BREAKING REPORT — IRAN ROUNDUP for January 4th thru 9th – Soleimani betrayed by fellow IRGC members

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Evidence is Mounting that Qassem Soleimani was Turned Over to the US by his Rivals in Tehran

According to confidential sources inside Iran, on the night of January 6th, 56 high-ranking IRGC officers, including the late Qods Force commander General Soleimani’s right-hand man in Iraq, were arrested. A further 34 IRGC officers were detained on the 8th.

All 90 of these men were said to be personally loyal to Soleimani.

This news is increasing the speculation that Soleimani, who was known to act on his own initiatives, and who was being seen as a possible future dictator-in-waiting for Tehran, was betrayed to American intelligence by his own colleagues within the regime, who feared that he would deprive them of their power and privileges.

Additionally, information has surfaced that Soleimani, who had been personally leading the repression against the popular uprising in Iraq since October, had been planning a coup d’état in Baghdad that would have resulted in the assassination of the Iraqi president, and the seizing of the American embassy there.

(Excerpt) Read more at .


Possible that Iran gave Sol. to the US, so they could avoid the blame for getting rid of him themselves?

Possible that some of the passengers on the plane that was shot down, were people attempting to flee being arrested?

In the Middle East, nothing is simple, and nothing is as it seems...
The gateway pundit, you can't further down the rabbits hole with that rag. Fake news.
The gateway pundit, you can't further down the rabbits hole with that rag. Fake news.
Why not quit being such an ignorant twit and take the time to look at their sources. You may learn things that you were totally unaware of while you are doing that.

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