Boycott Israel

The Israel Boycott, Anti-Judaism, and the Giant Shrug

January 7, 2014 by Jackson Doughart



I’ve long tried to understand the contemporary Left’s obsession with the Israeli-Palestinian dispute and its tunnel-visioned view of the matter, which categorizes all Israeli actions as evil and all Arab ones as an admirable fight against oppression. One should aim to find an explanation that does not rest on a fundamental hostility toward Jews; after all, the unfounded and premature attribution of bigotry to one’s political opponents is normally the sign of a weak argument.

The best such explanation that I can come up with rests on the radical Left’s predilection for anti-Americanism, which resembles far more a political position than a form of bigotry. The problem, in their eyes, is not Israel per se but the fact that it is an ally of the Great Satan. There is some empirical support for this: even figures such as Noam Chomsky were not hostile to Israel in its early existence. The country was, as one recalls, founded primarily on the principles of democratic socialism and owed to Jewish Leftists for its establishment. Chomsky even lived in Israel on a kibbutz for a time. It was only when Israel aligned itself with the United States that it became complicit, in their view, with American imperialism, and hence dismissible on principle. The Left’s anti-Israelism could thus be chalked up to the decayed ideology of anti-colonialism, which has for decades been focuses squarely on American foreign policy.


The problem with the ASA’s boycott is not its means, but rather its ends. On this point there is no room for an even-handed middle ground. Those who depart from the anti-Israel world view must voice their dissent now; if they don’t, the boycotts will keep rolling in.

The Israel Boycott, Anti-Judaism, and the Giant Shrug | FrontPage Magazine
Don't these morons calling for the boycott of Israel understand that they are the ones causing the problems for the filastins. The filastins work on the farms producing the crops that are sold all over the world, and a boycott of Israel will cause them to be made unemployed and destitute
Don't these morons calling for the boycott of Israel understand that they are the ones causing the problems for the filastins. The filastins work on the farms producing the crops that are sold all over the world, and a boycott of Israel will cause them to be made unemployed and destitute

And before Israel they worked on their own farms producing the crops that were sold all over the world.

It doesn't look like Israel is doing them a big favor.
Don't these morons calling for the boycott of Israel understand that they are the ones causing the problems for the filastins. The filastins work on the farms producing the crops that are sold all over the world, and a boycott of Israel will cause them to be made unemployed and destitute

And before Israel they worked on their own farms producing the crops that were sold all over the world.

It doesn't look like Israel is doing them a big favor.

WRONG as they had no farms being itinerant squatters, barely 1% of the Palestinians worked the land as it was too costly for them to do so.
Don't these morons calling for the boycott of Israel understand that they are the ones causing the problems for the filastins. The filastins work on the farms producing the crops that are sold all over the world, and a boycott of Israel will cause them to be made unemployed and destitute

And before Israel they worked on their own farms producing the crops that were sold all over the world.

It doesn't look like Israel is doing them a big favor.

WRONG as they had no farms being itinerant squatters, barely 1% of the Palestinians worked the land as it was too costly for them to do so.

Typical Israeli crapola.

Start @ 0:55 Then Israel brags about doing the Palestinians a favor by letting them work in Israeli greenhouses.

[ame=]Israeli bulldozer driver murders American peace activist - YouTube[/ame]
And before Israel they worked on their own farms producing the crops that were sold all over the world.

It doesn't look like Israel is doing them a big favor.

WRONG as they had no farms being itinerant squatters, barely 1% of the Palestinians worked the land as it was too costly for them to do so.

Typical Israeli crapola.

Start @ 0:55 Then Israel brags about doing the Palestinians a favor by letting them work in Israeli greenhouses.

[ame=]Israeli bulldozer driver murders American peace activist - YouTube[/ame]

I see you have a complete disregard for the truth, the death was an accident and if the stupid girl had not been in the drivers blind spot she would still be alive.

But the links posted this last week show that the arab muslims had to pay the ottoman owners, the tax collectors, the warlords and anything left was to provide for their families.
How the fuck am I supposed to boycott Israel? Do they produce something that I use?
WRONG as they had no farms being itinerant squatters, barely 1% of the Palestinians worked the land as it was too costly for them to do so.

Typical Israeli crapola.

Start @ 0:55 Then Israel brags about doing the Palestinians a favor by letting them work in Israeli greenhouses.

[ame=]Israeli bulldozer driver murders American peace activist - YouTube[/ame]

I see you have a complete disregard for the truth, the death was an accident and if the stupid girl had not been in the drivers blind spot she would still be alive.

