Brexit dividend - Johnson sacrifices Northern Ireland to please brexit crazies in tory party,

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

As he is struggling to keep his job he needs to get more and more extreme in his policies to appease the crazies who sit behind him.

Another point which isnt raised in the article is that Northern \ireland is doing well under the protocol. They have access to the EU under the GFA and their exonomy is moving ahead of the brexit riddled britain.

That is obviously an embarresment for johnson and his fellow criminals. It must be stopped.
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This is fairly esoteric stuff. Not many readers are familiar with "the protocol" or what Johnson is planning to do.

From this side of the pond, we think of Ulster pretty much how Arabs think of Israel. Why does it even exist? Let the island be Ireland, period.
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As he is struggling to keep his job he needs to get more and more extreme in his policies to appease the crazies who sit behind him.

Another point which isnt raised in the article is that Northern \ireland is doing well under the protocol. They have access to the EU under the GFA and their exonomy is moving ahead of the brexit riddled britain.

That is obviously an embarresment for johnson and his fellow criminals. It must be stopped.

What I don't get about the anti-brexit doofuses is why they think that obeying the German and French overlords in the EU is such a tremendous idea?

Sort of made Britain's decisions to battle Hitler and Napoleon sort of a waste of manpower and money if the British should be bending a knew to them anyhow.
What I don't get about the anti-brexit doofuses is why they think that obeying the German and French overlords in the EU is such a tremendous idea?

Sort of made Britain's decisions to battle Hitler and Napoleon sort of a waste of manpower and money if the British should be bending a knew to them anyhow.
You have no understanding of this. How did Grmany and France dictate to us ?
This is fairly esoteric stuff. Not many readers are familiar with "the protocol" or what Johnson is planning to do.

From this side of the pond, we think of Ulster pretty much how Arabs think of Israel. Why does it even exist? Let the island be Ireland, period.
Its a relic of British mperialism.
Briefly -

Ireland has always been a catholic nation.

England imported a load of presbyterian scots to balance this out.

When the Republic got independence these protestants didnt want to be a part of it.

England then created Northern Ireland with a proddy majority to satisfy them.
They used their majority to discriminate against the catholic minority.

The IRA resumed its campaign in response to this.

Then 30 years of sectarian warfare which spread to th UK and Europe. and led to thousands of deaths.

This ended with the GFA which was a clever piece of negotiation.

It was a treaty between Britain and Eire which virtually squared the circle.
It meant that the people of Northern Ireland could be Irish or British and did away with borders between the two countries.

It was only possible because both countries were part of the EU so shared freedom of movement and so on.

Once the UK came out of the EU it meant that the GFA was overturned and there had to be a border between Ulste and the Republic.

This broke the GFA and was not welcomed by the catholics in the north, Their agreement was torn up without their consent.

So the governemnt decided to put the border in the Irish Sea as part of the protocol in the brexit treaty with the EU.

This prevented the border on the island and satisfied the catholics.

However it infuriated the protestants who see themselves as British and dont see why there should be a border between northern ireland and the UK.

It became more diffiult to trade between the UK and ireland and many companies gave up on it due to the excessive paperwork involved.

So now the government are going to rewrite the treaty with the EU unilaterallly.

They are going to rip up the border in the Irish Sea. This will please the protestants.

However it wont plese the EU who will impose a border on the Irish border.

This will piss off the catholics because, once again, the UK government is ripping up their treaty.

And there it sits. Both tribes in Northern Ireland have been shafted by the English government and in particular Johnson.

They had no business offering a vote on brexit until they had a solution to the Northern Ireland problem.

This is Johnsons mess and driven by his lies.
Thank YOU, Tommy! Now I (sort of) understand.

I wonder whether the Prods in Ulster (a majority of them) would prefer to remain in the EU with the Republic of Ireland, or partner with England and exit.
Thank YOU, Tommy! Now I (sort of) understand.

I wonder whether the Prods in Ulster (a majority of them) would prefer to remain in the EU with the Republic of Ireland, or partner with England and exit.
The proddys are no longer the majority. In the last election Sinn Fein was the largest party and a non sectarianan Alliance party came 3rd. The majority of people in Ulster now support the status quo.
There wont be a united Ireland tomorrow but there might be in our lifetime.

Today the english govt introduced a bill to overturn the treaty they negotiated 3 years ago. This is to plcate their friends in the DUP who now represent a miority in the North.

