more then absolutely necessary.
Immediately resume proper indoctrination by turning on CNN. We Are Watching.
Do not attempt to contact anyone again as the Internet folded due to repeal of net neutrality.
Someone do the profile for the Affordable Care Act, please.

Only requirement is honesty.


Liberals: "Rate of Americans without health insurance at its lowest, ever."

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