The shocking truth about 20,000 mail-in ballots in Fulton County, GA

What a crock of bullshit from these leftards.

All you need to get registered in Georgia is a utility bill.

All the asinine leftards had to do was prove the vote was fair. They couldn't do it. They can't EVER do it. It's impossible to audit the vote.

All the asswipe leftards can do is keep ASSERTING the vote was fair, and offense intended, given the leftard record of LYING THROUGH THEIR TEETH no one's going to believe a fucking word they say, now or ever.

So all they have to back up their bullshit, is lawfare.

Leftards are miserable cretins, this stuff is going to come back to bite em in the ass and I won't lift a finger to help them when the time comes.
Wow, you say you’re an expert in every thing...why don’t you try to do something about it?
Yes. How about getting over your constant blabbering about Trump. Are you incapable of discussing the defects of no-excuse mail-in ballots?
Well, okay...

About 10 states do nothing but mail in voting--every registered voter gets a ballot--and have for several election cycles.

None of the losers in those states have whined about voter fraud. None of the talking head on FOX news complained about it before 2020. And yes, nobody on this board complained about it until 2020.

How about you address the fact that before 2020, everyone was fine with it.

Must be because of the lack of any proof of massive voter fraud, right?
How sweet of you to switch the subject of a difference between "Witness verification" and "Signature verification" when counting mail-in ballots.

Are you acknowledging there is no process in place to verify if a mailed-in ballot was actually filled out, and the choices made thereon, were by a qualified voter who allegedly was issued the ballot?

That gullible sap is dumb as a 100lb burlap bag filled with 8-32 hex nuts. Hopelessly lost. Don't waste any time on most of those posting above. A sign you are correct in your Post is how quick they all rush in to derail the thread or to say simply..."is not" w/o any substance.
I think they are paid provocateurs. No one can be that stupid!
You’re the one here still crying fraud like the village idiot over an election you conclusively lost three years ago. Who are you to call someone else stupid?

You’re in a cult.
You’re the one here still crying fraud like the village idiot over an election you conclusively lost three years ago. Who are you to call someone else stupid?

You’re in a cult.
I've known him for going on 20 years....He's far more objective and intellectually honest than you could ever fantasize being.

But hey, you got an opportunity to say....

I guess your above post explains the absurdity of most of your posts on this subject.

Currently, there are only 12 states that make an attempt, and I emphasize “attempt”, to verify a voter of a mailed-in ballot is the qualified voter of that ballot, and actually filled out that ballot and made the choices thereon. Georgia is not on that list.
Your list must be OLD?
I certainly hope you realize that legislatures from since that time in the 1930s, the last 80 years, have put in the measures and checks to make absentee voting, safe and secure...
On-request absentee voting isn't mass junk mail voting, and you know it.

You never used to be this intellectually dishonest.
On-request absentee voting isn't mass junk mail voting, and you know it.

You never used to be this intellectually dishonest.
I don't agree with mass junk mail voting.

AND mass junk mailing DID NOT happen in the 2020 election for these contested by Trump states...not in Arizona, not done in Georgia, nor in Michigan, nor in Pennsylvania or Wisconsin.

During election night, November 4, 2020, CNN reported Georgia's Fulton County still has 20,000 mail-in ballots left to count:

The shocking truth is, not one of these 20,000 mailed in ballots which had been introduced into the system, was scrutinized when counted, to verify if these ballots were actually filled out, and the choices made thereon, were by the qualified voter who allegedly was issued each ballot. There is no process in Fulton County, or Georgia for that matter, to confirm who actually makes the choices on a mailed-in ballot.

Currently, there are only 12 states that make an attempt, and I emphasize “attempt”, to verify a voter of a mailed-in ballot is the qualified voter of that ballot, and actually filled out that ballot and made the choices thereon. Those States are, Alabama, Alaska, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, North Carolina, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Virginia, and Wisconsin. Georgia is not on that list.

Now see: Georgia voting irregularities: The curious case of Biden’s 20,000-vote surge...

From the above information is appears to be an undeniable fact that mail-in ballots are not as secured from vote stealing, and especially not from government perpetrated election fraud, as are ballots which are cast in person with proper identification requirements.