But the links posted this last week show that the arab muslims had to pay the ottoman owners, the tax collectors, the warlords and anything left was to provide for their families.

Nice deflection from my post.
Typical Israeli crapola.

Start @ 0:55 Then Israel brags about doing the Palestinians a favor by letting them work in Israeli greenhouses.

Israeli bulldozer driver murders American peace activist - YouTube

I see you have a complete disregard for the truth, the death was an accident and if the stupid girl had not been in the drivers blind spot she would still be alive.

But the links posted this last week show that the arab muslims had to pay the ottoman owners, the tax collectors, the warlords and anything left was to provide for their families.

Nice deflection from my post.

Isn't it great how the Arabs and their fellow travelers drag up Rachel Corrie time and time again? However, have any of the readers seen them posting about the armed terrorist who hid in the offices of the radical group to which Rachel Corrie belonged? The Muslim terrorist from England consequently went to Mike's Place and blew himself up, killing several people and wounded many others. As sad as the Rachel Corrie incident is, a mentally ill girl should have been dissuaded by her parents not to leave the country. Nobody in their right mind plays chickie with a bulldozer.
I see you have a complete disregard for the truth, the death was an accident and if the stupid girl had not been in the drivers blind spot she would still be alive.

But the links posted this last week show that the arab muslims had to pay the ottoman owners, the tax collectors, the warlords and anything left was to provide for their families.

Nice deflection from my post.

Isn't it great how the Arabs and their fellow travelers drag up Rachel Corrie time and time again? However, have any of the readers seen them posting about the armed terrorist who hid in the offices of the radical group to which Rachel Corrie belonged? The Muslim terrorist from England consequently went to Mike's Place and blew himself up, killing several people and wounded many others. As sad as the Rachel Corrie incident is, a mentally ill girl should have been dissuaded by her parents not to leave the country. Nobody in their right mind plays chickie with a bulldozer.

Shift off the discussion we were having about agriculture.
Nice deflection from my post.

Isn't it great how the Arabs and their fellow travelers drag up Rachel Corrie time and time again? However, have any of the readers seen them posting about the armed terrorist who hid in the offices of the radical group to which Rachel Corrie belonged? The Muslim terrorist from England consequently went to Mike's Place and blew himself up, killing several people and wounded many others. As sad as the Rachel Corrie incident is, a mentally ill girl should have been dissuaded by her parents not to leave the country. Nobody in their right mind plays chickie with a bulldozer.

Shift off the discussion we were having about agriculture.

You were the one who brought up that video of Rachel Corrie. Years ago after the Rachel Corrie episode, a poster were telling about her young cousin who happened to be at Mike's Place when the terrorist blew himself up. The teenager had to have a leg amputated, undergo several operations, and then consequently died. Maybe you and yours are always busy moaning about Rachel Corrie, no a moments thought is given to those who died because of that terrorist who was allowed to hide in the offices of the ISM in Gaza.

If you want to talk about agriculture, I would suggest that you read what Menashe Harel, an award-winning Israeli georgrapher and historian, has to say about evidence of the Jews years and years ago and the terraced farming they did.
Typical Israeli crapola.

Start @ 0:55 Then Israel brags about doing the Palestinians a favor by letting them work in Israeli greenhouses.

Israeli bulldozer driver murders American peace activist - YouTube

I see you have a complete disregard for the truth, the death was an accident and if the stupid girl had not been in the drivers blind spot she would still be alive.

But the links posted this last week show that the arab muslims had to pay the ottoman owners, the tax collectors, the warlords and anything left was to provide for their families.

Nice deflection from my post.

You produced the video of Rachel Cory and I told the truth about her suicide, because that is what it was. The clearance was in accordance with International Law and the Geneva conventions as terrorist militia had been using the buildings as places to fire weapons from. The P.A could have stopped the belligerence and thus safeguarded the homes of the muslims.
How the fuck am I supposed to boycott Israel? Do they produce something that I use?

Medical supplies and innovations, computer-related stuff, oranges, etc. Not that you should boycott Israel.

An Israeli firm manufactures catheters used during angiograms, they are the instrument of choice of many cardiologists. No other company can meet the cost of these catheters or the quality of them. They have saved the lives of many people from every nation, specially those in the M.E were heart disease is rife. So if the boycott Israel idiots don't want their loved ones life saving they can tell the doctors to stop using Israeli sourced medical aids.
Many out of season fruits and vegetables are produced on Israeli farms that use muslim labour so if the boycott Israel idiots don't want some fresh tomato's in January then they can stop eating them

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