The Irish aassembly members have now written to Johnson to protest this.

They have a point. they are the democratically elected government of Northern Ireland and Johnsons bill goes against their wishes. he is treating ireland like a colony.

The belief is that he has no intention of following through on this but he wants to look tough in front of his own bonehed MPs.

The bottom line is that by placating the unionists he will infuriate the catholics.. It is totally his mess. The deal is the one that he campaigned on and won the 2019 election. All the issues were highlighted at the time. He didnt care, he just kicked the can down the road.
Its a relic of British mperialism.
Briefly -

Ireland has always been a catholic nation.

England imported a load of presbyterian scots to balance this out.

When the Republic got independence these protestants didnt want to be a part of it.

England then created Northern Ireland with a proddy majority to satisfy them.
They used their majority to discriminate against the catholic minority.

The IRA resumed its campaign in response to this.

Then 30 years of sectarian warfare which spread to th UK and Europe. and led to thousands of deaths.

This ended with the GFA which was a clever piece of negotiation.

It was a treaty between Britain and Eire which virtually squared the circle.
It meant that the people of Northern Ireland could be Irish or British and did away with borders between the two countries.

It was only possible because both countries were part of the EU so shared freedom of movement and so on.

Once the UK came out of the EU it meant that the GFA was overturned and there had to be a border between Ulste and the Republic.

This broke the GFA and was not welcomed by the catholics in the north, Their agreement was torn up without their consent.

So the governemnt decided to put the border in the Irish Sea as part of the protocol in the brexit treaty with the EU.

This prevented the border on the island and satisfied the catholics.

However it infuriated the protestants who see themselves as British and dont see why there should be a border between northern ireland and the UK.

It became more diffiult to trade between the UK and ireland and many companies gave up on it due to the excessive paperwork involved.

So now the government are going to rewrite the treaty with the EU unilaterallly.

They are going to rip up the border in the Irish Sea. This will please the protestants.

However it wont plese the EU who will impose a border on the Irish border.

This will piss off the catholics because, once again, the UK government is ripping up their treaty.

And there it sits. Both tribes in Northern Ireland have been shafted by the English government and in particular Johnson.

They had no business offering a vote on brexit until they had a solution to the Northern Ireland problem.

This is Johnsons mess and driven by his lies.
Very well put. Just one bit with respect to the bolded bit. I think it is worth putting in how hard the Catholics worked to achieve this in a peaceful manner. Civil Right Marches which were met with Protestant violence, Being the target of the police and in general having one hell of a time so bad that when the UK sent the army in they thought the army had come in to protect them and welcomed them as heroes. Sadly they soon found out that this was not the case. The army was against them as well. I'm not sure I know of anywhere where people have had a valid claim and had tried so hard peacefully to get it resolved. Peaceful methods which were always met with violence. If ever anyone could be forgiven for starting a guerrilla war it is the people of Northern Ireland. Of course by the time the issues were sorted everyone was so well pissed off with what had happened that it went on much longer than need be.
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Very well put. Just one bit with respect to the bolded bit. I think it is worth putting in how hard the Catholics worked to achieve this in a peaceful manner. Civil Right Marches which were met with Protestant violence, Being the target of the police and in general having one hell of a time so bad that when the UK sent the army in they thought the army had come in to protect them and welcomed them as heroes. Sadly they soon found out that this was not the case. The army was against them as well. I'm not sure I know of anywhere where people have had a valid claim and had tried so hard peacefully to get it resolved. Peaceful methods which were always met with violence. If ever anyone could be forgiven for starting a guerrilla war it is the people of Northern Ireland. Of course by the time the issues were sorted everyone was so well pissed off with what had happened that it went on much longer than need be.
Absolutely. Johnson would have fitted in to the 60s approach to Ulster.. This is his mess. I see the FT is reporting that the EU is taking legal action on this.

As he is struggling to keep his job he needs to get more and more extreme in his policies to appease the crazies who sit behind him.

Another point which isnt raised in the article is that Northern \ireland is doing well under the protocol. They have access to the EU under the GFA and their exonomy is moving ahead of the brexit riddled britain.

