BREAKING: Barack Obama's shocking ties to Moammar Gadhafi!!!

"Let it go"? But thats why the gov't said they couldn't go in and get them. I'm not gonna let go of the reason we were told that our fellow citizens are stuck in a nation whose tyrannical dictator is bombing citizens.

The State Dept and DOD don't give that order, the Commander in Chief does. Meaning Obama.

Then why is it that every other nation, like China, has already rescued it's people, while ours are sitting on a ferry boat in a port? Is our military not capable of getting to them? Or will their commander not order it?

And exactly when is the situation dire enough? What about when a known terrorist dictator starts to order his jets to bomb people in the streets? Not dire enough?

Yet our people still sit in that port. And our Navy, Marines and Coast Guard still wait on their ships. Waiting to hear orders from the Commander in Chief.

Tick tock tick tock tick tock.

Obama trashed Mubarak in public. But won't mention Gadhafi. Gadhafi's frienship with Obama's close friends, Rev. Wright and Farrahkan, is noteworthy.

Any other logical explanation why?

"The ordeal of hundreds of American and other foreign evacuees stuck on a ferry in a Libyan port for three days finally ended when the ship put to sea, heaving for the island of Malta.

The Maria Dolores left Tripoli's As-shahab port Friday at 1.37 p.m. local time (6:37 a.m. ET) to make the journey to Valetta, Malta.

The State Department initially said the vessel was carrying 285 evacuees including 167 U.S. citizens and 118 people of other nationalities. But it said Friday that more passengers were added before departure."

Here endeth the thread. Move on and shut up

Yes, "Shut up". Thats the message to us all, right? Just ignore Obama's refusal to rescue those people with our military. Ignore Obama's ties to Gadhafi. Ignore his close ties to Farrahkan.

So when all the Katrina survivors were rescued......should the discussion regarding Bush's response have also ended? HELL NO!

Thus, this doesn't either. Why did Obama wait so long to respond to Gadhafi, and even then doing so lightly? And why did we risk these citizens while our military could've easily rescued them?

Our State Dept said it was unstable and unpredictable: Bad weather stalls US evacuation from Libya - Yahoo! News

So why did we risk it, when a sure rescue via the military was available for days?

Only the Commander in Chief can answer that. Unfortunatley, he won't.

Guess we all just need to "shut up" right?

At this very moment, there are American embassies and governement offices all over the world that are in unstable and unpredictable places. Hindsight is 20/20.
Do you think that Obama was really going to leave American citizens in that kind of danger where military forces are needed and then not send them due to some percieved friendship with a terrorist leader?

and BTW Farakhan and Wright are non-factors in any way shape or form right now, so who gives a shit. There are no ties. There are no relationships. There are no reasons that it is even a matter of any significance to anyone except paranoid misfits like you.

and yes, please shut up
I for one am shocked....SHOCKED I say :eek:

I am not shocked that FoxNews would report this

They didn't.

The US State Department did: Bad weather stalls US evacuation from Libya - Yahoo! News

Fox only relayed the story.

Apparantly, the ferry got out today. Thank God.

But it doesn't change the fact that Obama risked it when we didn't have to. We could've had them out within a few hours if Obama ordered it. He didn't.

How about you get on a ferry with Oliver Stone, every birther meathead and the rest of your conspiracy theory brothers and go for a Gilligan's Island style boat ride.
and yes, since i just posted the press release that the ferry has gotten Americans out of the Port-O-Rough-Water, then APPARENTLY they are out of Libya.
Unless that is also a fraud and was a story planted by Farakhan and Wright to make Obama look like a great guy.

Yes, apparently. I posted that after seeing you said it, but without knowing it for sure. Unlike you, I don't assume anything until I look into it a bit.

But you still have no logical answer as to why the Commander in Chief did not order a rescue of citizens stranded in a nation whose dictator leader was bombing his own people with jets?

And now that they are out, you say it's over and a non-issue?

It was still an issue once Katrina survivors were out, but no one gave Bush a pass did they?

