Brexit dividend - £ crashes and markets in turmoil

Why do you blame this on Brexit, instead of the fact that the UK has done nothing to develop their economy or get rid of risky schemes like the NHS?

After all, the Euro is sinking as well, compared to other currencies.
Go ask our Right-wing Conservative governments that we've been stuck with for decades about what they have done to develop our economy. Oh, the NHS has worked just fine for decades...until we started having Right-wing Conservative governments...

Compared to Stirling, the Euro is positively buoyant.
A wek after -
Crashing the pound
Raising interest rates
Seeing most mortgage products removed
Crippling the housing market#Spaffing £65bn supporting pensions.

Seeing pensions and investments crash.
Slahing house prices
Increasing the cost of govt borrowing.

Yes a week after this they have decidd that they have got it wrong.
ThickLizzy and Kami Kwasi have reversed their idea to cut the 45p tax rate for millionaires.

Its a farce. Just a political decision. The 45p rate was a political act and so is reinstating it. It does nothing to fix the gaping hole in their unfunded tax plans and makes it look that they dont know what they are doing.

Which they dont.
A wek after -
Crashing the pound
Raising interest rates
Seeing most mortgage products removed
Crippling the housing market#Spaffing £65bn supporting pensions.

Seeing pensions and investments crash.
Slahing house prices
Increasing the cost of govt borrowing.

Yes a week after this they have decidd that they have got it wrong.
ThickLizzy and Kami Kwasi have reversed their idea to cut the 45p tax rate for millionaires.

Its a farce. Just a political decision. The 45p rate was a political act and so is reinstating it. It does nothing to fix the gaping hole in their unfunded tax plans and makes it look that they dont know what they are doing.

Which they dont.

Yes it’s a mess, Truss and Kwasi aren’t up to the job.

But the alternative - the plank Starmer, is even more depressing to contemplate.
Yes it’s a mess, Truss and Kwasi aren’t up to the job.

But the alternative - the plank Starmer, is even more depressing to contemplate.
I'm not a fan myself, but after Cameron, May, Johnson, and Truss, Starmer would have to work really hard to do any worse.
If elected, he'll have the Herculean task of trying to repair the damage from decades of Conservative bungling, mismanagement, fraud and corruption that have all but destroyed the UK. Good luck to him.
Promoters of socialism don’t have a leg to stand on. At least that’s what taint always claims. Or is it?
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Promoters of socialism don’t have a leg to stand on. At least that’s what taint always claims. Or s it?
Well they put everything they had into getting rid of Corbyn and there has been a campaign of getting left wing sites banned and/or taking them off the front page to several pages back. Socialism is what Corporate power always goes against though it often pretends to be wanting to help the masses. However after WW2 the UK Government invested in the people's needs like never before. They were scared of Revolution. I was watching a very interesting discussion of modern fascism last night. They believe it is now perfectly possible for Democracy to be fascist.
Well they put everything they had into getting rid of Corbyn and there has been a campaign of getting left wing sites banned and/or taking them off the front page to several pages back. Socialism is what Corporate power always goes against though it often pretends to be wanting to help the masses. However after WW2 the UK Government invested in the people's needs like never before. They were scared of Revolution. I was watching a very interesting discussion of modern fascism last night. They believe it is now perfectly possible for Democracy to be fascist.
Socialism is like Marxism, except much more watered down.
Socialism is like Marxism, except much more watered down.
We had social democracy from WW2 to Thatcherism. There was always some kind of vision that whoever was talking would be offering us. Parties were financed by their members and hence had to answer to their members. There was plenty of outside meetings. Beginning with Thatcher we lost all that. All politics was about was money. They have focus groups to try and find something they can sell to the public but it is a very minor thing. People began to see that they could not change things. That really their voice in politics counted for nothing. That there wasn't even anyone who was presenting what they wanted. They left the political parties. Our political parties then became like your own. The people in them owned by those who pay them and the belief is that Truss and her Chancellor are very much there. Apparently the Chancellor's old boss made quite a lot of money when the pound went down. My daughter told me the chancellor did as well but I don't know if that was her imagination.

For the future we would be best to have Democratic Socialism as I think it is the form of democracy which is most difficulty for capitalists to destroy as workers will own their own businesses, make decisions themselves and decide what to do with the money themselves.
We had social democracy from WW2 to Thatcherism. There was always some kind of vision that whoever was talking would be offering us. Parties were financed by their members and hence had to answer to their members. There was plenty of outside meetings. Beginning with Thatcher we lost all that. All politics was about was money. They have focus groups to try and find something they can sell to the public but it is a very minor thing. People began to see that they could not change things. That really their voice in politics counted for nothing. That there wasn't even anyone who was presenting what they wanted. They left the political parties. Our political parties then became like your own. The people in them owned by those who pay them and the belief is that Truss and her Chancellor are very much there. Apparently the Chancellor's old boss made quite a lot of money when the pound went down. My daughter told me the chancellor did as well but I don't know if that was her imagination.

For the future we would be best to have Democratic Socialism as I think it is the form of democracy which is most difficulty for capitalists to destroy as workers will own their own businesses, make decisions themselves and decide what to do with the money themselves.
You lived in a socialist hell. You should get down on your knees to thank God for granting your nation a blessing like Thatcher.
George Monboit 'Liz Truss is the Oligarch's prime Minister......... She is working for global capital against the interests of this nation'. Have a look. It's good.

Here Monboit has written an article in the Guardian trying to explain the mindset of neoliberals like Truss. The only thing which has any worth is money and they imagine that even if things disappear like agricultural land stops being suitable for agricultural use because of how it was used, they will find something else to take its place. The world belongs to them and they can do what they want. Given the crucial time we are with the climate needs, something which the Ukraine war itself is seriously damaging, Liz Truss with her views on the environment at this time is actually dangerous. Anyway good article.

Environmental destruction is part of Liz Truss’s plan | George Monbiot
You lived in a socialist hell.

We were a democracy with democratic rights in those days. Rights which people had fought for for a very long time often losing their lives while they were doing it. I think sometimes people forget the very short time we had democracy for.
We were a democracy with democratic rights in those days. Rights which people had fought for for a very long time often losing their lives while they were doing it. I think sometimes people forget the very short time we had democracy for.
I think you forget how melodramatic and unconvincing you are. Democracy is vastly overrated. Even in the republic known as the United States of America, we have some facets of democracy. But we were wise enough at our Constitutional convention to keep it in check and at bay.

Socialism however has little to do with a democracy.
Yes just 3 days after his shit budget the predictable outcome sees our Chancellor in less than bullish mood. Scurrying along the pavement like a frightened little tory rat.

Its hard to square this cowardly behaviour with the "taking back control" mantra that was rammed down our throats. Britain is bust and only the tory donors are making a living.

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I'm quite enjoying the parity between the Euro and dollar right now, especially since I'm heading over to Europe in less than two weeks.
The Brits are twits.

Serious suggestion: you clowns ought to seriously consider giving capitalism a chance.
Truss wants to move the UK Embassy to Jerusalem. She is without question our Trump.

You ever wonder why the majority of voters voted for Truss? I bet it is the same reasons Trump came to become President, yet no one on the left really wants to answer that question, which if they did, would won instead of losing.

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