Trump Encourages Mail In Voting

i know more about the Post Office and its goings on then you will ever know chump.....
I don't claim to know much of anything about the US PostOffice. But I did know about the yellow stars being stuck on mailboxes designating a VietCong flag. You didn't.

I spoke from knowledge. You pretended to do that, and made a fool out of yourself. And the more you keep this subject going, the less credibility you're going to have in this forum. I'm ok with just forgetting about it. Your choice.

From the piece:

Turning Point Action, a prominent, pro-Trump group, is launching a $100 million campaign to reach infrequent voters in the swing states of Arizona, Michigan and Wisconsin. That will include offering mail voting as one way to make casting a ballot easier, spokesman Andrew Kolvet said.

It will be interesting to see if the two parties even out on this front. What is more interesting is that brick red Nebraska is now offering mail in voting at all. Seems odd considering the three year campaign to eliminate it.
They've pretty clearly admitted they were lying their collective ass off about mail in voting, but nobody seems to have noticed that.
USMB has no functional way to keep 12 year olds out of the forum. Talking about Dadoalex, a mod told me that himself. So I guess we just have to tolerate this nonsense, but it's best to pay no attention. -Starting right now. (Ignore)
Lol, somebody got triggered.
Certainly if millions of illegals were voting, all of whom must have used a name to vote, that these names can be uncovered during an audit...and subsequently with all the audits the party of Trump conducted they must have been able to match these names somewhere...somehow.

Agreed. I work in a Republican part of the state, because of agriculture. These farmers have Trump signs on the interstate side of their crop circles and housing for illegal workers on the backside.

They overstay VISAs, get employed all across America...illegally, and abuse amnesty laws.

Illegals can not register to vote. Some states have an automatic registration process but if there is no proof of citizenship then it doesn't happen.

If it did happen then they would have a name. This name could be verified with a simple audit.

What are those names?
1. The names (many fake) are with the Sect of States of each state. I mentioned that already with respect to Texas, are you paying attention ? But we're not talking about illegal aliens voting. That is not a question. We all KNOW they do, and have been for 70 years. So there's no reason to talk about IF illegals vote, the only subject they is relevant is how to stop them, and one way would be to require PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP which no state does. Are you cool with us doing that ?

2. I don't need coaching about illegal aliens. I've been talking to them (in Spanish of course) for 70 years. if you want to know about illegal aliens, talk to them. That's how you find out.

3. FALSE! No state requires proof of citizenship. NONE.

4. Illegal aliens register to vote all the time. There is nothing to stop them. The law says they cant, but OH well, we all know how scrupulously law abiding illegl aliens are, right ? :rolleyes:

5. I don't know why you keep yammering about names. They don't make any difference at all. Probably most names they give are phony anyway.
1. The names (many fake) are with the Sect of States of each state. I mentioned that already with respect to Texas, are you paying attention ? But we're not talking about illegal aliens voting. That is not a question. We all KNOW they do, and have been for 70 years. So there's no reason to talk about IF illegals vote, the only subject they is relevant is how to stop them, and one way would be to require PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP which no state does. Are you cool with us doing that ?

You got a link to that? It should be publicly available. I'm surprised the state of Texas isn't ramming these names down our throats actually.

Are they keeping the names secret? Why?

If you haven't seen the names how do you know the votes were from illegals? All the signatures should be available.

I used to support a slowly implemented and free voter ID type system but not anymore. That ship has sailed.

If we had voter ID and Trump or someone like him lost they would simply claim fake IDs... probably say they were flown in in pallets from China. The next day this board would be full of their right wing supporters making the same claims.

I mean really, if a group of voters will believe in space lasers, Italian servers and bamboo ballots, they will believe anything.

2. I don't need coaching about illegal aliens. I've been talking to them (in Spanish of course) for 70 years. if you want to know about illegal aliens, talk to them. That's how you find out.