Well, Obama rolled the dice on this and didn't get burned. The waters calmed down. They got out of what the State Dept called an "unstable and unpredictable" hostile environment. They could've been out days earlier. But Obama wouldn't order it.
"The ordeal of hundreds of American and other foreign evacuees stuck on a ferry in a Libyan port for three days finally ended when the ship put to sea, heaving for the island of Malta.

The Maria Dolores left Tripoli's As-shahab port Friday at 1.37 p.m. local time (6:37 a.m. ET) to make the journey to Valetta, Malta.

The State Department initially said the vessel was carrying 285 evacuees including 167 U.S. citizens and 118 people of other nationalities. But it said Friday that more passengers were added before departure."

Here endeth the thread. Move on and shut up

Yes, "Shut up". Thats the message to us all, right? Just ignore Obama's refusal to rescue those people with our military. Ignore Obama's ties to Gadhafi. Ignore his close ties to Farrahkan.

So when all the Katrina survivors were rescued......should the discussion regarding Bush's response have also ended? HELL NO!

Thus, this doesn't either. Why did Obama wait so long to respond to Gadhafi, and even then doing so lightly? And why did we risk these citizens while our military could've easily rescued them?

Our State Dept said it was unstable and unpredictable: Bad weather stalls US evacuation from Libya - Yahoo! News

So why did we risk it, when a sure rescue via the military was available for days?

Only the Commander in Chief can answer that. Unfortunatley, he won't.

Guess we all just need to "shut up" right?

At this very moment, there are American embassies and governement offices all over the world that are in unstable and unpredictable places. Hindsight is 20/20.
Do you think that Obama was really going to leave American citizens in that kind of danger where military forces are needed and then not send them due to some percieved friendship with a terrorist leader?

and BTW Farakhan and Wright are non-factors in any way shape or form right now, so who gives a shit. There are no ties. There are no relationships. There are no reasons that it is even a matter of any significance to anyone except paranoid misfits like you.

and yes, please shut up

It would be inapproapriate for a President to have ties with Wright and Farakhan in light of their reputation and I correct?
Thx for posting this again....i posted it yesterday...

i am convinced now more than ever that Obama is an Islam Nation-supporting anti-Colonialist Marxist...

Sorry man! I just did a thread on it too. Yeah, it's a crazy thought. That our Navy, USMC, USCG can't get on shore to rescue them while Gadhafi is ordering bombers to bomb people? Wow.

So you call our military cowards. Interesting.

No, only our COIC is a coward.

(COIC....Community Organizer In Chief)
"The ordeal of hundreds of American and other foreign evacuees stuck on a ferry in a Libyan port for three days finally ended when the ship put to sea, heaving for the island of Malta.

The Maria Dolores left Tripoli's As-shahab port Friday at 1.37 p.m. local time (6:37 a.m. ET) to make the journey to Valetta, Malta.

The State Department initially said the vessel was carrying 285 evacuees including 167 U.S. citizens and 118 people of other nationalities. But it said Friday that more passengers were added before departure."

Here endeth the thread. Move on and shut up

Yes, "Shut up". Thats the message to us all, right? Just ignore Obama's refusal to rescue those people with our military. Ignore Obama's ties to Gadhafi. Ignore his close ties to Farrahkan.

So when all the Katrina survivors were rescued......should the discussion regarding Bush's response have also ended? HELL NO!

Thus, this doesn't either. Why did Obama wait so long to respond to Gadhafi, and even then doing so lightly? And why did we risk these citizens while our military could've easily rescued them?

Our State Dept said it was unstable and unpredictable: Bad weather stalls US evacuation from Libya - Yahoo! News

So why did we risk it, when a sure rescue via the military was available for days?

Only the Commander in Chief can answer that. Unfortunatley, he won't.

Guess we all just need to "shut up" right?

At this very moment, there are American embassies and governement offices all over the world that are in unstable and unpredictable places. Hindsight is 20/20.
Do you think that Obama was really going to leave American citizens in that kind of danger where military forces are needed and then not send them due to some percieved friendship with a terrorist leader?

and BTW Farakhan and Wright are non-factors in any way shape or form right now, so who gives a shit. There are no ties. There are no relationships. There are no reasons that it is even a matter of any significance to anyone except paranoid misfits like you.

and yes, please shut up

Are those embassies in places where the tyrant leader is ordering his bombers to bomb civilians? No.

