Breaking! Robert Mueller's Deputy Prosecutor Andrew Weissmann Suggests Biden Is Engaged In A Coverup

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
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When Mueller's Russia Probe Deep Prosecutor Andrew Weissmann starts sewing doubt and asking questions, the writing is pretty much on the wall, Biden is done.

If Biden was kept out of the loop, then his lawyers / aides / handlers engaged in the cover-up. I would not doubt Drm.leafership urged this scandal be kept quiet until after the midterms.

'Was thete a cover-up' is one of the questions Hur MUST answer. He can not ignore it.

They are going to make him a patsy now! Unbelievable! Lee Harvey Oswald!
You know what I think. I hear people floating the conspiracy theory that dems planted these documents to get rid of him. I think there is a much more simple explanation. They want to get rid of him so now they arent protecting him anymore and actually just following the law. Had they started doing this a few years ago, we would have never been stuck with this bum in the first place. The moment he isnt protected, his mountain of corruption instantly comes crumbling down on top of him. They have been propping him up for years.

Breaking! Robert Mueller's Deputy Prosecutor Andrew Weissmann Suggests Biden Is Engaged In A Coverup​

You know what I think. I hear people floating the conspiracy theory that dems planted these documents to get rid of him. I think there is a much more simple explanation. They want to get rid of him so now they arent protecting him anymore and actually just following the law. Had they started doing this a few years ago, we would have never been stuck with this bum in the first place. The moment he isnt protected, his mountain of corruption instantly comes crumbling down on top of him. They have been propping him up for years.

I tend to agree with that!
As soon as Republicans get subpoena powers....

Interesting timing... isn't it.

As though they knew he was corrupt all the jig is up.
Let us believe in con-spiracy theories about JFK's assassination, Comrade. :heehee:
I have to tell you, my entire life i have ALWAYS believed the lone gunman theory. There was no way to convince me otherwise, until about a month ago. Are you aware that they were recently supposed to release ALL JFK files by law, but they instead gave a heavily redacted batch and said we have to wait another 60 years? Thats weird man. That is fucking weird.

It seems rather obvious now why that is. The CIA was involved, someone confessed back in the day, it was kept secret to hold the nation together, and it continues to be a secret because the CIA knows their reputation will take a MASSIVE hit. It will end the agency. Even now, this far removed from it, they are still committing the crime of perpetuating a coverup so they are caught between a rock and a hard place. Admit it and the agency goes away. What agent would want that?

This seems likely to me now.
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When Mueller's Russia Probe Prosecutor Andrew Weissmann starts sewing doubt and asking questions, the writing is pretty much on the wall, Biden is done.

And why are Biden's people allowed to see these documents while the DOJ argued Trump's people shouldn't see the ones he allegedly had?

And yeah, it is time for an FBI raid on several Biden homes.
I have to tell you, my entire life i have ALWAYS believed the lone gunman theory. There was no way to convince me otherwise, until about a month ago. Are you aware that they were recently supposed to release ALL JFK files by law, but they instead gave a heavily redacted batch and said we have to wait another 60 years. Thats weird man. That is fucking weird.

It seems rather obvious now why that is. The CIA was involved, someone confessed back in the day, it was kept secret to hold the nation together, and it continues to be a secret because the CIA knows their reputation will take a MASSIVE hit. It will end the agency. Even now, this far removed from it, they are still committing the crime of perpetuating a coverup so they are caught between a rock and a hard place. Admit it and the agency goes away. What agent would want that?

This seems likely to me now.
I totally agree with you.
And why are Biden's people allowed to see these documents while the DOJ argued Trump's people shouldn't see the ones he allegedly had?

And yeah, it is time for an FBI raid on several Biden homes.
It's all subterfuge. Biden's attorney Bob Bauer today admitted the attorneys who found the documents don't have security clearance to handle them, yet they continue to do so.
If Biden was kept out of the loop, then his lawyers / aides / handlers engaged in the cover-up. I would not doubt Drm.leafership urged this scandal be kept quiet until after the midterms.

'Was thete a cover-up' is one of the questions Hur MUST answer. He can not ignore it.

No doubt that Garland knew about this before the MAL raid and used the MAL raid for this purpose.

But unless someone is a Democrat we know the difference between the two situations, Trump had declassification power and Biden did not.
You know what I think. I hear people floating the conspiracy theory that dems planted these documents to get rid of him. I think there is a much more simple explanation. They want to get rid of him so now they arent protecting him anymore and actually just following the law. Had they started doing this a few years ago, we would have never been stuck with this bum in the first place. The moment he isnt protected, his mountain of corruption instantly comes crumbling down on top of him. They have been propping him up for years.
It's hard to believe they would want Kamala though. She will tank the Dem Party just as bad as Biden. They will have to take her out too, but they can't.
It's hard to believe they would want Kamala though. She will tank the Dem Party just as bad as Biden. They will have to take her out too, but they can't.
I think they are terrified that Biden will run in 2024 if they dont take him out now. They are doomed if Biden runs.
When Mueller's Russia Probe Prosecutor Andrew Weissmann starts sewing doubt and asking questions, the writing is pretty much on the wall, Biden is done.

Not real surprised it wasn't made public in Nov/Dec. Wasn't that startled, that 10 files were found, turned over and an investigation initiated, though no excuse for them to still be there in Nov, as most normal people would have had people searching specifically in past offices, storage or garages if that is where they had been at one time, to find and get back to the archives, way, way back upon being aware the National Archives were seeking documents back from Trump, especially as messy as it got, getting them back, with trump making a public effort to keep. But, I guess it was thoughts of the upcoming midterm, seemingly more important. Well, it wasn't. Now document found in two additional locations, and I am thinking rank stupidity and indeed hubris, similar Trump.

Short term politically adept, pre-midterm election is long term stupid of Team Biden, in my opinion. I am tired of clueless Fks in the White House thinking they are above complying with expected norms for the last 6 years, like clowns at a cheap circus.

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