Trump Encourages Mail In Voting

So according to you, and your zero proof claims of zero proof, Logan Churchwell, Sam Taylor, spokesman for Texas’s secretary of state, Stephen Dinan, the Washington Times, David C. Kifuri Jr. and the Hidalgo County election office officials are all liars, right ?

No mystery who the liar is around here. Democrats have used lying in politics profusely, ever since when Bill Clinton punched out Dick Morris and knocked him to the floor. Concerned about the press publicity, Morris asked Hillary what should he say. Hillary, a notorious, pathological liar, said "just say it didn't happen. It'll be your word against theirs."

Ah, the MAGAt echo of the original lie.

From the piece:

Turning Point Action, a prominent, pro-Trump group, is launching a $100 million campaign to reach infrequent voters in the swing states of Arizona, Michigan and Wisconsin. That will include offering mail voting as one way to make casting a ballot easier, spokesman Andrew Kolvet said.

It will be interesting to see if the two parties even out on this front. What is more interesting is that brick red Nebraska is now offering mail in voting at all. Seems odd considering the three year campaign to eliminate it.
It has been all but eliminated in Europe. We follow them on nonsensical social issues we should on something that really counts like this. Massive organized fraud beat Trump and mail in ballots were a huge part of it. It is a real shame people have to cheat to win.
Does it? Or is it understanding that they can't change it without winning elections. Sitting on the sidelines screaming at the refs about the rules being bad doesn't win games.
Republicans lied about voting by mail resulting in ‘fraud’ in a failed effort to get voting by mail prohibited – with voting by mail banned, Democratic votes would decrease.

But voting by mail has not been banned and now Republicans are realizing that it’s Republican votes that will be lost, not Democratic.

Unwarranted Republican opposition to voting by mail is yet another example of the right’s efforts to disenfranchise Americans and the overall conservative war on democracy.

From the piece:

Turning Point Action, a prominent, pro-Trump group, is launching a $100 million campaign to reach infrequent voters in the swing states of Arizona, Michigan and Wisconsin. That will include offering mail voting as one way to make casting a ballot easier, spokesman Andrew Kolvet said.

It will be interesting to see if the two parties even out on this front. What is more interesting is that brick red Nebraska is now offering mail in voting at all. Seems odd considering the three year campaign to eliminate it.
Not to eliminate voting by mail, but to end the fraud that is in several states who do not control the voting system there. Edit: The system favoring just Democrats is what they want fixed. It should not favor either party.

From the piece:

Turning Point Action, a prominent, pro-Trump group, is launching a $100 million campaign to reach infrequent voters in the swing states of Arizona, Michigan and Wisconsin. That will include offering mail voting as one way to make casting a ballot easier, spokesman Andrew Kolvet said.

It will be interesting to see if the two parties even out on this front. What is more interesting is that brick red Nebraska is now offering mail in voting at all. Seems odd considering the three year campaign to eliminate it.
Yep. Got my new print cartridges yesterday.
Ah, the MAGAt echo of the original lie.
If only you knew anything about what you call a lie.

Let's see if you can answer a few simple questions about the 2020 election fraud.

Who are these people, and what are their connections to the
2020 election fraud issue ?

1. Alexandra Seely
2. Zachary Larsen
3. Jessy Jacob
4. Robert Cushman
5. Cheryl Constantino
5. Edward McCall Jr.
6. What is >>> Electronic Poll Book (QVF) ?
7. What state are these affiliated with ?
8. What are “AVCBs ?
Republicans lied about voting by mail resulting in ‘fraud’ in a failed effort to get voting by mail prohibited – with voting by mail banned, Democratic votes would decrease.

But voting by mail has not been banned and now Republicans are realizing that it’s Republican votes that will be lost, not Democratic.

Unwarranted Republican opposition to voting by mail is yet another example of the right’s efforts to disenfranchise Americans and the overall conservative war on democracy.
Let's see you answer the questions in Post # 48, since you want to claim that Republicans lied.

From the piece:

Turning Point Action, a prominent, pro-Trump group, is launching a $100 million campaign to reach infrequent voters in the swing states of Arizona, Michigan and Wisconsin. That will include offering mail voting as one way to make casting a ballot easier, spokesman Andrew Kolvet said.

It will be interesting to see if the two parties even out on this front. What is more interesting is that brick red Nebraska is now offering mail in voting at all. Seems odd considering the three year campaign to eliminate it.
I going to vote like a democrat and mail in PA, OH and a few other States, will repeat weekly
Not to eliminate voting by mail, but to end the fraud that is in several states who do not control the voting system there. Edit: The system favoring just Democrats is what they want fixed. It should not favor either party.
Hard to see how voting by mail favors either party unless Republicans are just too dumb to mail a letter.
Hard to see how voting by mail favors either party unless Republicans are just too dumb to mail a letter.
Suppose we had hundreds of thousands of Republicans going to homes to collect ballots. We made sure to only collect from Republicans. Would that be fine with you?
Republicans lied about voting by mail resulting in ‘fraud’ in a failed effort to get voting by mail prohibited – with voting by mail banned, Democratic votes would decrease.

But voting by mail has not been banned and now Republicans are realizing that it’s Republican votes that will be lost, not Democratic.

Unwarranted Republican opposition to voting by mail is yet another example of the right’s efforts to disenfranchise Americans and the overall conservative war on democracy.
I have said about voting for a long time that Democrats lies about voter suppression is a pack of lies. But now they suddenly change the tune to nope, can't get votes changed.
Suppose we had hundreds of thousands of Republicans going to homes to collect ballots. We made sure to only collect from Republicans. Would that be fine with you?
Sure...hundreds of thousands or republicans would be arrested for voter fraud.

Go for it.

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