Well did they tell you that farmers, construction sites and food processing plants hire them with little consequences all the time?

3. FALSE! No state requires proof of citizenship. NONE.

Some do but most don't. That's correct.

Regardless, they have to provide a name when they vote. An audit would easily uncover all these millions of fake names. Right?

4. Illegal aliens register to vote all the time. There is nothing to stop them. The law says they cant, but OH well, we all know how scrupulously law abiding illegl aliens are, right ? :rolleyes:

Which ones? I still have no names, just a strangers word on a debate forum.

Tell them republican counties to check their rolls and find those fake names. Let's see them.

5. I don't know why you keep yammering about names. They don't make any difference at all. Probably most names they give are phony anyway.
Because we can't know their was fraud by millions of illegals voting without names.

If the names are phoney then it should be even easier to verify they fraudulently voted.

Why do you simply believe?
I don't claim to know much of anything about the US PostOffice. But I did know about the yellow stars being stuck on mailboxes designating a VietCong flag. You didn't.

I spoke from knowledge. You pretended to do that, and made a fool out of yourself. And the more you keep this subject going, the less credibility you're going to have in this forum. I'm ok with just forgetting about it. Your choice.
thats because no one gave a shit in the PO why they were painted blue......when i started we did not have to take a class about the history of the fucking mail box......sorry to disappoint you but who gives a fuck?....
Duh! So of course they're going to vote for Biden, and in big numbers.
And you continue to be brainwashed by thinking an illegal can waltz across the border and immediately VOTE.
How much stupid do you own?
i bet every "magat" has a mail box....
And i'll bet as we get closer to election day


That's right.
MAGATS are so stupid they'll be intimidating their own mailboxes!
And you continue to be brainwashed by thinking an illegal can waltz across the border and immediately VOTE.
How much stupid do you own?
You think they don't vote ? . I guess you think Biden has let millions of them in here because he likes their looks, huh ? Liberals are astonishing.
You're a brainwashed. dumbass.

Vote ? They not only do that, they also vote from inside Mexico. Last time I was there, a guy has a whole stack of US voting ballots on his kitchen table. You are clueless.

Right now it looks like even with the 5 -10 million illegal alien vote, Biden still is going to lose, if he doesn't conjure up a new steal.
Some do but most don't. That's correct.
No, that is NOT correct. As I said, not one of the 50 states requires PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP for voting. Some people have to be told twice.



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If we had voter ID and Trump or someone like him lost they would simply claim fake IDs... probably say they were flown in in pallets from China. The next day this board would be full of their right wing supporters making the same claims.
"would" this...."would" that....Wish I had a dollar for every "would" somebody said, and it never happened. :rolleyes:
Well did they tell you that farmers, construction sites and food processing plants hire them with little consequences all the time?
Courts gave up on prosecuting employers of illegals, DECADES AGO. The word "knowingly" in IRCA was the barrier. Couldn't get past it. After 95% of acquittals, they stopped taking the cases.
You got a link to that? It should be publicly available. I'm surprised the state of Texas isn't ramming these names down our throats actually.

Are they keeping the names secret? Why?

If you haven't seen the names how do you know the votes were from illegals? All the signatures should be available.

I used to support a slowly implemented and free voter ID type system but not anymore. That ship has sailed.

If we had voter ID and Trump or someone like him lost they would simply claim fake IDs... probably say they were flown in in pallets from China. The next day this board would be full of their right wing supporters making the same claims.

I mean really, if a group of voters will believe in space lasers, Italian servers and bamboo ballots, they will believe anything.

Well did they tell you that farmers, construction sites and food processing plants hire them with little consequences all the time?

Some do but most don't. That's correct.

Regardless, they have to provide a name when they vote. An audit would easily uncover all these millions of fake names. Right?

Tell them republican counties to check their rolls and find those fake names. Let's see them.
How are you going to distinguish between fake and real ? or distinguish between legal & illegal ?

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