Breaking: Mueller Investigation Focused On Manafort 2013 Wire Transfer, NoTrump/Russia Collusion


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
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Source: The Gateway Pundit. :poop:
Moreover, is there any reason to think that the charges brought are the only ones that will be brought?

When Mueller submits his final investigative report to the DoJ, there'll be reason to think there are no additional charges to follow. Until he does so, there is zero basis for forming a conclusion about the status of the investigation and it's output.
Aaaaaaaand what about Hillary's own campaign manager Podesta? What about his Russian connections?
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I can see it now, the MSM is going to blame Trump for something he had nothing to do with that Manafort did in 2013, well before the 2016 election. Pathetic!
Dirty cop/Swamp Rat Mueller is going to embarrass himself if it an unreported wire transfer. Mueller is asking to get prosecuted for his corrupt activities.
LOL. They’re looking at wire transfers to the US from years ago. Transfers the FBI already looked into and never filed charges.
Tomorrow will be the worst day for butthurt libs since November 8th because I hear Mueller has nothing on Trump/Russia and will say so tomorrow.
It's over...Mueller needs to fold up his tent and take his circus out of town...
Mueller has wasted millions of taxpayers money for the past eight months going after a $53,000 wire transfer that all his investigation could come up with. This indeed has been a witch hunt since this 2013 wire transfer had nothing to do with the 2016 Trump campaign.

BANANA REPUBLIC: Dirty Cop Mueller is Looking at Manafort Wire Transfer From Before Campaign in 2013

Just before the November elections and its not the first time either.

That’s It? That's all he's got?
Democrats have blown MILLIONS on a fake investigation that was based on made up bullshit from a fraudulent dossier.
And after 8 months this is it?
A Paul Manafort transaction from 2013!????????
Oh man if this is true the dems are toast in 2018
Fuck off Deep State and Fuck off lost and you will keep losing if you don't knock this crybaby shit off. Call off Mueller and repay the tax payers for wasting their money on this stupid witch hunt.
First of all, so what? If that's all they got, then that's all they got. Like I said, if there's irrefutable evidence that Trump or his cohorts took part in some sort of illegal collusion with the Russian government, they will be prosecuted. If not, then they won't be. Muller was never going to just fabricate evidence.

Second, it was not just democrats who wanted the investigation to go forward. It was the republicans as well. The purpose was to find the truth. If this is the truth, then so be it. Worth to put the issue to bed.

Third, y'all have no problem wasting millions on pointless Clinton investigations, so ... kind of rich you're bringing taxpayer money into this one.

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