Your denial is laughable. Farrahkan is a known friend of Gadhafi. Obama and him travelled together. Wright is obvious. Gadhafi proudly called Obama his friend. Your denial of what is in plain sight is insane. Do you also argue the sky is red at noon?

And yes, Obama not only was gonna leave them, he DID leave them!!! They got out on their own on that ferry, NOT by the US military. Obama could've ordered the rescue days ago but didn't.

So which is more likely?

- Our military wasn't capable?
- Obama wasn't willing?

^Thats a no brainer.

I won't shut-up. I'll bring this issue, as well as the countless others about Obama, up again and again and again. It's shameful what he is doing to this country.

But I'd settle for you just answering that question. Obama did leave them in a hostile environment for days without rescue.

So which was it? Was our military not capable? Or was Obama not willing?
Yes, "Shut up". Thats the message to us all, right? Just ignore Obama's refusal to rescue those people with our military. Ignore Obama's ties to Gadhafi. Ignore his close ties to Farrahkan.

So when all the Katrina survivors were rescued......should the discussion regarding Bush's response have also ended? HELL NO!

Thus, this doesn't either. Why did Obama wait so long to respond to Gadhafi, and even then doing so lightly? And why did we risk these citizens while our military could've easily rescued them?

Our State Dept said it was unstable and unpredictable: Bad weather stalls US evacuation from Libya - Yahoo! News

So why did we risk it, when a sure rescue via the military was available for days?

Only the Commander in Chief can answer that. Unfortunatley, he won't.

Guess we all just need to "shut up" right?

At this very moment, there are American embassies and governement offices all over the world that are in unstable and unpredictable places. Hindsight is 20/20.
Do you think that Obama was really going to leave American citizens in that kind of danger where military forces are needed and then not send them due to some percieved friendship with a terrorist leader?

and BTW Farakhan and Wright are non-factors in any way shape or form right now, so who gives a shit. There are no ties. There are no relationships. There are no reasons that it is even a matter of any significance to anyone except paranoid misfits like you.

and yes, please shut up

It would be inapproapriate for a President to have ties with Wright and Farakhan in light of their reputation and I correct?

That depends. It depends on your view of America and Jews. If you share Gadhafi's view of America and Jews, well, then his ties with those two are admirable.
Gadhafi says so so it mist be true. He also said The US and Osama Bin Laden slipped hallucinogens in his citizens milk to get them to protest.

I can't believe the US would do that bit since Gadhafi said it....
Yes, "Shut up". Thats the message to us all, right? Just ignore Obama's refusal to rescue those people with our military. Ignore Obama's ties to Gadhafi. Ignore his close ties to Farrahkan.

So when all the Katrina survivors were rescued......should the discussion regarding Bush's response have also ended? HELL NO!

Thus, this doesn't either. Why did Obama wait so long to respond to Gadhafi, and even then doing so lightly? And why did we risk these citizens while our military could've easily rescued them?

Our State Dept said it was unstable and unpredictable: Bad weather stalls US evacuation from Libya - Yahoo! News

So why did we risk it, when a sure rescue via the military was available for days?

Only the Commander in Chief can answer that. Unfortunatley, he won't.

Guess we all just need to "shut up" right?

At this very moment, there are American embassies and governement offices all over the world that are in unstable and unpredictable places. Hindsight is 20/20.
Do you think that Obama was really going to leave American citizens in that kind of danger where military forces are needed and then not send them due to some percieved friendship with a terrorist leader?

and BTW Farakhan and Wright are non-factors in any way shape or form right now, so who gives a shit. There are no ties. There are no relationships. There are no reasons that it is even a matter of any significance to anyone except paranoid misfits like you.

and yes, please shut up

It would be inapproapriate for a President to have ties with Wright and Farakhan in light of their reputation and I correct?

i will skip the semantics and ask you to define "ties", but here is the thing Jarhead. Every President since Washington has had "ties" with people you would characterize as anything from unseemly to even criminal. No one ever goes through a life of politics and has not been caught shaking hands with the wrong person or "associating" with people of the wrong ilk. They have all talked with bad businessmen, religious leaders, fraudulent politicians, radical thinkers at one time in their lives. They do not exhist in a bubble. it is what they do while in office that matters.
I will bet my house that Obama has not made contact with any of the people you mentioned above. Not a call, not a meeting, not an appearance, not even a text. Those "ties" do not exhist now. It is past tense. All that shit is past tense, but it is people like you that can't let it go cuz you are still pissed the guy got into office.
Bitching about it now does not help
Claiming it is influencing now is untrue
Whining about who is associated with who from the past does not effect the present.

