BREAKING : U.S. House of Representatives has voted for Ukraine support bill with overwhelmingly majority. A huge day. Keep up your work!


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
US help is crucial. Thanks for the wise decision. 👍
Majority of Americans are decent and smart. Online grifters are not. Seems to me there should be more explicit emphasis that US/EU support for Ukraine is a national security issue, not a “foreign aid” issue. Hopefully the EU and Britain also go-ahead and give the frozen orc money to Ukraine ASAP. Terrible that UK has not spent all the 900 million they promised on arms for Ukraine.

This sin' getting the attention it deserves.

It's a major sign of tRump's dwindling influence with the party 16 months he kept it from happening at Putin's orders. 16 months his oopaloompas in congress obeyed his demands. Now suddenly its done.
This sin' getting the attention it deserves.

It's a major sign of tRump's dwindling influence with the party 16 months he kept it from happening at Putin's orders. 16 months his oopaloompas in congress obeyed his demands. Now suddenly its done.
Translation of Muscovite reactions to passage of aid package for Ukraine: "We're worried."

former Moscow tsar Dmitry 🇷🇺 🤡 🇷🇺 Medvedev comments on passed US military aid to Ukraine: “They want to continue the civil war of the separated people of our once united country (…) Considering their Russophobic decision I can't help but wish the USA with all sincerity to dive into a new civil war themselves as quickly as possible. "

I sincerely hope, for your sake, you're on Zelensky's payroll.


Dude: Get a fuckin LIFE.
one for sure, The far-left RADICALS and the MAGA GANG are two sides of the same coin 🇷🇺 .

The United States Senate has passed the $95 billion National Security Supplemental bill: 76-17 (Unofficial Tally)


Thanks, Litwin. I hope peace will prevail over wars that have dire consequences. Beloved sons and daughters frequently die fighting wars for leaders who wouldn't have them come into their homes. Wars don't merely improve the right to life or liberty or happiness but just the opposite.
Thanks, Litwin. I hope peace will prevail over wars that have dire consequences. Beloved sons and daughters frequently die fighting wars for leaders who wouldn't have them come into their homes. Wars don't merely improve the right to life or liberty or happiness but just the opposite.
unfortunately Mongol - Muscovites dont want peace, they want Jihad and world domination .

'In Heaven there is only one eternal God; on Earth there is only one lord, Muscovite khan



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