That is obviously an embarresment for johnson and his fellow criminals. It must be stopped.
This is the madness of conservativism; it’s one of countless failed policies propagated by the reckless, irresponsible right.
What would you do?
Well I would not have offered brexit until this had been resolved. Then we wouldnt be in this wretched position.
Today I would suggest negotiating with the EU rather than grandstanding with this nonsense..
I would also call all the parties together to discuss this. They are only talking to the DUP when the majority of people are happy with the status quo.
The govt have no mandate to do this.
Ultimately I would seek closer alignment with the EU and recognise the huge damage that brexit has done.
Well I would not have offered brexit until this had been resolved. Then we wouldnt be in this wretched position.
Today I would suggest negotiating with the EU rather than grandstanding with this nonsense..
I would also call all the parties together to discuss this. They are only talking to the DUP when the majority of people are happy with the status quo.
The govt have no mandate to do this.
Ultimately I would seek closer alignment with the EU and recognise the huge damage that brexit has done.
People wanted out of the EU before any meetings.

Then what would you do when the EU won't budge? Anyone thinking they can negotiate with the EU doesn't understand that dictatorship.
People wanted out of the EU before any meetings.

Then what would you do when the EU won't budge? Anyone thinking they can negotiate with the EU doesn't understand that dictatorship.
Johnson must be furious with the clown who took us out on these terms.
Seeriously though. How does the EU protect its markets from shitty british product ?
Johnson must be furious with the clown who took us out on these terms.
Seeriously though. How does the EU protect its markets from shitty british product ?
Brexit should have been leave the EU with trade tariffs. Say a flat 25%. Any future trade issues can be negotiated to lower tariffs, but will never include free movement of people etc..

As for Ireland, the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland is open. If the EU don't like it, they would need to put in place a hard border at their cost and fury to the nut jobs in Northern Ireland.

As for British products, they were and are far superior than the junk from China. You might think German products are good, go and work in construction, they're no better than anyone else's. What the UK doesn't need, are Brits who dislike Britain. May I suggest you do the country a favour and emigrate.
Brexit should have been leave the EU with trade tariffs. Say a flat 25%. Any future trade issues can be negotiated to lower tariffs, but will never include free movement of people etc..

As for Ireland, the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland is open. If the EU don't like it, they would need to put in place a hard border at their cost and fury to the nut jobs in Northern Ireland.

As for British products, they were and are far superior than the junk from China. You might think German products are good, go and work in construction, they're no better than anyone else's. What the UK doesn't need, are Brits who dislike Britain. May I suggest you do the country a favour and emigrate.
You completelly miss the point. Today I would imagine most of our goods are compliant. but as we diverge from European standards we will see a seterioration in quality. Beef pumped with steroids ,tomatoes made from fish and so on.
The EU must protect ts market from this crap.They will put up a border and that destroys the GFA.
We all know what is likely to ensue after that.
Now Johnsons current antics have no basis in common sense. He is swaggering around tryimg to pick a fight with everybody.
It will all end badly. Do you think that Sinn Fein will roll over and accept a settlement enforced by the DUP ? Particularly when they now have the majority in the province.
Johnson created this mess. It is his deal and it is shit.
You completelly miss the point. Today I would imagine most of our goods are compliant. but as we diverge from European standards we will see a seterioration in quality. Beef pumped with steroids ,tomatoes made from fish and so on.
The EU must protect ts market from this crap.They will put up a border and that destroys the GFA.
We all know what is likely to ensue after that.
Now Johnsons current antics have no basis in common sense. He is swaggering around tryimg to pick a fight with everybody.
It will all end badly. Do you think that Sinn Fein will roll over and accept a settlement enforced by the DUP ? Particularly when they now have the majority in the province.
Johnson created this mess. It is his deal and it is shit.
Quite the opposite, our standards will increase above the EU's by reducing red tape.

With the different factions in NI, you're expecting a Utopian result.

Johnson created no mess, the original deal with the EU that you're happy with, is the mess.
Quite the opposite, our standards will increase above the EU's by reducing red tape.

With the different factions in NI, you're expecting a Utopian result.

Johnson created no mess, the original deal with the EU that you're happy with, is the mess.
Lol. Spoken like a true brexiteer. Johnson is reintroducing violence into the north because of his deal.
He said it was oven ready but it was half baked and only accepted by imbeciles.
Now he wants to pull out of the ECHR despite it being a cornerstone of the GFA.. Yesterday he posed as a defender of the GFA but this is all theatre to deflect from his own ebbing authority.
Onwards to Wakefield and Tiverton.

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