Obongo has ties with Muslims....I'm shocked...shocked I tell you...shocked to find he's a muslim sympathizer!

Why would a picture of Obama in traditional Christian dress demonstrate he as ties to Muslims?

Interesting, one rarely finds a christian wearing a hijab like that one.
They didn't.

The US State Department did: Bad weather stalls US evacuation from Libya - Yahoo! News

Fox only relayed the story.

Apparantly, the ferry got out today. Thank God.

But it doesn't change the fact that Obama risked it when we didn't have to. We could've had them out within a few hours if Obama ordered it. He didn't.

How about you get on a ferry with Oliver Stone, every birther meathead and the rest of your conspiracy theory brothers and go for a Gilligan's Island style boat ride.
and yes, since i just posted the press release that the ferry has gotten Americans out of the Port-O-Rough-Water, then APPARENTLY they are out of Libya.
Unless that is also a fraud and was a story planted by Farakhan and Wright to make Obama look like a great guy.

Yes, apparently. I posted that after seeing you said it, but without knowing it for sure. Unlike you, I don't assume anything until I look into it a bit.

But you still have no logical answer as to why the Commander in Chief did not order a rescue of citizens stranded in a nation whose dictator leader was bombing his own people with jets?

And now that they are out, you say it's over and a non-issue?

It was still an issue once Katrina survivors were out, but no one gave Bush a pass did they?

Well, Obama rolled the dice on this and didn't get burned. The waters calmed down. They got out of what the State Dept called an "unstable and unpredictable" hostile environment. They could've been out days earlier. But Obama wouldn't order it.

LOGICAL ANSWER -- IT WAS UN-NECCESSARY TO USE SUCH FORCE ON THOSE DAYS OR ANY OTHER DAYS. you dont think there were 39 different organizaitons or monitors in there making sure that Americans were safe? Claiming that Obama un-neccessarily left them hanging for days prior to this morning for whatever reason is absurd.
At this very moment, there are American embassies and governement offices all over the world that are in unstable and unpredictable places. Hindsight is 20/20.
Do you think that Obama was really going to leave American citizens in that kind of danger where military forces are needed and then not send them due to some percieved friendship with a terrorist leader?

and BTW Farakhan and Wright are non-factors in any way shape or form right now, so who gives a shit. There are no ties. There are no relationships. There are no reasons that it is even a matter of any significance to anyone except paranoid misfits like you.

and yes, please shut up

It would be inapproapriate for a President to have ties with Wright and Farakhan in light of their reputation and I correct?

i will skip the semantics and ask you to define "ties", but here is the thing Jarhead. Every President since Washington has had "ties" with people you would characterize as anything from unseemly to even criminal. No one ever goes through a life of politics and has not been caught shaking hands with the wrong person or "associating" with people of the wrong ilk. They have all talked with bad businessmen, religious leaders, fraudulent politicians, radical thinkers at one time in their lives. They do not exhist in a bubble. it is what they do while in office that matters.
I will bet my house that Obama has not made contact with any of the people you mentioned above. Not a call, not a meeting, not an appearance, not even a text. Those "ties" do not exhist now. It is past tense. All that shit is past tense, but it is people like you that can't let it go cuz you are still pissed the guy got into office.
Bitching about it now does not help
Claiming it is influencing now is untrue
Whining about who is associated with who from the past does not effect the present.

You lose that bet badly. Very very very badly. Obama and Farrahkan were neighbors in Chicago. Obama obviously went to Wright's church for 20 years (but somehow missed his sermons). And the photo below with Gadhafi says enough:


  • $636_Obama_Qaddafi_Reuters_0.jpg
    22.4 KB · Views: 60
"The ordeal of hundreds of American and other foreign evacuees stuck on a ferry in a Libyan port for three days finally ended when the ship put to sea, heaving for the island of Malta.