Any State Election Officer having access to various in-state data bases containing personal catalogued information on state residents i.e., driver’s license, voter rolls, tax returns, etc., can easily create a few thousand fraudulent mail-in ballots, per urban voting district using that information, with a slim to no chance of these ballots ever being detected when counted. And in many cases a few thousand votes swings a Congressional seat election. Keep in mind, in considering the above, it’s as easy as pie for government perpetrated election fraud when a state turns to no-excuse mail-in voting!

So, the question is, while many other countries are banning mail-in voting [SOURCE], and there is an obvious and glaring inability to verify the legitimacy of each mailed-in ballot, why is universal no-excuse mail-in voting suddenly the crave of the United States and being promoted by a number of suspicious political groups? And why is it that the allowance for no-excuse mail in voting is suddenly being forced upon the people of a number of Democrat controlled states [New York, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts] without the peoples’ approval and consent via a constitutional amendment authorizing no-excuse mail-in voting?

There certainly appears to be something very suspicious afoot with America’s election process, and if it is not sorted out before the 2024 election, no-excuse mail-in voting may very well usher in, in the United States, the kinds of elections found in Russia, China and Cuba, where there is one party authoritarian rule.


The troubling truth about allowing no-excuse mail-in voting in one state is, when acts of corruption infect an electoral process in one jurisdiction “they transcend mere local concern and extend a contaminating influence into the national domain.” Justice DOUGLAS in United States v. Classic (1941)”.

Did you happen to notice the dateline on your link?

Total lie...It happened in GA, PA, & MI, at least.
Nope! It did NOT happen in the 2020 Nov. Presidential election. Anyone telling you it did, is wrong.

I think y'all are confusing the 2020 primary elections, which I believe did mass mail ballots in many States....

It could be you are confusing the mass mailing of a ballot Request from....which is NOT a mass mailing of an actual Ballot that could be used to vote.

Actual ballots were NEVER MASS MAILED in those states Oddball... A REQUEST for a ballot was needed.
An addition to the above is that in some states, there is a list that citizens who make a request to have an absentee ballot for every election that year, be mailed to them....

The individual registered voter makes the request for an absentee ballot for ALL of the elections occurring that year.
You’re the one here still crying fraud like the village idiot over an election you conclusively lost three years ago. Who are you to call someone else stupid?

You’re in a cult.

Does making up crap make you feel good? Your charge is absurd and made-up crap. What I have done in the thread is point out the vulnerability of mail-in ballots to vote stealing and government perpetrated election fraud. Instead of responding to what I have actually wrote, you have made a false claim about my actions regarding the 2020 election.
Your list must be OLD?

It's as of 2022. To me that is current.

Currently, there are only 12 states that make an attempt, and I emphasize “attempt”, to verify a voter of a mailed-in ballot is the qualified voter of that ballot, and actually filled out that ballot and made the choices thereon. Those States are, Alabama, Alaska, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, North Carolina, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Virginia, and Wisconsin. Georgia is not on that list. See Witness/notary requirements, 2022

A witness requirement is a rule requiring a voter to have another individual witness the voter filling out his or her ballot and attesting that the person filling out the ballot is the voter to whom the ballot is addressed. States with witness requirements may require that the witness be a notary. Others allow any adult citizen to act as a witness for this purpose. The map below highlights states with witness requirements. States shaded in red are Republican trifectas. States shaded in blue are Democratic trifectas. States shaded in dark gray have divided governments. The remaining states do not witness requirements.
It's as of 2022. To me that is current.

Currently, there are only 12 states that make an attempt, and I emphasize “attempt”, to verify a voter of a mailed-in ballot is the qualified voter of that ballot, and actually filled out that ballot and made the choices thereon. Those States are, Alabama, Alaska, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, North Carolina, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Virginia, and Wisconsin. Georgia is not on that list. See Witness/notary requirements, 2022
You do not need a notary to secure ballots. Nor a witness. THAT is disenfranchisement of the citizens vote. Making it too difficult for the disabled, and elderly to vote.

The whole purpose is to allow them to vote from their homes. To have to leave and find and pay for a notary, is absurd and shameful, for those states to require....imo.

Georgia requires an ID number from your drivers licence now, and other state ID numbers to be written in on the ballot.... a thief would not have that information, only the registered voter would.
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