The Maria Dolores left Tripoli's As-shahab port Friday at 1.37 p.m. local time (6:37 a.m. ET) to make the journey to Valetta, Malta.

The State Department initially said the vessel was carrying 285 evacuees including 167 U.S. citizens and 118 people of other nationalities. But it said Friday that more passengers were added before departure."

Here endeth the thread. Move on and shut up

Yes, "Shut up". Thats the message to us all, right? Just ignore Obama's refusal to rescue those people with our military. Ignore Obama's ties to Gadhafi. Ignore his close ties to Farrahkan.

So when all the Katrina survivors were rescued......should the discussion regarding Bush's response have also ended? HELL NO!

Thus, this doesn't either. Why did Obama wait so long to respond to Gadhafi, and even then doing so lightly? And why did we risk these citizens while our military could've easily rescued them?

Our State Dept said it was unstable and unpredictable: Bad weather stalls US evacuation from Libya - Yahoo! News

So why did we risk it, when a sure rescue via the military was available for days?

Only the Commander in Chief can answer that. Unfortunatley, he won't.

Guess we all just need to "shut up" right?

At this very moment, there are American embassies and governement offices all over the world that are in unstable and unpredictable places. Hindsight is 20/20.
Do you think that Obama was really going to leave American citizens in that kind of danger where military forces are needed and then not send them due to some percieved friendship with a terrorist leader?

and BTW Farakhan and Wright are non-factors in any way shape or form right now, so who gives a shit. There are no ties. There are no relationships. There are no reasons that it is even a matter of any significance to anyone except paranoid misfits like you.

and yes, please shut up

Osama needed to rub elbows with Wright and Farakkan to establish street cred with Blacks. Now he has more pull then they do.

Obama is the new MLK jr.

The ties are there but Osama is above them. He's in with worse characters then them.
At this very moment, there are American embassies and governement offices all over the world that are in unstable and unpredictable places. Hindsight is 20/20.
Do you think that Obama was really going to leave American citizens in that kind of danger where military forces are needed and then not send them due to some percieved friendship with a terrorist leader?

and BTW Farakhan and Wright are non-factors in any way shape or form right now, so who gives a shit. There are no ties. There are no relationships. There are no reasons that it is even a matter of any significance to anyone except paranoid misfits like you.

and yes, please shut up

It would be inapproapriate for a President to have ties with Wright and Farakhan in light of their reputation and I correct?

i will skip the semantics and ask you to define "ties", but here is the thing Jarhead. Every President since Washington has had "ties" with people you would characterize as anything from unseemly to even criminal. No one ever goes through a life of politics and has not been caught shaking hands with the wrong person or "associating" with people of the wrong ilk. They have all talked with bad businessmen, religious leaders, fraudulent politicians, radical thinkers at one time in their lives. They do not exhist in a bubble. it is what they do while in office that matters.
I will bet my house that Obama has not made contact with any of the people you mentioned above. Not a call, not a meeting, not an appearance, not even a text. Those "ties" do not exhist now. It is past tense. All that shit is past tense, but it is people like you that can't let it go cuz you are still pissed the guy got into office.
Bitching about it now does not help
Claiming it is influencing now is untrue
Whining about who is associated with who from the past does not effect the present.

It is one thing shaking hands with someone.
It is one thing meeting so many after a lifetime in politics....not 4 years...and only 1 1/2 on the national scene

It is another thing appointing a once admitted communist to a WH post.
It is another thing to conduct a business deal that makes absolutely no sense and smells so much of wrongdoing that the feds investigate and indict the guy
It is another thing to NOT denounce the actions fo a religion hater that you have had a relationship with...especially when you are POTUS of ALL religions.
It is another thing to have 3 diufferent scenarios regarding a radical activst and your realtionship with him.
It is anotrher thing to have 20 year relationship with a man like Wright.

I am sorry......but I find it sad how all of you that support the man refuse to see how many "undesireable" people this politician has become to know in such a short period of time in politics.

How many convicts have you conducted business with?
How many once admitted communists do you seek to hire?
How many people have you hired who openly admit that they admire Mao?
How many people do you know that have been affiliated with a group that bombed police stations?
How many people do you know that wrote a book and on the cover has them standing on the American Flag?


You did not run for President.

Just saying.
How about you get on a ferry with Oliver Stone, every birther meathead and the rest of your conspiracy theory brothers and go for a Gilligan's Island style boat ride.
and yes, since i just posted the press release that the ferry has gotten Americans out of the Port-O-Rough-Water, then APPARENTLY they are out of Libya.
Unless that is also a fraud and was a story planted by Farakhan and Wright to make Obama look like a great guy.

Yes, apparently. I posted that after seeing you said it, but without knowing it for sure. Unlike you, I don't assume anything until I look into it a bit.

But you still have no logical answer as to why the Commander in Chief did not order a rescue of citizens stranded in a nation whose dictator leader was bombing his own people with jets?

And now that they are out, you say it's over and a non-issue?

It was still an issue once Katrina survivors were out, but no one gave Bush a pass did they?

Well, Obama rolled the dice on this and didn't get burned. The waters calmed down. They got out of what the State Dept called an "unstable and unpredictable" hostile environment. They could've been out days earlier. But Obama wouldn't order it.

LOGICAL ANSWER -- IT WAS UN-NECCESSARY TO USE SUCH FORCE ON THOSE DAYS OR ANY OTHER DAYS. you dont think there were 39 different organizaitons or monitors in there making sure that Americans were safe? Claiming that Obama un-neccessarily left them hanging for days prior to this morning for whatever reason is absurd.

Then why did the state department say the situation was unstable and unpredictable?

Unpredictable means "We don't know what will happen."
Unstable means "This shit could go up in flames any second."

They weren't safe. Gadhafi was ordering jets to bomb civlians, hell, not "was", "is" still doing it.

The people are fleeing for reason. There are thousands cramming airplanes at airports to get out.

Fact is Obama could've rescued them immediately but did not. The LOGICAL answer is that if it is unpredicable, and unstable, you do not risk the unforseen. If you can't predict it, you can't forsee it. So don't risk it. Go get our people.

But he didn't. Facts are facts on this. And it's the US State Dept reporting it, not me.

See, the State Dept is gonna cover it's ass. They said it was dangerous. They weren't going to go down if Gadhafi or some whacko jihadist blew up that boat the citizens were on. They called it what it was, and Obama made his choice of non-action.
Yes, apparently. I posted that after seeing you said it, but without knowing it for sure. Unlike you, I don't assume anything until I look into it a bit.

But you still have no logical answer as to why the Commander in Chief did not order a rescue of citizens stranded in a nation whose dictator leader was bombing his own people with jets?

And now that they are out, you say it's over and a non-issue?

It was still an issue once Katrina survivors were out, but no one gave Bush a pass did they?

Well, Obama rolled the dice on this and didn't get burned. The waters calmed down. They got out of what the State Dept called an "unstable and unpredictable" hostile environment. They could've been out days earlier. But Obama wouldn't order it.

LOGICAL ANSWER -- IT WAS UN-NECCESSARY TO USE SUCH FORCE ON THOSE DAYS OR ANY OTHER DAYS. you dont think there were 39 different organizaitons or monitors in there making sure that Americans were safe? Claiming that Obama un-neccessarily left them hanging for days prior to this morning for whatever reason is absurd.

Then why did the state department say the situation was unstable and unpredictable?

Unpredictable means "We don't know what will happen."
Unstable means "This shit could go up in flames any second."

They weren't safe. Gadhafi was ordering jets to bomb civlians, hell, not "was", "is" still doing it.

The people are fleeing for reason. There are thousands cramming airplanes at airports to get out.

Fact is Obama could've rescued them immediately but did not. The LOGICAL answer is that if it is unpredicable, and unstable, you do not risk the unforseen. If you can't predict it, you can't forsee it. So don't risk it. Go get our people.

But he didn't. Facts are facts on this. And it's the US State Dept reporting it, not me.

See, the State Dept is gonna cover it's ass. They said it was dangerous. They weren't going to go down if Gadhafi or some whacko jihadist blew up that boat the citizens were on. They called it what it was, and Obama made his choice of non-action.

Tell us about your plan for a "rescue mission". Which branch of the military would you send? How would they affect this "rescue"? How many soldiers would be put in harms way so that the people on a ferry in the harbor could get out?
It would be inapproapriate for a President to have ties with Wright and Farakhan in light of their reputation and I correct?

i will skip the semantics and ask you to define "ties", but here is the thing Jarhead. Every President since Washington has had "ties" with people you would characterize as anything from unseemly to even criminal. No one ever goes through a life of politics and has not been caught shaking hands with the wrong person or "associating" with people of the wrong ilk. They have all talked with bad businessmen, religious leaders, fraudulent politicians, radical thinkers at one time in their lives. They do not exhist in a bubble. it is what they do while in office that matters.
I will bet my house that Obama has not made contact with any of the people you mentioned above. Not a call, not a meeting, not an appearance, not even a text. Those "ties" do not exhist now. It is past tense. All that shit is past tense, but it is people like you that can't let it go cuz you are still pissed the guy got into office.
Bitching about it now does not help
Claiming it is influencing now is untrue
Whining about who is associated with who from the past does not effect the present.

It is one thing shaking hands with someone.
It is one thing meeting so many after a lifetime in politics....not 4 years...and only 1 1/2 on the national scene

It is another thing appointing a once admitted communist to a WH post.
It is another thing to conduct a business deal that makes absolutely no sense and smells so much of wrongdoing that the feds investigate and indict the guy
It is another thing to NOT denounce the actions fo a religion hater that you have had a relationship with...especially when you are POTUS of ALL religions.
It is another thing to have 3 diufferent scenarios regarding a radical activst and your realtionship with him.
It is anotrher thing to have 20 year relationship with a man like Wright.

I am sorry......but I find it sad how all of you that support the man refuse to see how many "undesireable" people this politician has become to know in such a short period of time in politics.

How many convicts have you conducted business with?
How many once admitted communists do you seek to hire?
How many people have you hired who openly admit that they admire Mao?
How many people do you know that have been affiliated with a group that bombed police stations?
How many people do you know that wrote a book and on the cover has them standing on the American Flag?


You did not run for President.

Just saying.

These lefties still are in denial about the FACT that Obama's past associations would prevent him from passing the basic background screening done by every police department in America.

How ironic? Obama wouldnt' have qualified to serve on the Wasilla Police Dept under Mayor Palin:lol:

They can't grasp that. In part because of their simple worship of him. In other part of their inability to grasp the concept that there are still organizations out there that value integrity and patriotism (police, military, fire) that would exclude a person with far left communist associations. But it's all true.
It would be inapproapriate for a President to have ties with Wright and Farakhan in light of their reputation and I correct?

i will skip the semantics and ask you to define "ties", but here is the thing Jarhead. Every President since Washington has had "ties" with people you would characterize as anything from unseemly to even criminal. No one ever goes through a life of politics and has not been caught shaking hands with the wrong person or "associating" with people of the wrong ilk. They have all talked with bad businessmen, religious leaders, fraudulent politicians, radical thinkers at one time in their lives. They do not exhist in a bubble. it is what they do while in office that matters.
I will bet my house that Obama has not made contact with any of the people you mentioned above. Not a call, not a meeting, not an appearance, not even a text. Those "ties" do not exhist now. It is past tense. All that shit is past tense, but it is people like you that can't let it go cuz you are still pissed the guy got into office.
Bitching about it now does not help
Claiming it is influencing now is untrue
Whining about who is associated with who from the past does not effect the present.

It is one thing shaking hands with someone.
It is one thing meeting so many after a lifetime in politics....not 4 years...and only 1 1/2 on the national scene

It is another thing appointing a once admitted communist to a WH post.
It is another thing to conduct a business deal that makes absolutely no sense and smells so much of wrongdoing that the feds investigate and indict the guy
It is another thing to NOT denounce the actions fo a religion hater that you have had a relationship with...especially when you are POTUS of ALL religions.
It is another thing to have 3 diufferent scenarios regarding a radical activst and your realtionship with him.
It is anotrher thing to have 20 year relationship with a man like Wright.

I am sorry......but I find it sad how all of you that support the man refuse to see how many "undesireable" people this politician has become to know in such a short period of time in politics.

How many convicts have you conducted business with?
How many once admitted communists do you seek to hire?
How many people have you hired who openly admit that they admire Mao?
How many people do you know that have been affiliated with a group that bombed police stations?
How many people do you know that wrote a book and on the cover has them standing on the American Flag?


You did not run for President.

Just saying.

This is a no-win. When it blows up in his face i am sure you will be the first in line at the celebration parade. Til just sit and simmer in your bitterness.
and for the record, i once hired a guy that was in the KGB. Does that jump right to makin me communist???
just sayin
LOGICAL ANSWER -- IT WAS UN-NECCESSARY TO USE SUCH FORCE ON THOSE DAYS OR ANY OTHER DAYS. you dont think there were 39 different organizaitons or monitors in there making sure that Americans were safe? Claiming that Obama un-neccessarily left them hanging for days prior to this morning for whatever reason is absurd.

Then why did the state department say the situation was unstable and unpredictable?

Unpredictable means "We don't know what will happen."
Unstable means "This shit could go up in flames any second."

They weren't safe. Gadhafi was ordering jets to bomb civlians, hell, not "was", "is" still doing it.

The people are fleeing for reason. There are thousands cramming airplanes at airports to get out.

Fact is Obama could've rescued them immediately but did not. The LOGICAL answer is that if it is unpredicable, and unstable, you do not risk the unforseen. If you can't predict it, you can't forsee it. So don't risk it. Go get our people.

But he didn't. Facts are facts on this. And it's the US State Dept reporting it, not me.

See, the State Dept is gonna cover it's ass. They said it was dangerous. They weren't going to go down if Gadhafi or some whacko jihadist blew up that boat the citizens were on. They called it what it was, and Obama made his choice of non-action.

Tell us about your plan for a "rescue mission". Which branch of the military would you send? How would they affect this "rescue"? How many soldiers would be put in harms way so that the people on a ferry in the harbor could get out?

Ok, lets see.......

2 SEAL teams could easily get in and secure the ferry. A unit of Marines could too. They took Tripoli before, remember?

Won't work? Ok. How about a couple of US Navy Combat Crewman units, you know, the boats that escort seals in and out of hostile environments? They'd easily get in and out a few times to rescue the people.

Still not enough?

Well, the Coast Guard, our military's 5th branch, does rescues in Cat 5 hurricanes. One Coast Guard ship, escorted by 2-4 Navy combat crewman crafts, with a small unit of SEALS on board? Thats not a massive military operation, but would've easily gotten in and out with the refugee citizens.

But then again, I may be wrong. After all, I'm not Commander in Chief. Only he could authorize such a thing.
Then why did the state department say the situation was unstable and unpredictable?

Unpredictable means "We don't know what will happen."
Unstable means "This shit could go up in flames any second."

They weren't safe. Gadhafi was ordering jets to bomb civlians, hell, not "was", "is" still doing it.

The people are fleeing for reason. There are thousands cramming airplanes at airports to get out.

Fact is Obama could've rescued them immediately but did not. The LOGICAL answer is that if it is unpredicable, and unstable, you do not risk the unforseen. If you can't predict it, you can't forsee it. So don't risk it. Go get our people.

But he didn't. Facts are facts on this. And it's the US State Dept reporting it, not me.

See, the State Dept is gonna cover it's ass. They said it was dangerous. They weren't going to go down if Gadhafi or some whacko jihadist blew up that boat the citizens were on. They called it what it was, and Obama made his choice of non-action.

Tell us about your plan for a "rescue mission". Which branch of the military would you send? How would they affect this "rescue"? How many soldiers would be put in harms way so that the people on a ferry in the harbor could get out?

Ok, lets see.......

2 SEAL teams could easily get in and secure the ferry. A unit of Marines could too. They took Tripoli before, remember?

Ah, Buc - the ferry was already secured. The people on it were not in harms way.

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